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小说: 40天攻克大学英语四级 字数: 每页3500字

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      1) 如何解决大学校园里的浪费现象    
      2) 如何解决人口问题(Problems of Population)    
      3) 谈论一下举办奥运会的好处    
      3。 举例说明法:    
      例如:Practice Makes Perfect(1997。 1)中就要求大家以英语学习为例说明。    
      As we all know; practice makes perfect。 This is an acomumulated experience we inherit from our forefathers; and now it is still widely applied in our daily lives。 It proves that the more we practice; the more likely we are going to do things perfectly。    
      A good case in point is the study of English。 Take my neighbor; Xiao Wang; as an example。 He seldom spends time learning English。 As a result; his English is very poor and he has begun to hate English now。 On the contrary; I’m very interested in learning English and I spend more than five hours each day on English。 So the natural consequence is that I have a good mastery of the language and my interest in it has grown more intense。    
      A lesson that we can draw from the above example is obvious。 Practice is crucial to our sucomess not only in study; but also in our future work。 All in all; practice will make a difference between sucomess and failure。 (168 words)    
      For example;    
      For instance;    
      It can be given as a concrete example that…    
      Take… as an example。 It is a very obvious case。    
      There is one impressive example I want to mention here。    
      Let’s see an example。    
      It is best illustrated using the following example。    
      Let me provide an example。    
      Perhaps the most important example of …is that…    
      As I remember;/ Even to this day; I still remember that…    
      I will never forget…    
      To illustrate this; there is an example that is very persuasive。    
      An instance that acomompanies this reason is that…    
      An example can give the details of this argument; …    
      It is a forceful example to demonstrate the importance of…    
      History presented many examples of…    
      In order to see this point clearly; let us see an example。    
      1) Where there is a will; there is a way    
      2) Money is not all…powerful    
      3) the Influence of the Internet    


      Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)    
      Section A    
      Directions: In this section; you will hear 10 short conversations。 At the end of each conversation; a question will be asked about what was said。 Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once。 After each question there will be a pause。 During the pause; you must read the four choices marked A); B); C) and D); and decide which is the best answer。 Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center。    
      Example: You will hear:    
      You will read: A) At the office。 B) In the waiting room。    
      C) At the airport。 D) In a restaurant。    
      From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening。 This conversation is most likely to have taken place at the office。 Therefore; A) “At the office” is the best answer。 You should choose 'A' on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center。    
      Sample Answer 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'    
      1。 A) go to a Chinese restaurant B) go to a western restaurant    
       C) go to a pub for a change D) go to a food shop    
      2。 A) She likes math very much。    
       B) She does not like math at all。    
       C) She wants to make the math interesting。    
       D) She likes math and thought it was interesting。    
      3。 A) He wants to wash the dishes。 B) He doesn’t want to wash the dishes。    
       C) He will help them wash the dishes。 D) He will do anything for the woman。    
      4。 A) She disagrees with the man。    
       B) She agrees with the man。    
       C) She thinks it is not the time we should turn our attention to the danger of drunk driving。    
       D) She only agrees with the man at one point。    
      5。 A) His partner B) His teacher     
       C) His sister D) His boss    
      6。 A) At a cigarette store。 B) At a bus station。    
       C) At a gas station。 D) At her parents’    
      7。 A) Fifteen。 B) Twenty…nine。    
       C) Sixteen。 D) Sixty。    
      8。 A) Do her housework。 B) Clean the backyard。    
       C) Wash clothes。 D) Enjoy the beautiful day。    
      9。 A) Wife and husband B) Teacher and student    
       C) Mum and son D) Neighbors    
      10。 A) The unsmiling faces B) The weather    
       C) The Londoners D) The color    
      Section B Compound Dictation    
      注意:听力理解的B节(Section B)为复合式听写(Compound Dictation),题目印刷在试卷二上,现在请取出试卷二。    
      Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)    
      Directions: There are 4 passages in this part。 Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements。 For each of them there are four choices marked A); B); C) and D)。 You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center。    
      Passage One    
      Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage。    
      The most fashionable trend in college sports celebrations today is as innocent as a letterman’s sweater; as old…fashioned as school pride; and reserved only for people who can wear the name of their school across their chest。    
      It can be spotted after any surprising victory; when the most jubilant player grabs the front of his jersey with both hands and displays it to the crowd; framing the college name as if in an advertisement for the school。    
      Popping the jersey; as it has become known; is becoming more and more common。 When Donald Brown helped his team win an unlikely victory; he raised his jersey high enough to cover his chin。 When Niagara won a major tournament this season; two players popped for the photograph。    
      “Our team doesn’t have names on the back of our jerseys;” Brown said。 “So we play for the name on the front。 You have to understand; college basketball is not like the N。B。A。; where a team chooses you and then you have to play for them。 Here; you choose where you want to go; and you go there for a good reason。”    
      “This is one thing I’ve never seen in the N。B。A。; and I don’t think I ever will;” Erroll Knight said。 “It is our way to represent where we’re from and tell people that we’re proud of it。”    
      Like most dance steps and slang words; no one really knows who started the latest thing。 One of the first documented acomounts of jersey…popping ocomurred in December 2000; when Earl Watson faced the student section and tugged at the front of his jersey after his team erased a 19…point deficit against their opponents。    
      “Basketball is an urban sport; a hip…hop sport; and what you’re seeing right now comes from that;” Knight said。 “If a guy is wearing a really nice shirt on the street and he wants to show it off to everyone; he’ll do what’s called popping his collar — he’ll sort of flick his collar to demonstrate the value it has。 What guys are doing now with their jerseys is the same thing; only they have taken it to another level。”    
      11。 Acomording to the passage; we can tell that Erroll Knight is a player for 。    
       A) socomer B) tennis C) basketball D) field hockey    
      12。 The trend in college sports celebrations today; as told in the text; is 。    
       A) innocent but sophisticated B) as fashionable as in the old days    
       C) beloved by everyone D) pure as well as old…fashioned    
      13。 Which of the following statement is true acomording to the author?    
       A) Popping the jersey is not in vogue any more。    
       B) The victory of Donald Brown’s team is out of expectation。    
       C) N。B。A and college basketball are much the same。    
       D) People pop their collars because they are dirty。    
      14。 The word “pop” (Para 3; L1)in this passage is closest in meaning to which of the following word/phrase?    
       A) spank B) flick C) popular D) show off    
      15。 The reason why college sports players pop the jerseys is because 。    
       A) their jerseys are exquisitely designed    
       B) it is a rule of their colleges    
       C) they are very proud of their sports team    
       D) it is a form of demonstration of the value being the representative 

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