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And Now, And Here-第91章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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in that state; whatsoever is; is。

its a state of the ultimate acceptance of that…which…is。

it contains no distinctions。

but one cannot reach tathata without having been first a witness。

however; one can stop at the level of witnessing; if he so desires; and choose not to arrive at tathata。

similarly; without the use of will; one cannot attain the state of witnessing。

although; having gained willpower; one may wish to stay there and not e to the point of witnessing。

one who stops with attaining firmness of resolve would of course bee very powerful; but he wont be able to attain wisdom。

and therefore; the ability to make a resolve can be misused; because wisdom is not required to attain it。

one will surely gain a lot of power; but that is precisely why he can abuse it。

the entire black magic is a product of willpower。

one who practices it gains a lot of power; but he lacks wisdom totally。

he can end up using that power without any discrimination。

a man of will bees filled with power。

it is difficult to predict right away what use he will make of it。

he can obviously put it to bad use。

power in itself is neutral。

nevertheless; it is necessary …… whether one intends to use it for good or for evil。

and as i see it; rather than remaining a weakling; it is better if one uses his power for evil purposes …… for the simple reason that one who mits an evil act now may someday use the same power for a good cause。

one who cannot do evil can never do good either。

thats why i say its better to be powerful than to be impotent and a wimp。

so a man of power can set out on the path of good as well as evil。

it is better to follow the course of goodness; because if followed rightly; it will bring you to the state of witnessing。

you wont end up as a witness if you follow the course of evil; rather; you will simply wander around within the confines of your willpower。

then you will get into mesmerism and hypnotism; tantras and mantras; witchcraft and voodooism。

all kinds of things will crop up; but they wont lead you on a journey toward the soul。

this is being lost。

the power will indeed be there; but gone astray。

if the power is put on the course of goodness; it is sure to give rise to the witness within you; and ultimately that power can be used to know and attain oneself。

this is what i call the course of goodness。

by the course of evil i mean controlling; possessing; enslaving the other。

this is what black magic is。

making use of the power for the purpose of attaining oneself; knowing who am i; what am i; and living authentically; is moving in goodness。

and it will indeed lead one toward being a witness。

if the urge to attain the state of witnessing is satisfied with the knowing of oneself; the seeker reaches up to the fifth body and stops there。

however; if the urge is further intensified; one discovers that he is not alone; he contains everything; that the sun and the moon and the stars; the rocks; the soil; the flowers are all part of him; that his very being; his existence incorporates all the rest。

if the seeker proceeds with such an intense feeling; he reaches tathata。

tathata; suchness; is the ultimate flowering of religion; it is the supreme achievement。

it is total acceptance。

whatsoever happens; one is open and agreeable to it。

only such an individual can bee totally silent; because even a little bit of resentment can prolong the restlessness。

ones restlessness and tension will continue to remain if he carries even a small degree of plaint。

even the slightest idea; 〃it didnt happen the way it should have;〃 and the tension will continue to persist。

the experience of supreme silence; the experience of the greatest freedom from tension; and that of the ultimate liberation is possible only in the state of tathata。

however; only a man of will can eventually attain the state of witnessing; and only his going deeper into witnessing can bring him to the state of tathata。

one who has not yet known what being a witness means can never know what total acceptance is。

one who hasnt realized that he is separate from the thorn which is pricking him is not yet ready to know that the thorn is a part of him。

in fact; one who es to experience the separateness of the thorn can take the next step of feeling one with the thorn as well。

so tathata is the fundamental principle。

among all the spiritual disciplines discovered all over the world; tathata is the greatest。

thats why one of buddhas names is tathagat。

it would be good to have some understanding of what this word tathagat means。

it will be useful in prehending the meaning of tathata。

buddha has used the word tathagat for himself。

he would say; for instance; 〃tathagat said

〃 tathagat means; thus came; thus gone。

just as a breeze es and goes away without any purpose; without any meaning。

just as a breath of air enters your room and goes out …… without any reason。

so the one whose ing and going away is as unmotivated; as desireless as the breeze; such a being is called tathagat。

but who would e and go like a breeze? 

he alone can pass like a breeze who has attained to tathata。

only he to whom the ing and the going makes no difference can move like a breeze。

if he needs to e; he es; if he needs to go; he goes …… the same as diogenes did。

it made no difference to him whether people put him in chains or did not put him in chains。

diogenes said later on; 〃only one who is prone to be a slave can be nervous about being a slave。

since no one can make me a slave; why should i be afraid i might be taken as a slave? one who carries even the slightest anxiety that he may be turned into a slave; he alone will remain in fear of it。

and one who has such a fear is indeed a slave。

since i happen to be the lord and master myself; you can never enslave me。

even in chains; i am the master; and will remain so in your prison as well。

it makes no difference where you throw me; i still remain the lord and master。

my mastership is total and plete。


so the journey consists of this: from will to witness; and from witness to tathata。

question 5 

you mentioned that there is no parable word for prakriti in the english language。

isnt the word constitution similar in meaning to prakriti? 

no; its not the same meaning。

constitution in that sense means an individuals makeup; his psycho…physical structure。

constitution in this sense means ones system; ones physical and psychological makeup as such。

prakriti is something very different。

normally we use prakriti in the sense that 〃that mans constitution is such

〃 but this kind of usage is not correct。

prakriti means that which was before creation …… precreated。

and pralaya means: post…creation …… that which follows the creation; the end of creation。

so prakriti means that which was even before the creation came to be; that which didnt need to be created …… which has always been; beginningless。

that which already is。

srishti means the created …… that which came to be。

there is no word in european languages which stands for prakriti; because these languages are influenced by christianity。

in europe there are words such as the creation; and the creator。

in the indian languages exists the word prakriti; although not everyone uses it in the sense the sankhyaites; the vaisheshikas; the jainas use it。

this word belongs to them。

in their view; that which has been eternally present; which has never been created; is prakriti。

it is already there even before your creating anything。

for example; when you build a house; the design; the structure of it is its constitution。

but the material that goes into the making of it …… the soil; the air; the heat …… is all prakriti。

that which arises out of it is simply its structure。

however; that which was present even before the making of the structure …… which you did not create; which no one created; which is uncreated; which always was …… that something is called prakriti。

there is no word equivalent to prakriti in any of the european languages。

question 6 

is tathata the same as being just aware? 

actually; there is a slight difference between tathata and what you call 〃just awareness。

〃 witnessing is also slightly di


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