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And Now, And Here-第57章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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is it possible; with the rising of one mans soul; for mankinds entire spirit to be uplifted? it is not only possible; it is the only thing possible。

there is nothing else which can succeed today。

today; man has fallen so low that if we remain concerned with changing every individual; it will never happen。

on the contrary; the greater possibility is that anyone attempting to bring about such a change might himself bee like those he wants to change。

it is highly possible he might bee corrupt like the others。

you can see for yourselves that those who set out to serve the masses turn out; in a few days; to be their deceivers。

those who had gone out to serve others; to reform others; in no time you find that people have begun to reform them。

no; that idea of changing each individual is not feasible。

the history of human consciousness shows there were times when the whole consciousness of mankind soared to such heights you can hardly imagine。

twenty…five hundred years ago india saw the advent of buddha; mahavira; prabuddha katyayana; makkhali gosal; sanjaya vilethiputta。

in greece; socrates; plato; aristotle and plotinus were born。

lao tzu; confucius and chuang tzu appeared in china。

twenty…five hundred years ago ten or fifteen people of such precious quality happened that; during the span of a hundred years; mans consciousness touched the heavens。

a golden age seemed to have arrived all around the world。

never before was the human soul so powerfully in evidence。

mahavira lit the divine flame within the hearts of fifty thousand people who acpanied him from place to place。

thousands of buddhas disciples were awakened; and their light; their flame began stirring village after village。

in the village where buddha would arrive with his ten thousand bhikkhus; within three days the whole vibe of that place would change。

where ten thousand bhikkhus assembled and prayed; it was as if the darkness was dispelled from the village; as if the prayer was spread over the entire village; as if hearts began to bloom and were filled with fragrance for the first time。

a few people rose; and with that the eyes of those who were below were uplifted。

people only look up when there is something above to see。

in the present world there is nothing to see above; but there is much to see below。

the lower a person falls; the bigger his bank balance; the larger his mansion; the fancier his cadillac …… so there is much to see below。

today; delhi is way down; absolutely in the pit。

if you look below you will see delhi in the lowest region of the earth; in the lowest hell。

whoever wants to reach delhi should descend to the netherworld; lower and lower。

there is nothing above worth seeing today。

who would you look at? who is up there? what greater misfortune can there be than that there are no longer any souls above worth seeing …… such souls that just seeing them creates a deep longing in our hearts; such souls that just looking at them brings a cry from our whole being; such souls that just looking at them fills us with self…reproach; make us feel: 〃i could have been a lamp like this。

the same flower could have blossomed in me too。

i could have also sung the same song。

i could also have been a buddha; a mahavira; a krishna; a christ。


should it even once occur to you that 〃i could have been the same too〃 …… of course you need someone to look up to for such an inspiration …… your vital energy would embark on a higher journey。

and remember; your vital energy is always moving …… if it is not journeying upward; it is journeying downward。

the vital energy is never static。

in the world of consciousness there is no stopping; no waiting。

there is no station where you can get off and rest; whether you are moving up or down。

every moment life is in motion。

the time has e for the raising of consciousness; and for having these consciousnesses remain there aloft so that others may look up to them。

i would like to start a movement throughout the world; not of many people …… i only need a few courageous individuals ready to experiment。

if a hundred people in india agree to experiment and are determined to raise their consciousnesses as high as humanly possible; the entire face of india can be changed in the next twenty years。

at the time of his death vivekananda said; 〃i kept calling for a hundred people to e; but they never did。

i am now dying a disheartened man。

if only a hundred people had e; i could have changed the whole country。


vivekananda went on calling but the people didnt e。

i have decided i wont call people。

ill search in each and every village。

ill look into the eyes of each and every man to make sure who he is。

and that man who will not e in response to the call will have to be physically brought。

if only a hundred people could be assembled like this; i assure you their souls will rise like mount everest。

on that journey; the spirit; the life energy of the whole country can move ahead。

those friends who find my challenge worth accepting; who feel they have enough courage and strength to tread a path which is absolutely unknown; unfamiliar; to cross a totally uncharted ocean; should know within themselves that such courage and daring only exists in them because deep down a divine call must have e …… otherwise such courage and daring is not possible。

it was said in egypt; 〃a person who calls for god should know that god must have called him long before; otherwise the call could not have arisen in him。


those who feel the call from within have a great responsibility towards mankind。

the need of the hour is for a few people to e forward and; in order to experience the heights of consciousness; offer their lives totally。

all the truths of life; all the experiences up to this point are being falsities。

all the heights attained so far are being taken as fantasies; are being myths。

one or two hundred years from now; children will refuse to believe there ever were people like buddha; mahavira and christ。

they will call them all merely fictitious characters。

in the west; in fact; one man has written a book in which he says a man like christ never existed。

he says its just an old play which; in the course of time; people forgot and began to look upon as history。

we enact ramleela because we believe a person like rama did exist before …… and so we perform ramleela。

a hundred years from now children will say; 〃they played ramleela and people got the wrong impression that rama had lived at some time in the past。

〃 so ramleela; the enactment of ramas adventures; would precede rama。

ramleela will be seen as nothing but a play which went on for a long time; and rama will simply be remembered as an upshot of it。

obviously; when people like rama; buddha and christ cease to be recognized; how will it be possible to believe they ever existed before? 

the human mind is never ready to believe there can be people with higher minds。

it refuses to accept there can be someone greater。

a man always wants to believe he is the greatest。

he accepts someones superiority only when pelled to; otherwise never at all。

he makes a thousand attempts to find some fault; some defect in the other in order to prove he is inferior too。

he is always on the lookout so that someday he can tell everyone his old image of the person is shattered; that he no longer gives him any credence because he has discovered a blemish。

essentially; the search is to find something wrong with the person。

if none is found; a new wrong is invented so a man can feel fortable in his own stupidity and feel he is doing fine。

by and by; man will deny all the great souls because their symbols; their signs; are nowhere visible。

how long will images of stone convince us that buddha and mahavira really did exist? how long will the words of the bible assure us of the existence of christ? and how long will the bhagavadgita be able to show that krishna lived? not for long。

we need people like jesus; krishna; buddha; mahavira。

if we do not produce men of such caliber in the next fifty years; the human race is about to enter a very dark age。

then there is no future for mankind。

this is a great challenge for those who feel they can do something for humanity。

i will move from town to town giving this clarion call。

wherever i e across eyes which i feel can bee burning lamps; can be lit with the divine flame; i am ready to put my whole effort into making this a reality。

from my side i am fully prepared。

let us see if at the time of my death i also have to say; 〃i was looking for a hundred people; but couldnt find them。



Chapter 10

   生小 说+网
religion is a search for meditation1 august 1970 pm in cci chambers; bombay; india 

question 1 

before discussing the process of entering death consciously; i would like to ask you: what is the difference between the state of unconsciousness and the state of awareness? what state of mind is called the unconscious state? in other words; what is the individual souls consciousness like in its conscious and unconscious states? 

in o

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