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小说: 40天攻克大学英语四级 字数: 每页3500字

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      【单词变形】controversy(n。 争论)    
      3。 display: vt。& n。 陈列,展览,显示 On New Year’s Eve the display of fireworks offers many attractions。 除夕之夜的焰火很吸引人。    
      1。 With the help of the government; a large number of people after the flood in 1991。    
      A) survived B) suspended    
      C) suffered D) subjected    
      2。 The secretary the details of the secret meeting to some newspapers。    
      A) composed B) exposed C) imposed D) pose    
      3。 The of film has been given to the director。    
      A) description B) prescription C) subscription D) script    
      4。 The boy can recite the poet in order。    
      A) verse B) diverse C) reverse D) vertical    
      5。 Fresh air; and enough exercise to good health。    
      A) contribute B) add    
      C) attribute D) distribute    
      6。 Only important personages were to the opening ceremony。    
      A) permitted B) acomepted C) admitted D) allowed    
      7。 I want you to check this because it may have been based on insufficient information。    
      A) inference B) reference    
      C) preference D) conference    
      8。 The government the budget to the Parliament for approval。    
      A) took B) admitted    
      C) submitted D) permitted    
      9。 The audience was profoundly by the marvelous performance。    
      A) compressed B) depressed    
      C) impressed D) oppressed    
      10。 Deep freezing is now a common method of fruit and vegetables。    
      A) conserving B) deserving    
      C) preserving D) reserving    
      Take off my skin and I won’t cry; but you will; what am I?    

unit 1 同形异义词辨析(10天)Day 10

      1。 Don’t this news to the public until we give you the go…ahead    
      A) release B) relieve C) relate D) retain    
      2。 We are interested in the weather because it us so directly — what we wear; what we do; and even how we feel。    
      A) benefits B) affects C) guides D) effect    
      3。 They claim that they can the old building so that it may look like newly built。    
      A) review B) reform C) return D) renovate    
      4。 Many difficulties have as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel。    
      A) risen B) arisen C) raised D) arrived    
      5。 Before moving to another city; Brenda of the house and the furniture。    
      A) discarded B) disposed C) dispensed D) discharged    
      6。 It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and    
      A) extensive B) expansive C) intensive D) expensive    
      7。 Physics is to the science which was called natural philosophy in history。    
      A) alike B) likely C) equivalent D) uniform    
      8。 He said he only had time for a couple of pints; that he usually drank more。    
      A) complying B) imposing    
      C) implying D) conveying    
      9。 It’s known that cats’ eyes are much more to light than human eyes。    
      A) sensory B) sensitive C) senseless D) sensible    
      10。 The board of the company is by managers of its subsidiaries。    
      A) constituted B) compounded     
      C) composed D) comparted    
      11。 The unexpected sucomess her life。    
      A) transfigured B) transfer    
      C) transformed D) translated    
      12。 In Sweden the employers have taken the in promoting health insurance schemes。    
      A) initial B) initiative    
      C) initials D) initiatives    
      13。 Because of his novels which were very popular with people; he got a prize this year。    
      A) literacy B) literal    
      C) literary D) literature    
      14。 These clothes looks alike; but in fact there are some slight in colour。    
      A) variety B) variation C) variant D) variance    
      15。 He has a knowledge of computer and can’t operate it。    
      A) superficial B) superior     
      C) superb D) supercritical    
      16。 Have you read the in the newspaper?    
      A) edit B) editorial C) editor D) edition    
      17。 Did he go there by air or by train? The seems more likely。    
      A) late B) latter C) later D) other    
      18。 The amount of rain and snow the growth of plants。    
      A) effected B) infected C) affected D) injected    
      19。 Philosophers commonly rely on argument to support their own theories and to    
      the theories of others。    
      A) reflect B) refute C) reform D) refrain    
      20。 The ability to themselves enables some animals to survive。    
      A) conceive B) conceal C) deceive D) confine    
      21。 She felt offended at my remarks; but it wasn’t my to hurt her。    
      A) implication B) indication C) intention D) invasion    
      22。 A cool drink me after my long walk。    
      A) renewed B) recreated     
      C) reshaped D) refreshed    
      23。 The new student was very slow to to the unusual rules of the school。    
      A) conform B) suit C) adapt D) adopt    
      24。 You’re in danger of being acomused of a crime。    
      A) eminent B) imminent C) pressing D) pressed    
      25。 The news you told me that day has yet to be 。    
      A) confirmed B) conformed     
      C) confronted D) affirmed    
      26。 She seems to regard any advice or help from me as a(n) 。    
      A) offense B) impression     
      C) extraction D) interference    
      27。 What struck her was the competition between the two brothers。    
      A) original B) extreme C) intensive D) intense    
      28。 He insisted that his employees should have a knowledge of his study。    
      A) comprehensible B) compromising    
      C) comprehensive D) complicated    
      29。 They reserved in advance to themselves of the best seats。    
      A) ensure B) assure C) confirm D) insure    
      30。 I think the thing to do is phone and ask your boss。    
      A) sensible B) sensory     
      C) sensitive D) sensational    
      Since Yao Ming’s electrifying NBA debut(初次登场)with the Houston Rockets in 2002; the 7…foot…5 Chinese center has appeared in numerous TV commercials; on magazine covers; and in countless basketball…highlights reels。    
      1。 electrify: vt。 使震惊使激动,震惊或震动。a powerful performance that electrified the audience。 强有力的表演使观众万分兴奋    
      2。 numerous: a。 许多的。numerous books 许多书    
      【单词变形】number(n。 数字,数量)numeric(a。 数字的)    
      3。 commercial: a。 ① 在电视或无线电上的广告 ② 迎合大众的,有商业气息的。a commercial artist。 迎合大众的艺术家。    
      【词义变形】commerce (n。 商业)    
      【同形辨析】commence 开始,着手    
      What can you catch but not throw?    

unit 1 收得领地Day 1 牛刀小试——计算类概述

      虽然近五年来十次四级听力考试计算类的题型在小对话中出现的频率不高,但有可能这次你会遇见咯!所以不得不防之。相对其他题型而言,计算类是四级听力中的基础题(可分为计算题、细节辨认题、等值转换题),也应该是你的抢分题,故不可“大意失荆州”。地球人都知道四级中听力的计算类不是在考咱们连小学生一年级都会做的加减乘除,测评大家的IQ,醉翁之意不在酒,而是在考大家对英语听力的反应速度,只要意识到这一点,现在你就要学会如何运用技巧来所谓的“抓鱼”了——核心在于抓住关键的细节所在之处,in a other word,你要知道根据题意该听什么,怎么把它去听准。    
      M: When does the next shuttle bus leave?    
      W: You have just missed one by 20 minutes。 We have a bus every 45 minutes; so you’ll have to wait for a while。    
      Q: How long does the man need to wait for the next bus?    
      A) 25 minutes B) 65 minutes    
      C) 20 minutes D) 45 minutes    
      【解析】 当你看见这四个选项,不难发现这一题是在考与时间有关的内容,并且从选项当中可以推测到是考时间的加减关系,因为其中三个选项都是正确答案的干扰选项,说到这里,你就要做好充分的思想准备。原文中除了听清20和45两个数字之外,重要的是明白其之间的联系,通过missed知道已经错过,而介词“by”专门用在计算题表差额;通过every知道每辆车之间45分钟,问的是wait for the next bus 还得等多长时间,很清楚这里是减法的计算关系,所以选择A。    
      M: I wonder if Jack will come here by 11 o’clock。    
      W: His wife said he left home at 10:30; so he should be here at 11:20 at the latest。    
      Q: What time did Jack leave home?    
      A) 11:20 B) 10:30 C) 10:50 D) 11:30    
      【解析】 原文中出现三个数字,11:00是Man觉得杰克应该到的时间;10:30是杰克的妻子说他离开家的时间;11:20是Woman认为杰克应该到的时间。我们再来看问题,选B是对号入座。    
      【死马活医】 如果没听清,这里就要充分运用技巧来猜选,时间中的B和C选项,可以合并小时“10”;时间中的B和D选项,可以合并分钟“30”,通过合并同列项方法,就能猜选答案为B。    
      M: These postcards cost 60 cents a dozen。    
      W: Two dozen should certainly do。    
      Q: How ma

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