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The Countess Cathleen-第6章

小说: The Countess Cathleen 字数: 每页3500字

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second merchant。

since the drought came they drift about in a throng;

like autumn leaves blown by the dreary winds。

e; deal??e; deal。

first merchant。 who will e deal with us?

shemus。 they are out of spirit; sir; with lack of food;

save four or five。 here; sir; is one of these;

the others will gain courage in good time。

middle?aged?man。 i e to deal??if you give honest price。

first merchant (reading in a book)

john maher; a man of substance; with dull mind;

and quiet senses and unventurous heart。

the angels think him safe。〃 two hundred crowns;

all for a soul; a little breath of wind。

the man。 i ask three hundred crowns。 you have read there

that no mere lapse of days can make me yours。

first merchant。

there is something more writ here??〃often at night

he is wakeful from a dread of growing poor;

and thereon wonders if theres any man

that he could rob in safety。〃

a peasant。 whod have thought it?

and i was once alone with him at midnight。

another peasant。 i will not trust my mother after this。

first merchant。 there is this crack in you??two hundred crowns。

a peasant。 thats plenty for a rogue。

another peasant。 id give him nothing。

shemus。 youll get no more??so take whats offered you。

(a general murmur; during which the middle?aged?man takes money; and slips into background;

where he sinks on to a seat。)

first merchant。 has no one got a better soul than that?

if only for the credit of your parishes; traffic with us。

a woman。 what will you give for mine?

first merchant (reading in book)

〃soft; handsome; and still young 〃??not much; i think。〃

its certain that the man shes married to

knows nothing of whats hidden in the jar

between the hour?glass and the pepper?pot。〃

the woman。 the scandalous book。

first merchant。 〃nor how when hes away

at the horse fair the hand that wrote whats hid

will tap three times upon the window?pane。〃

the woman。 and if there is a letter; that is no reason

why i should have less money than the others。

first merchant。 youre almost safe; i give you fifty crowns

(she turns to go。)

a hundred; then。

shemus。 woman; have sense?e; e。

is this a time to haggle at the price?

there; take it up。 there; there。 thats right。

(she takes them and goes into the crowd。)

first merchant。 e; deal; deal; deal。 it is but for charity we buy such souls at all; a thousand sins

made them our masters long before we came。

(aleel enters。)

aleel。 here; take my soul; for i am tired of it。

i do not ask a price。

shemus。 not ask a price?

how can you sell your soul without a price?

i would not listen to his broken wits;

his love for countess cathleen has so crazed him

he hardly understands what he is saying。

aleel。 the trouble that has e on countess cathleen;

the sorrow that is in her wasted face;

the burden in her eyes; have broke my wits;

and yet i know id have you take my soul。

first merchant。 we cannot take your soul; for it is hers。

aleel。 no。 but you must。 seeing it cannot help her

i have grown tired of it。

first merchant。 begone from me

i may not touch it。

aleel。 is your power so small?

and must i bear it with me all my days?

may you be scorned and mocked!

first merchant。 drag him away。

he troubles me。

(teig and shemus lead aleel into the crowd。)

second merchant。 his gaze has filled me; brother;

with shaking and a dreadful fear。

first merchant。 lean forward

and kiss the circlet where my masters lips

were pressed upon it when he sent us hither;

you shall have peace once more。

(second merchant kisses the gold circlet that is about the

head of the first merchant。)

i; too; grow weary;

but there is something moving in my heart

whereby i know that what we seek the most

is drawing near??our labour will soon end。

e; deal; deal; deal; deal; deal; are you all dumb?

what; will you keep me from our ancient home

and from the eternal revelry?

second merchant。 deal; deal。

shemus。 they say you beat the woman down too low。

first merchant。 i offer this great price: a?thousand crowns for an old woman who was always ugly。

(an old peasant woman es forward; and he takes up a book and reads。)

there is but little set down here against her。

〃she has stolen eggs and fowl when times were bad;

but when the times grew better has confessed it;

she never missed her chapel of a sunday

and when she could; paid dues。〃 take up your money。

old woman。 god bless you; sir。

(she screams。)

oh; sir; a pain went through me!

first merchant。 that name is like a fire to all damned souls。

(murmur among the peasants; who shrink back from her as she goes out。)

a peasant。 how she screamed out!

second peasant。 and maybe we shall scream so。

third peasant。 i tell you there is no such place as hell。

first merchant。 can such a trifle turn you from your profit? e; deal; e; deal;

middle?aged man。 master; i am afraid。

first merchant。 i bought your soul; and theres no sense in fear now the souls gone。

middle?aged man。 give me my soul again。

woman (going on her knees and clinging to merchant)

and take this money too; and give me mine。

second merchant。 bear bastards; drink or follow some wild fancy; for sighs and cries are the souls


and you have none。

(throws the woman off。)

peasant。 e; lets away。

another peasant。 yes; yes。

another peasant。 e quickly; if that woman had not screamed i would have lost my soul。

another peasant。 e; e away。

(they turn to door; but are stopped by shouts of 〃countess

cathleen! countess cathleen!〃)

cathleen (entering) and so you trade once more?

first merchant。 in spite of you。

what brings you here; saint with the sapphire eyes?

cathleen。 i e to barter a soul for a great price。

second merchant。 what matter; if the soul be worth the price?

cathleen。 the people starve; therefore the people go

thronging to you。 i hear a cry e from them

and it is in my ears by night and day;

and i would have five hundred thousand crowns

that i may feed them till the dearth go by。

first merchant。 。 it may be the souls worth it。

cathleen。 there is more:

the souls that you have bought must be set free。

first merchant。 we know of but one soul thats worth the price。

cathleen。 being my own it seems a priceless thing。

second merchant。 you offer us??

cathleen。 i offer my own soul。

a peasant。 do not; do not; for souls the like of ours

are not precious to god as your soul is。

o! what would heaven do without you; lady?

another peasant。

look how their claws clutch in their leathern gloves。

first merchant。 five hundred thousand crowns; we give the price。 the gold is here; the souls even

while you speak

have slipped out of our bond; because your face

has shed a light on them and filled their hearts。

but you must sign; for we omit no form

in buying a soul like yours。

second merchant。 sign with this quill。

it was a feather growing on the cock

that crowed when peter dared deny his master;

and all who use it have great honour in hell。

(cathleen leans forward to sign。)

aleel (rushing forward and snatching the parchment from her) leave all things to the builder of the


cathleen。 i have no thoughts; i hear a cry??a cry。

aleel (casting the parchment on the ground)

i have seen a vision under a green hedge;

a hedge of hips and haws?men yet shall hear

the archangels rolling satans empty skull

over the mountain?tops。

first merchant。 take him away。

(teig and shemus drag him roughly away so that he falls upon the floor among the peasants。

cathleen picks up parchment and signs; then turns towards the peasants。)

cathleen。 take up the money; and now e with me;

when we are far from this polluted place

i will give everybody money enough。

(she goes out; the peasants crowding round her and kissing her dress。 aleel and the two merchants

are left alone。)

second merchant。 we must away and wait until she dies;

sitting above her tower as two grey owls;

waiting as many years as may be; guarding

our precious jewel; waiting to seize her soul。

first merchant。 we need but hover over her head in the air; for she has only minutes。 when she signed

her heart began to break。 hush; hush; i hear

the brazen door of hell move on its hinges;

and the eternal revelry float hither

to hearten us。

second merchant。 leap feathered on the air

and meet them with her soul caught in your claws。

(they rush out。 aleel crawls into the middle of the room。 the twilight has fallen and gradually darkens as

the scene goes on。 there is a distant muttering of thunder and a sound of rising storm。)

aleel。 the brazen door stands wide; and balor es

borne in his heavy car; and demons have lifted

the age?weary eyelids from the eyes that of old

turned gods to stone; barach; the traitor; es

and the lascivious race; cailitin;

that cast a druid weakness and decay

over sualtems and old decteras child;

and that great king hell first took hold upon

when he killed naisi and broke deirdres heart;

and all their

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