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And Now, And Here-第56章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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the man will e to know how many women he has had relations with in the course of thousands of years; and the woman will e to know how many men she has had relations with …… and that no man was ever satisfied by a woman; nor was any woman ever satisfied by a man。

and yet; a man still wonders whether he should enjoy this or that woman and a woman still wonders whether she should enjoy this or that man。

this has happened millions of times。

if all this is recalled even once; a person will never repeat it again …… because having repeated an act so many times; its worthlessness bees self…evident; the whole thing bees meaningless。

both buddha and mahavira conducted intensive experiments in jati…smaran; in recalling the memories of past lives。

the seeker who passed through these memories even once; was transformed。

he became a different man。

i can assure the friend who has asked the question that he can be taken into past life memories if he so desires。

before getting into the experiment; one needs to give it very careful consideration; however。

as it is; there are already enough worries and troubles in ones present life。

obviously; it is to forget all this; to forget his days; that a man drinks; watches movies; plays cards; gambles。

when a man finds it so hard to live with the memories of a single day; when he is not brave enough to face this life; how will he be able to gather the courage to recall previous lives? 

you may find it strange; but all religions of the world have been opposed to alcohol。

however; giving their reasons for opposing alcohol; these ordinary; absolutely stupid politicians explain to the whole world they are against it because it destroys moral character; ruins wealth and property; makes man violent。

this is all nonsense。

religions have opposed alcohol only because one who drinks does so to forget himself。

and one who is trying to forget himself can never bee acquainted with the soul。

the very purpose of knowing oneself is to know the soul。

thats why alcohol and samadhi became two opposing things。

it has nothing to do with what the politicians are saying。

the truth of the matter is

and this needs careful consideration: ordinarily; people think an alcoholic is a bad person。

i know people who drink; and i also know people who do not drink。

based on thousands of experiences; i have found that the man who drinks is in many ways far better than the one who does not。

the degree of pity and passion i have e across in those who drink; i have not seen in the non…drinkers。

the sense of humility i have found in people who drink; i havent seen in those who dont drink。

the kind of arrogance i have seen in non…drinkers i have never e across in those who drink。

but these are not the reasons; normally advocated by the politicians; why religion has opposed alcohol。

the reason has been that; in trying to forget himself; man gives up the courage to remember。

how can one who is busy forgetting his present life remember his past ones? and how can one who cannot remember his past lives change his present one? 

consequently; a blind repetition goes on。

what we have done many times before; we keep doing over and over again。

its an unending process。

and until we have remembered our past lives; we will be born again and again …… and will repeat the same stupidities over and over; endlessly。

this boredom; this continuous chain; is meaningless …… because well die again and again; keep forgetting our actions; and the same thing will start all over again。

we will keep moving in circles like an ox at a water wheel。

those who have called this life samsara

do you know what samsara means? samsara means a wheel; the spokes of which keep revolving; keep moving up and down。

i dont know why the experts in india have placed the wheel on the national flag。

perhaps they dont know; and one wonders what they think about it。

ashoka had engraved it on his stupas; on his buddhist shrines; in order to remind people that life is a revolving wheel; that it is like an ox moving in circles at a water wheel; that things go around and around in a circle; ing back again and again to where they were before。

so the wheel is a symbol of samsara; it does not represent any victory march。

it symbolizes life being defeated daily。

it shows; symbolically; that life is a repetitive boredom; a revolving wheel。

but each time we forget this fact and start repeating ourselves with great interest and enthusiasm。

a man falls in love with a woman and begins courting her。

he doesnt realize; however; how many times he has fallen in love before; how many women he has chased before。

and yet; once again he approaches them and thinks that this wonderful event is happening for the first time in his life。

but that sort of wonderful event has occurred to him many times before。

if he were to e to know this fact; he would be like a man who has seen a movie ten or twenty times。

when you see a movie for the first time you may enjoy it。

if you are shown the movie the next day you may tolerate it。

on the third day you will say; 〃thank you; i dont wish to see the movie any more。

〃 but if you are pelled; threatened …… 〃if you dont see the movie the police will take you away; the police will be after you〃 …… and like this you are forced to see the same movie for fifteen days; on the sixteenth day you will surely attempt suicide。

the whole thing will have gone beyond all limits。

you will cry out; 〃but i have seen it for fifteen days; how much longer can i see it?〃 and the police are on your back; forcing you to see the movie! however; if you are drugged after you have watched the movie and you consequently forget you ever saw it; the next day you can be seen purchasing a ticket for the same movie and enjoying it greatly。

each time a man drops one body and acquires another; the door to the memories of his previous body closes。

with the new body; a new play starts once again …… the same act; the same story。

once again everything is the same; everything has happened many times before。

remembering the past one es to see that the same act has been played many times before; that the same story has occurred many times before; that the same songs have been sung many times before。

now the whole thing is beyond endurance。

nonattachment; freedom from worldly desires; es with remembering the past。

there is no other way for one to feel aversion towards the kind of life he now leads。

nonattachment is created by reviving the memories of previous births。

the reason nonattachment has declined in todays world is that there is no means available for remembering past lives。

let me tell those friends who have raised this question that; from my side; i am fully prepared。

what i am saying is not just theoretical。

i am ready; with conviction; to put each and every word ive said to the test。

and ill be happy to see anyone who is ready。

yesterday; i invited those with courage to experiment with me。

i was delighted to receive a few letters saying; 〃we are very eager to begin the experiment。

we were waiting for someone to call us。

you have beckoned us; we are ready。

〃 i am happy to know they are ready。

my doors are open to them。

i can take them as far as i would like them to go; and as far as they are willing to go。

now is the time the world needs at least a few people to attain enlightenment。

even if a few people can bee enlightened; we can destroy the entire darkness engulfing the human race。

you may not have noted it; but within the last fifty years; two experiments of an opposite nature prevailed in india。

one experiment was conducted by gandhi; while the other was carried out by aurobindo。

gandhis experiment was to raise the moral character of each individual。

gandhis experiment seemed successful; but it turned out to be a total failure。

those whose character he thought he had improved turned out to be made of clay: a slight drizzle and; in the last twenty years; all the paint wore off。

we are all witness to it。

their bodies stand naked in new delhi。

all the paint and color has washed off; not a bit is left anywhere。

whatsoever gandhi had painted on them washed away in the rain。

so long as power didnt shower down upon them their faces looked very impressive; their clothes of khadi looked very bright; and their caps seemed to assure people they would lift the country to greater heights。

the same caps have now bee worthy to be tossed into holy fires of each and every village; they have now bee symbols of the bourgeoisie; of the corruption in the country。

so gandhi seemed to be succeeding but ended as a total failure。

experiments similar to gandhis were conducted many times before and each time; failed。

aurobindo carried out an experiment which did not appear to be successful。

he could not succeed; but he was moving in the right direction。

he was experimenting to see if it was possible for a few souls to rise so high that their very presence would begin to uplift other souls; would call out to other souls and they would start rising。

is it possible; wi

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