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小说: 40天攻克大学英语四级 字数: 每页3500字

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      auditorium礼堂 drop out退学 required course必修课    
      optional/elective course选修课 thesis论文    
      graduation毕业 deadline最后期限    
      undergraduate student大学肄业生 postgraduate student研究生    
      lecturer讲师 tutor家教 professor教授    
      term学期 tuition学费 group discussion集体讨论    
      seminar研讨会 mid…term exam中考 quiz小测试    
      final exam终考 freshman新生 sophomore大二学生    
      junior大三学生 senior大四学生    
      ⑩ telephone office电话亭    
      operator接线员 long distance call长途 dial a number拨号    
      leave a message留话 wrong number错号 ring sb。 up给某人打电话    
      the line is busy线路忙 yellow pages黄页 telephone directory电话号簿    
      hang up挂断 extension number分号    
      customs house海关    
      passport护照 visa签证 overweight超重    
      hardware store五金店    
      tool工具 nail钉子 steel ruler钢尺    
      wire电线 scissors剪刀 hammer铁锤    
      boss老板 secretary秘书 employee受雇者    
      employer雇主 applicant申请人 candidate候选人    
      vacation假期 interview面试 qualification资格    
      type a letter打字 send a fax发传真 arrange the file整理文件    
      computer电脑 printer打印机 copier复印机    
      resume简历 job experience工作经验    
      salary薪水 wage工资 income收入    
      judge法官 lawyer律师 jury陪审团    
      crime犯罪 guilty有罪 not guilty无罪    
      innocent清白的 acomuse控诉 sentence判决    
      ① Where does this conversation must probably/likely take place?    
      ② Where are the man and woman at the moment?    
      ③ Where are the two speakers?    
      ④ Where did it happen?    
      ⑤ Where is the man probably going to work?    
      【例1】 2001。1    
      M: Can you tell me the title of this oil painting?    
      W: Sorry; I don’t know for sure。 But I guess it’s an early 18th century work。 Let me look it up in the catalog。    
      Q: Where does their conversation most probably take place?    
      A) At a bookstore B) In a workshop    
      C) At an art gallery D) In a department store    
      【解析】 提前积累地点(bookstore、workshop、art gallery、department store)相关信息词汇。原文中出现的oil painting,18th century work与C选项中的art gallery(美术馆)词汇同现。所以选答案C。    
      【例2】 2002。1    
      W: You seem very confident about the job interview; don’t you?    
      M: Yes; I feel ready for it。 I bought a good suit in a clothing store。 I had my hair cut。 I have studied almost everything about finance and economics。    
      Q: Where is the man probably going to work?    
      A) In a bank B) In a school    
      C) In a clothing store D) In a barbershop    
      【解析】 播音前积累地点(bank、school、clothing store、barbershop)相关信息词汇。这题陷阱极多,我们来一一分解:had studied是过去完成时,仅表示面试前的知识准备,而非在学校工作;bought a good suit和had my hair cut也是面试前的过去动作,而不是将要去的地方;finance and economics是银行中的信息词,也是M学习的科目,故选A。    
      1。 A) At a newsstand。 B) At a car dealer’s。    
      C) At a publishing house。 D) At a newspaper office。    
      2。 A) At a theatre。 B) At a booking office。    
      C) At a railway station。 D) At a restaurant。    
      3。 A) On the street。 B) In a post office。    
      C) In a shopping mall。 D) In a department store。    
      4。 A) At a police…station。 B) In an elevator。    
      C) On a busy street。 D) At a disco。    
      5。 A) In a bank。 B) In a post office。    
      C) In a theatre。 D) At the airport。    
      6。 A) At a restaurant。 B) At home。    
      C) At a clothing Store。 D) At the laundry。    
      7。 A) In a museum。 B) In a zoo。    
      C) In a theatre。 D) In a jungle。    
      8。 A) In a hotel。 B) In the street。    
      C) At a dinning table。 D) At the man’s home。    
      9。 A) At home。 B) At the riverside。    
      C) At the health center。 D) At his office。    
      10。A) To the school。 B) To a friend’s house。    
      C) To the post office。 D) Home。    
      1。 【选D】原文重现 2002。6    
      M: Excuse me; I’d like to place an advertisement for a used car in the Sunday edition of your paper。    
      W: OK。 But you have to run your advertisement all week。 We can’t e the rates for just Sunday。    
      Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?    
      2。 【选D】原文重现    
      W: George; look at the long waiting line。 I’m glad you’ve made a reservation。    
      M: More and more people enjoy eating out now。 Besides; this place is especially popular with overseas students。    
      Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?    
      look at 看;瞧 look after 照看,照顾    
      look for 寻找 look on 旁观;观看;面向    
      3。 【选A】原文重现    
      M: Excuse me; is there any post…office near here?    
      W: Yes; see that big shopping mall? There is one on the second floor。    
      Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?    
      4。 【选D】原文重现    
      W: Do you come to this place often?    
      M: I used to。 But recently I’ve worked a lot of overtime; and I don’t have enough time to enjoy myself。    
      Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?    
      5。 【选B】原文重现    
      W: How long will it take to get there if I send it by ordinary mail?    
      M: It’ll take about 5 days。 Will you do that?    
      Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?    
      6。 【选C】原文重现    
      W: Well; How do you like it?    
      M: I prefer the white shirt; but I want a bigger one。    
      Q: Where is the man at the moment?    
      7。 【选B】原文重现    
      W: Look at the zebras running around on the rocks together。    
      M: Yes。 The environment seems to suit them very well。 Let’s go over and see the monkeys now。    
      Q: Where are the man and woman?    
      8。 【选A】原文重现    
      W: Dear; I feel hungry now。 How about you?    
      M: So do I。 Let me call Room Service。 Hello; Room Service? Please send a menu to 320 right away。    
      Q: Where are the two speakers?    
      send away 撵走;开除;解雇 send for 派人去叫(请)    
      send off 寄出;为……送行;解雇 send up 发射    
      9。 【选D】原文重现    
      M: Hello; this is John Hopkins at the Riverside Health Center。 I’d like to speak to Mr。 Jones。    
      W: I’m sorry; Mr。 Hopkins。 My husband isn’t at home。 But I can give you his office phone number。 He won’t be back until six o’clock。    
      Q: Where does Mrs。 Jones think her husband is now?    
      speak to 同……谈话,对……讲话    
      speak out 大声讲;清楚地说    
      speak up 大声说    
      speak for 代表……讲话;要求得到    
      10。 【选C】原文重现    
      M: Can you stay for dinner?    
      W: I’d love to。 But I have to go and send some registered mail before picking up the children from school。    
      Q: Where will the woman go first?    
      pick up 拾起,接人 pick off 摘下,摘掉    
      pick out 选出,拣出    

unit 1 收得领地Day 10 发音训练--辅音

    辅      音    
     音  标 例  词    
    爆破音 /p/ pen    
     /b/ beg    
     /t/ tea    
     /d/ desk    
     /k/ key    
     /g/ good    
    摩擦音 /s/ so    
     /z/ zero    
     /W/ three    
     /T/ then    
     /h/ house    
     /r/ red    
     /f/ foot    
     /v/ very    
     /F/ ship    
     /V/ measure    
     音  标 例  词    
    破擦音 /tF/ chair    
     /dV / joke    
     /tr/ tree    
     /dr/ dress    
     /ts/ hats    
     /dz/ hands    
    鼻音 /m / man    
     /n / nose    
     /N / sung    
    舌边音 /l/ love    
    半元音 /j / yes    
     /w/ wet    
    1。 Take it out and give it to the boss。    
    2。 My brother lives in the south of France。    
    3。 You still have a hope。    
    4。 Why did you choose this job?    
    5。 The milkman is losing his way。    
    6。 The girl has a rough road to go。    
    7。 I will pay for this television in cash。    
    8。 When did you visit London with your girl friend?    
    9。 One of my dreams is to travel around the world。    

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