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小说: 40天攻克大学英语四级 字数: 每页3500字

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    9。 One of my dreams is to travel around the world。    
    10。 I don’t like cats; but dogs。    
    A) A movie。  B) A lecture。   C) A play。 D) A speech。    
    A) A writer。  B) A teacher。   C) A reporter。 D) A student。    
    1。 【选C】原文重现  2000。6    
    M: I was terribly embarrassed when some of the audience got up and left in the middle of the performance。    
    W: Well; some people just can’t seem to appreciate real…life drama。    
    Q: What are they talking about?     
    2。 【选C】原文重现  1996。6    
    W: Good evening; Professor David。 My name is Susan Gray。 I’m with the local newspaper。 Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?    
    M: Not at all。 Go ahead; please。    
    Q: What is Susan Gray?    

unit 1 收得领地Day 11

      观点态度题 2004。1    
      M: I think you’d better find another partner。 I love table tennis; but I don’ think I’m improving。    
      W: Look; Paul; it’s still too early to quit。 Nobody expects you to be a superstar。 Just keep going and you’ll get the hang of it。    
      Q: What does the woman mean?    
      A) The man should not dream of being a superstar。    
      B) The man didn’t practice hard enough。    
      C) The man should find a new partner。    
      D) The man should not give up。    
      【解析】 通过四个选项可以断定这题是在考“the man”应该怎么样,所以应注意女方的建议极为重要。原文中女士指出“It’s still too early to quit”(现在放弃还早)和“Just keep going and you’ll get the hang of it”(应该继续努力,会成功的)和答案D相对应,所以选D,其他选项都与原文不符。    
      行为活动题 2003。6    
      M: I haven’t got my scores on the GRE test yet。 Do you think I should call to make inquiries?    
      W: There’s no hurry。 The test scores are released at least 8 weeks after the test。    
      Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?    
      A) Take the GRE test again in 8 weeks。    
      B) Call to check his scores。    
      C) Be Patient and wait。    
      D) Inquire when the test scores are released。    
      【解析】 女士在回答男士是否应该询问时,提到“there’s no hurry”表示不用着急的状态,然后解释考试分数至少在8周之后才会通知,C为相对应的选项(耐心等等)。    
      事实状况题 2003。1    
      M: You really seem to enjoy your literature class?    
      W: You’re right。 It has opened a new world for me。 I’m exposed to the thoughts of some of the world’s best writers。 I’ve never read so much in my life。    
      Q: What does the woman mean?    
      A) She’s learned a lot from the literature class。    
      B) She’s written some books about world classics。    
      C) She met some of the world’s best writers。    
      D) She’s just back from a trip round the world。    
      【解析】 选项中都提到“she”,很明显是考对话中woman的状况,应留意女士的对话。原文中男士提到女士看上去“enjoy your literature class”,女士在回答中“You’re right; It has opened a new world of me(进入全新的世界)、exposed to the thoughts of…(了解世界大师的思想)、never read so much(从来没读过这么多)”反应女士受益匪浅,所以选A。并没有提到B写书、C亲自见到大师、D周游世界,都应予以排除。    
      1。 A) Quit delivering flowers。 B) Work at a restaurnt。    
      C) Bring her flowers every day。 D) Leave his job to work for her。    
      2。 A) The woman is watching an exciting film with the man。    
      B) The woman can’t take a photo of the man。    
      C) The woman is running toward the lake。    
      D) The woman is filming the lake。    
      3。 A) She is sure who is going to win。    
      B) Now it is a good time to start the game。    
      C) The game has been going on for a long time。    
      D) The same team always wins。    
      4。 A) They are a bargain worth to buy。    
      B) They are of poor quality。    
      C) They can be purchased at a lower price somewhere else。    
      D) They are over priced。    
      5。 A) The professor’s presentation was not convincing enough。    
      B) The professor’s lecture notes were too complicated。    
      C) The professor spoke with a strong acoment。    
      D) The professor spoke too fast。    
      1。 【选D】原文重现    
      M: Washing dishes in the restaurant every day is really boring。    
      W: Why don’t you quit and deliver flowers for me?    
      Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?    
      2。 【选B】原文重现    
      M: Look! The view is fantastic; could you take a picture of me with the lake as a background?    
      W: I’m afraid I’ve just run out of film。    
      Q: What do we learn from the conversation?    
      3。 【选C】原文重现 1996。1    
      M: Let’s see if the basketball game has started yet。    
      W: Started? It must be clear who is winning by now。    
      Q: What does the woman mean?    
      4。 【选B】原文重现    
      M: Look at the wooden tables; don’t you think they are a good buy?    
      W: Quality is more important than price。 Let’s go somewhere else。    
      Q: What does the woman mean?    
      5。 【选D】原文重现    
      M: The presentation made by Professor Jackson was too complicated to understand。    
      W: Well; I think he didn’t speak slowly enough for us to take notes。    
      Q: What is the woman’s complaint?    

unit 1 收得领地Day 12 观点态度题

      观点态度题是指正确答案与原文中的观点态度一致,做这种题型除了理解对话中的大意之外,还需注意问题中问的是男士还是女士的观点,以免张冠李戴。这类题往往选项中会给出相关线索,如四个选项都出现“she”,可以推测此题是考有关女士的观点,所以在听原文中应注重Woman的阐述;如果四个选项都出现“she would”,则问题是男士建议女士怎么做,则应着重听男士的话;如四个选项都出现“his house”,可以推测此题是考对话双方对他的房子的看法,所以在听原文时应注重双方在对房子的观点上。    
      【例1】 2001。1    
      W: Professor White’s presentation seemed to go on forever。 I was barely able to stay awake。    
      M: How could you sleep through it? It’s one of the best I have ever heard on this topic。    
      Q: What does the man think of Professor White’s presentation?    
      A) He finds the presentation hard to follow。    
      B) He considers the presentation very dull。    
      C) He thinks Professor White has chosen an interesting topic。    
      D) He speaks highly of the presentation。    
      【解析】 四个选项都出现“he”,可以推断这题考的就是男士的观点,应对男士的话加以关注。    
      男士说到“It’s one of the best…”意为最好之一,与D选项高度评价相对应。A、B都是女士的观点,不要张冠李戴咯,C说讲得有趣,原文没有提到。    
      【例2】 2001。1    
      W: The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car。    
      M: So do I。 I can’t see any scratches on the outside and the inside is clean too。    
      Q: What does the man think of the woman’s car?    
      A) Her car can stand any crash。 B) Her car is not as good as his。    
      C) Her car is maintained as well as his。 D) Her car is kept in good condition。    
      【解析】 四个选项都出现“her car”,可以推测此题是在考对她的车有哪些看法,所以应注意相关车的信息。第一句话女士说修理场工作人员认为自己“I take good care of my car(车保养的很好)”,男士回答“so do I”,内外都很干净,所以D是男士的观点。    
      1。 A) Tony could not continue the experiment。    
      B) Tony finished the experiment last night。    
      C) Tony thought the experiment was well done。    
      D) Tony had expected the experiment to be easier。    
      2。 A) His injury kept him at home。    
      B) He didn’t think it necessary。    
      C) He was too weak to see the doctor。    
      D) He failed to make an appointment。    
      3。 A) He wishes to have more courses like it。    
      B) He finds it hard to follow the teacher。    
      C) He wishes the teacher would talk more。    
      D) He doesn’t like the teacher’s acoment。    
      4。 A) She does not agree with Jack。    
      B) Jack’s performance is disappointing。    
      C) Most people will find basketball boring。    
      D) She shares Jack’s opinion。    
      5。 A) He wants to get a new position。     
      B) He is asking the woman for help。    
      C) He has left the woman a good impression。     
      D) He enjoys letter writing。    
      6。 A) She is tired of driving in heavy traffic。    
      B) She doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good。    
      C) She is unhappy to have to drive such a long way every day。    
      D) She enjoys it because she’s good at driving。    

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