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And Now, And Here-第68章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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a dream; a lie; has its own existence too。

it has its own place in this world; and there are means to get rid of it。

but ultimately; both are worth giving up。

hence i say to you; both are false; the samsara as well as the sadhana。

if i were to say one of them is true; how will you drop it? then you will hold fast to it。

〃how can truth be dropped? truth has to be embraced;〃 you might say。

so you may not hold on to anything; so you may not have any clinging; so you may not bee subject to any plexes; so you may not bee attached; i say to you: neither the samsara is true nor is the sadhana。

the falsity of sadhana is for the purpose of negating the untruth of samsara。

when both falsehoods attain parity and neutralize each other; then what remains is the truth。

that truth is neither of this world; the samsara; nor of the sadhana。

that truth is outside of both; or before both; or beyond both; or transcending both。

it exists when both are not。

thats why i am talking about a third type of man who is neither worldly nor a renunciate。

when somebody asks me; 〃are you a sannyasin?〃 i find myself in great difficulty; because if i say i am a sannyasin; i see myself caught in the same duality which exists between a worldly man and a monk。

similarly; when someone asks; 〃are you a worldly man?〃 then too i face the same difficulty; because if i say i am a worldly man; i once again find myself facing the duality that exists between a worldly man and a renunciate。

so either i should say i am both simultaneously …… which is meaningless

because if; at the same time; i am worldly and a renunciate both then the whole meaning is lost。

the meaning existed because of the duality: the meaning was in the dichotomy。

leaving the world meant being a sannyasin; not accepting the life of a renunciate meant being a worldly man。

so if i say i am both; the words lose their meaning。

the same difficulty arises if i say i am not both; because we have no idea there is something beyond the two; that there can be a third。

people say; 〃either you belong here; or there。

either affirm that you are alive; or admit that you are dead。

how can you say both are not true? that wont be acceptable。


the only way we live is by dividing things into two …… either this or that。

we either see darkness or light …… there is no room in our lives for dusk; which is neither。

grey has no place in our lives。

we divide things either into black or white; while the reality consists mostly of grey。

when grey bees a little dense it turns into darkness; when it bees sparse it turns into white …… but there is no room for grey。

either you have a friend or an enemy …… there is no third place in between。

as a matter of fact; the third place is the really true place …… but it has no room in our language; our way of thinking; our way of life。

suppose you were to ask me; 〃are you my friend; or an enemy?〃 if i answer; 〃i am both;〃 you will have difficulty in following me。

how could i be both? if i say i am neither; even then it turns out to be meaningless; because my answer carries no sense。

and the truth of the matter is that a healthy man will either be both or neither。

these are just two ways of expressing the same thing。

in such a case the man will neither be a foe nor a friend。

and in my view; it is only then that he will be a human being in the true sense of the word。

he will neither have enmity with anyone; nor friendship; he will neither follow any act of renunciation; nor will he have any attachment to samsara。

i am looking for this third type of man。

what i am talking to you about is only for the purpose of breaking your dream。

and if the dream is already broken; then what i am saying has no meaning。

let me tell you a story。

once a zen master got up from his sleep。

he was a great believer in analyzing dreams。

dreams are; of course; very useful; they give much information about man。

and since man is a liar; only a lie such as the dream can tell us about his lies。

when you see a man in the marketplace; in the middle of the day; he is not as authentic as he is in his dream …… in a dream which is totally a lie。

if you e across a man telling his wife; with folded hands; that she is the most beautiful woman in the world …… just look into his dreams。

his wife hardly ever es into his dreams …… other women you will find most certainly。

his dream will tell you more exactly about him。

a dream; which is essentially a lie。

since man himself is a lie; a lie will have to be used to find out the truth about him。

had the man been authentic; his life itself would have revealed who he is。

then there would be no need to go into his dreams; his face would show it。

an authentic man would tell his wife; 〃you dont look too beautiful to me; the woman next door looks very beautiful。

〃 that such a man does not exist among us is beside the point; but if there were to be such a person; dreams would stop ing to him。

a husband who can tell his wife; 〃i feel no love for you today。

i am attracted to the woman walking down the street〃 …… a man who can be so simple and direct …… will stop dreaming。

the other woman no longer need e in his dream; he has taken care of the business during the day。

the matter is over; the dream is no more。

a dream is a lingering phenomenon。

whatsoever did not happen during the day; what you couldnt say; couldnt do; remains dormant within and then attempts to revive itself at night。

since the man lived all day long in lies; the very lies will keep appearing as realities at night in his dreams。

thats why the entire field of todays psychology …… whether it be of freud; jung or adler …… is the psychology of analyzing dreams。

it is strange we have to resort to analyzing dreams in order to understand man。

dream analysis has bee the means to know a man。

just think: what does this mean? if you visit a psychoanalyst; he doesnt show much concern about you; he bees interested in your dreams …… because; as you are; you are a lie。

it is useless to ask anything about you; hence the need to consult your dreams。

your reflection es through clearly; your picture emerges sharply in the dreams …… which are false。

so the psychoanalyst wants to peek into your dreams。

the whole discipline of psychology is based on the analysis of dreams。

the zen master was very keenly interested in dreams too。

he used to ask his disciples; the seekers; about their dreams; because it was possible a seeker might e and say he wished to find god; but instead might dream of finding a diamond mine。

in reality he might have nothing to do with god。

it is also possible he might be seeking god so that some day he might ask him the whereabouts of the diamond mine。

this is how his dream tells what his real search is all about。

the master would ask his disciples to keep a diary of their dreams。

if people were to write honestly in their biographies only about what happened when they were asleep and leave out the time they were awake; the world would bee a much better place to live in; and we would e to know much truer facts about men。

the daytime world is full of lies。

the phony man plans it very well。

at least in the dream a kind of truth exists; because the dream is unplanned: it happens on its own; it has its own reality。

if we were to uncover the dreams of all the holy men; we would find a great many of these holy men of no worth。

most of them would appear to be criminals …… of course; criminals of the kind which do not mit crimes in the marketplace; but in their minds。

one morning the master had just got up when a disciple of his happened to pass by。

the master called him and said; 〃last night i had a dream。

interpret it for me; will you?〃 

the disciple said; 〃please wait; let me go and bring the interpretation!〃 

the master asked; 〃youll go and bring the interpretation?〃 but he waited。

the disciple went inside; brought a jug of water; and said; 〃here; just wash your face。

now that the dream is broken; whats the sense in interpreting it? please wash your face so that whatsoever little illusion; whatsoever little trace of your dream that may still be left can be cleaned away。


the master said; 〃sit beside me。

i like your interpretation。


then another disciple passed by and the master called him and said; 〃last night i had a dream。

this fellow has given a little interpretation。

here is a jug filled with water。

would you give any further interpretation?〃 

the disciple said; 〃if you will wait for just one minute i will be back soon。

〃 he went running and brought a cup of tea。

addressing the master he said; 〃please have this cup of tea and the whole matter will be over。

now that you are up from your sleep and have washed your face; why do you want to get me into the trap?〃 

the master asked him to sit beside him and said; 〃i liked what you said。

but had you tried to give an interpretation to my dream; i would have thrown you out of the ashram。

you saved yourself; you saved yourself by a hairs breadth。

when the dream is broken anyway; then wha

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