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And Now, And Here-第60章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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we are not fully cognizant of them。

in the previous life some part of our being was awake; and that part had done the recording。

now the same part is inactive; asleep; the other part is awake; active。

the part which is awake in this life has no knowledge of the immense amount of work already acplished by another part in a previous life。

it is ignorant of the fact that a seed had already sprouted in the previous life and subsequently died。

it has no idea at all that such an attempt was already made once before。

as a matter of fact; infinite attempts have been made before。

should you ever enter into the memories of your past lives; you will be in for a great surprise。

the memories of past lives are not restricted to human lives alone。

entering these memories is very easy; one can do so without much difficulty。

however; prior to many human lives; we have passed through animal lives as well。

it is difficult to penetrate them because they are hidden under even deeper layers。

and even prior to our animal lives; we have lived through many lives as trees as well。

penetrating them is even more difficult because they are buried even further; at deeper levels。

prior to having lived as trees; we have gone through many lives as rocks and minerals。

memories of these lie at even lower levels。

access to them is even more difficult。

up to now; experiments in remembering past lives have not gone beyond the level of animal life。

even the experiments carried on by buddha and mahavira did not go beyond the level of animal life。

the memory of being a tree is yet to be revived。

as for the memory of being rocks and minerals; it is still further down the road。

but the memories of all these past lives are clearly recorded。

this recording; however; must have taken place in a state of somnolence; otherwise ones entire mind would be aware of it。

it may not have occurred to you; but there are certain things we never forget。

why is it so? for example; lets assume someone slapped you when you were five years old。

even after so many years the incident is still fresh in your mind; and you will never forget it for the rest of your life。

what seems to be the matter? at the moment you were slapped; your attention must have been very sharp。

thats why the incident made such a deep impression on you。

it is only natural that at the moment one is slapped; ones attention would be at its highest point。

this is the reason man can never forget the moments of insult; the moments of pain; the moments of happiness。

these are all intense moments。

in these moments he is so filled with awareness that their memory pervades his entire consciousness; while the ordinary run…of…the…mill happenings are forgotten by him。

how are we to understand what attention is; what meditation is? because it is an experience; to understand it is a bit difficult。

if i were to stick a pin in your body what would happen inside? all your attention would at once begin to rush to the point where the pin had stuck you。

all of a sudden that point in the body would bee significant。

one should say; rather; your whole being would converge upon it。

at that moment you would only remain aware of that part of the body where the pin was hurting。

so what really did occur in your body? even without the pin that part of your body was there; but you were not aware of it; not cognizant of it; you didnt even know such a part existed。

and then; suddenly; the pain caused by the pin created a crisis and your whole attention rushed to where the pin was hurting。

what is it that rushed towards that point? what happened inside you? how are things different now? what is it that was not present at that point a moment ago; but now is? it is the consciousness; the awareness; that was absent from this point a moment ago。

its absence made you so oblivious to that part of the body that whether it existed or not was all the same。

you had no knowledge of it; it made little difference whether it was there or not。

suddenly you became aware that part also exists in your body。

suddenly it makes a lot of difference whether it exists or not。

now its existential awareness bees apparent to you。

so; attention means awareness。

there can be two kinds of attention。

this also needs to be understood; because it will be useful in following your question。

there are two kinds of attention。

one; we may call concentration。

in order to understand what concentration is; it is necessary to know that when your attention is centered on one point; you bee oblivious to all other points。

as i mentioned earlier; if a pin is thrust into your body; your entire attention will go to the point where the pin is hurting。

you will bee unaware of the rest of the body。

in fact; a sick person remains aware only of those parts of his body which are not well。

he begins to live only in and around the afflicted parts of his body; the rest of the body does not exist for him any more。

one who suffers from a headache bees identified with the head alone; the rest of his body ceases to be。

one whose stomach hurts; his whole attention centers only on the stomach。

if a thorn pricks your foot; the foot bees everything。

this is concentration of attention。

this is how you bring all your consciousness to one point。

when the entire consciousness converges on one point and rests there; obviously all other points bee negated; disappear into darkness。

as i pointed out earlier; when someones house is on fire; he bees oblivious to everything but the fire。

he only knows his house is on fire; everything else is dead as far as he is concerned。

the only thing he remains aware of is that his house is on fire。

he bees unconscious towards the rest of the world。

so; concentration is one form of attention。

in concentration you bee centered on one point while remaining unconscious of the infinite number of other areas。

hence; although concentration is the density of attention; at the same time it is the expansion of unconsciousness too。

both things happen simultaneously。

the other form of attention is awareness …… not concentration。

awareness means attention which is not centered on any particular point。

this is a little difficult to understand; because we only know the pointed attention。

a man knows about the thorn hurting his foot; the headache; the house on fire; the taking of an examination and so on; so we know attention directed towards a particular point; we know what concentration is。

but there is one other kind of attention which is not focused on a given point。

as long as a mans attention is narrowed down to a particular point; he will be unconscious of the remaining areas。

if we believe god is; then he must indeed be an awakened god; fully aware。

but what would he be aware of? and should there be a point of which he is aware; then he would obviously have to be unconscious of all the rest。

so there cant be any object; any center of awareness as far as god is concerned。

its an awareness without a center。

in such a case; awareness bees infinite; all pervading。

this all…pervading awareness is the ultimate state; the highest possible。

thats why; when we define god as sat…chit…anand; the word chit means this state of being。

ordinarily; people take chit to mean chetana; consciousness; which is not really its meaning; because consciousness is always about something。

if you say; 〃i am conscious;〃 then it can be asked; 〃conscious about what?〃 chit means objectless consciousness。

it is not consciousness aimed at something; it is just a pure state of being conscious。

consciousness will always be object…centered; while the state of being conscious is centrifugal; radiating into infinity。

it does not rest on anything; it does not stop at anything; it pervades all over。

in this state; which extends to infinity; there is no single point where unconsciousness can gain a foothold。

this is the ultimate state。

we may call it the state of total awareness。

there is a state exactly opposite to this which we call sushupti; the state of total; dreamless sleep。

and this needs to be understood too。

in concentration; ones consciousness is centered on one object; unconscious of the rest。

awareness is centered on one point only。

in the state of total awareness; however; there is no particular point to be aware of …… the awareness is all…permeating。

one should say there is just awareness; not an awareness of a particular object。

in the state of total awareness the object disappears; only the subject remains。

only the knower remains; that which is to be known remains no more。

the knower alone remains。

the energy to know spreads into infinity and no longer is there anything left to know。

there is always a price for whatsoever knowledge one wishes to attain。

if you want to know about something; you will have to be ignorant of something else。

remember; it is with ignorance that one always pays the price of knowing。

as man goes on being knowledgeable of many things; he has to remain equally ignorant of many others。

now; for example;

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