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And Now, And Here-第7章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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let go; let go pletely; as if the body is no longer there。

we have moved within。

the body has bee relaxed。

the body has bee relaxed。

the body has bee relaxed。

the breath is quieting down。

relax your breathing also。

relax it pletely。

let it e and go on its own。

let it be loose。

no need to stop it or slow it down; just let it be relaxed。

let the breath e in as much as it can。

let it e out as much as it can。

the breathing is being relaxed。

the breathing is being calm。

feel it like this: the breathing is being calm。

the breathing is being calm and relaxed。

the breathing is relaxing。

the breath is calming down。

the breath has calmed down。

the breath has calmed down。

the breath has calmed down。

now let the mind be relaxed and feel that thoughts are calming down。

thoughts are calming down。

the mind has calmed。

the mind has calmed。


Chapter  2

seeing life as a dream

29 october 1969 am in meditation camp at dwarka; gujarat; india a few questions have been asked about last nights talk。

question 1 

one friend has asked: one can die fully conscious; but how can one be in full consciousness at birth? 

actually; death and birth are not two events; they are two ends of the same phenomenon …… just like two sides of the same coin。

if a man can have one side of a coin in his hand; the other side will be in his hand automatically。

its not possible to have one side of a coin in my hand and then wonder how to get the other side …… the other side bees available automatically。

death and birth are two sides of the same phenomenon。

if death occurs in a conscious state; then birth inevitably takes place in a conscious state。

if death occurs in an unconscious state; then birth happens in a state of unconsciousness too。

if a person dies fully conscious at the time of his death; he will be filled with consciousness at the moment of his next birth also。

since we all die in a state of unconsciousness and are born in a state of unconsciousness; we remember nothing of our past lives。

however; the memory of our past lives always remains present in some corner of our minds; and this memory can be revived if we so desire。

with birth we cannot do anything directly; whatsoever we can do is possible only in relation to death。

nothing can be done after death; whatsoever is to be done must be done before death。

a person dying in an unconscious state cannot do anything until he is born again …… there is no way; he will continue to remain unconscious。

hence; if you died before in an unconscious state; you will have to be born again in an unconscious state。

whatsoever is to be done must be done before death; because we have lots of opportunities before death; the opportunity of a whole lifetime。

with this opportunity an effort can be made towards awakening。

so; it will be a great mistake if someone keeps waiting until the moment of death to awaken。

you cant awaken at the time of death。

the sadhana; the journey towards awakening; will have to begin long before death; a preparation will have to be made for it。

without preparation one is sure to remain unconscious in death。

although; in a way; this unconscious state is for your own good if you are not yet ready to be born in a conscious state。

around 1915; the ruler of kashi had an abdominal operation。

this was the first such operation ever performed in the world without the use of anesthesia。

there were three british physicians who refused to perform the operation without giving anesthesia; saying it was impossible to have a mans stomach open for one…and…a…half to two hours during a major operation without making the patient unconscious。

it was dangerous …… the danger was that the patient might scream; move; jump or fall because of the unbearable pain; anything might happen。

hence the doctors were not ready。

but the ruler maintained there was no cause for concern as long as he remained in meditation and said he could easily remain in meditation for one…and…a…half to two hours。

he was not willing to take the anesthetic; he said he wished to be operated upon in his conscious state。

but the physicians were reluctant; they believed it was dangerous to have someone go through such pain in a conscious state。

however; seeing no other alternative; the physicians first asked him; as an experiment; to go into meditation。

then they made a cut in his hand …… there was not even a tremor。

only two hours later did he plain that his hand hurt; he did not feel anything for two hours。

subsequently; the operation was performed。

that was the first operation to be performed in the world where physicians worked on a patients open stomach for an hour…and…a…half without giving anesthetic。

and the ruler remained fully conscious throughout the operation。

deep meditation is required to be in such awareness。

the meditation has to be so deep as to make one totally aware; without an iota of doubt; that the self and the body are separate。

even the slightest identification with the body can be dangerous。

death is the biggest surgical operation there is。

no physician has ever performed an operation as big as this …… because in death there is a mechanism to transplant the entire vital energy; the prana; from one physical body into another physical body。

no one has ever performed such a phenomenal operation; nor can it ever be done。

we may sever one part of the body or another; or transplant one part or another; but in the case of death; the entire vital energy has to be taken from one body and entered into another。

nature has kindly seen to it that we bee fully unconscious at the occurrence of this phenomenon。

it is for our own good; we might not be able to bear that much pain。

it is possible that the reason why we bee unconscious is because the pain of death is so unbearable。

it is in our own interest that we bee unconscious; nature does not allow us to remember passing through death。

in every life we repeat almost the same mistakes we have repeated in our past lives。

if we could only recall what we did in our past lives; we might not fall into the same ditches again。

and if we could only remember what we did throughout our previous lives; we could no longer remain the same as we are now。

it is impossible we could remain the same; because time and time again we have amassed wealth and every time death has made all that wealth meaningless。

if we could recall this; we might not carry; any longer; the same craze for money within us as we did before。

we have fallen in love a thousand times; and time and time again it has ultimately proven to be meaningless。

if we could recall this; our craze for falling in love with others and for having others fall in love with us would disappear。

thousands upon thousands of times we have been ambitious; egoistic; we have attained success; high position; and in the end all of it has turned out to be useless; all of it has turned to dust。

if we could recall this; perhaps our ambition would lose its steam; and then we would not remain the same people we are now。

since we do not remember our past lives; we keep moving in almost the same circle。

man does not realize that he has gone through the same circle many times before; and that he is going through it once again in the same hope he carried with him so often before。

then death ruins all hopes; and once again the cycle begins。

man moves in circles like an ox on a water…wheel。

one can save oneself from this harm; but it requires great awareness and continuous experimentation。

one cannot start waiting for death all at once; because one cannot bee suddenly aware during such a big operation; under such a great trauma。

we will have to experiment slowly。

we will have to experiment slowly with small miseries to see how we can be aware while going through them。

for example; you have a headache。

at one and the same time you bee aware and begin to feel that you have a headache; not that the head is in pain。

so one will have to experiment on the little headache and learn to feel that; 〃the pain is in the head and i am aware of it。


when swami ram was in america people had great difficulty following him in the beginning。

when the president of america paid him a visit; he was puzzled too。

he asked; 〃what language is this?〃 …… because ram used to speak in the third person。

he would not say; 〃i am hungry;〃 he would say; 〃ram is hungry。

〃 he would not say; 〃i have a headache;〃 he would say; 〃ram has a severe headache。


in the beginning people had great difficulty following him。

for example; he once said; 〃last night ram was freezing。

〃 when asked who he was referring to; he replied that he was referring to ram。

when he was asked; 〃which ram?〃 he said; pointing to himself; 〃this ram …… the poor guy was freezing cold last night。

we kept laughing and asked; hows the cold ram?〃 

he would

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