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And Now, And Here-第53章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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ll involved in a double…dealing business。

none of these people know anything about the soul。

look at the crowd; at this queue; at this platoon of sadhus; at this whole great circus of sadhus all over the country。

some clown with bandages over their mouths; some perform acrobatics with a staff in their hands; others present yet another type of circus! such a crowd of people know the soul and this country is in such a decline! its hard to believe。

there are people who blame the mon man for causing the moral decline in the world。

i would like to say they are wrong。

the mon man has always been the same。

in the past; around the world; the moral character was high because of a few self…realized individuals。

the mon man always remained the same; he has remained unchanged。

there have been a few beings; of course; who always raised; always uplifted human consciousness。

their very presence has always worked as a catalytic agent and has always elevated human life。

the responsibility for the present low state of human character lies with these sadhus; with the so…called holy men; with the hypocrites and charlatans who talk about religion。

the mon man bears no responsibility for it whatsoever。

neither did he before; nor does he now。

if you want to change the world; stop talking nonsense about improving the moral conduct of each and every person; about teaching moral education to everyone。

if you want to change the world; a few individuals will have to be willing to go through very intense inner experiments。

those who are ready to undergo the experiment deep within themselves

not too many; just a hundred people。

if a hundred individuals in a country reach a point of knowing what the soul is; the life of that entire country will be automatically uplifted。

with the presence of a hundred shining lamps the whole country can be uplifted。

i agreed to speak on this subject only because i felt that in case some courageous man came forward; i would invite him; 〃e on! if you are ready to go on an inward journey; i am willing to take you。

there; it can be shown what life is and what death is。


Chapter 9

the ultimate freedom

5 november 1969 am in opera house; bombay; india 

a few questions have been asked; seeking clarification of certain points i discussed in last nights talk。

question 1 

a friend has asked: if a man and a woman create an opportunity for the soul to take birth; then does it mean there are many separate souls and not one universal soul? also; on many occasions you have said there is only one truth; one god; one soul。

arent these statements contradictory? 

there is no contradiction。

of course; god is one。

the soul is essentially one too; but the body is of two types。

one is the gross body which we can see; and the other is the subtle body which we cannot see。

at the moment of death; the gross body falls away; but the subtle body remains intact。

the soul resides within two bodies …… the subtle body and the gross body。

at the time of death the gross body dies。

the body which is made of earth and water; the body which consists of flesh; bones and marrow; drops; dies。

subsequently; the body prised of subtle thoughts; subtle feelings; subtle vibrations; subtle filaments; remains。

this body; formed of all these subtle things; along with the soul; once again proceeds on a journey; and again enters a gross body for a new birth。

when a new soul enters the mothers womb; it means this subtle body enters。

in the event of death only the gross body disintegrates; not the subtle body。

but with the occurrence of the ultimate death; what we call moksha; the subtle body disintegrates along with the gross body as well。

then there is no more birth for the soul。

then the soul bees one with the whole。

this happens only once。

it is like a drop merging into the ocean。

three things have to be understood。

first; there is the element of the soul。

when the two types of bodies …… the gross and the subtle …… e in contact with this element of the soul; both bee active。

we are familiar with the gross; the physical body; a yogi is familiar with the subtle body; and those who go beyond yoga are familiar with the soul。

ordinary eyes are able to see the gross body。

the yogic eye is able to see the subtle body。

but that which is beyond yoga; that which exists beyond the subtle body; is experienced only in samadhi。

one who goes beyond meditation attains samadhi; and it is in the state of samadhi that one experiences the divine。

the ordinary man has the experience of the physical body; the ordinary yogi has the experience of the subtle body; the enlightened yogi has the experience of the divine。

god is one; but there are countless subtle bodies and there are countless gross bodies。

the subtle body is the causal body; it is this body that takes on the new physical body。

you see many light bulbs around here。

the electricity is one; that energy is one; but it is manifesting through different bulbs。

the bulbs have different bodies; but their soul is one。

similarly; the consciousness manifesting through us is one; but in the manifestation of this consciousness; two vehicles are applied。

one is the subtle vehicle; the subtle body; the other is the gross vehicle; the gross body。

our experience is limited to the gross; to the physical body。

this restricted experience is the cause of all human misery and ignorance。

but there are people who; even after going beyond the physical body; may stop at the subtle body。

they will say; 〃there are an infinite number of souls。

〃 but those who go beyond even the subtle body will say; 〃god is one; the soul is one; brahman is one。


there is no contradiction in my statements。

when i referred to the entering of the soul; i meant that soul which is still associated with the subtle body。

it means the subtle body the soul is enveloped in has not disintegrated yet。

thats why we say that the soul which attains to the ultimate freedom steps out of the cycle of birth and death。

there is indeed no birth and death for the soul …… it was never born; nor will it ever die。

the cycle of birth and death stops with the end of the subtle body; because it is the subtle body that causes a new birth。

the subtle body is an integrated seed consisting of our thoughts; desires; lusts; longings; experiences; knowledge。

this body is instrumental in taking us on our continuing journey。

however; one whose thoughts are all annihilated; whose passions have all vanished; whose desires have all disappeared; who has no desire left within him; there is no place for him to go; there is no reason left for him to go anywhere。

then there is no reason for him to take birth again。

there is a wonderful story in the life of ramakrishna。

those who were close to him; who knew him to be a paramhansa; an enlightened one; used to be deeply troubled about one thing。

it bothered them greatly to see an enlightened person such as ramakrishna …… one who had attained samadhi …… craving food so much。

ramakrishna used to bee very anxious about food。

he would often enter the kitchen; asking his wife sharada devi; 〃whats cooking today? its getting so late!〃 right in the middle of a serious talk on spiritual matters he would get up abruptly and rush towards the kitchen asking what was being cooked; start looking for food。

feeling embarrassed; sharada would politely chide him; 〃what are you doing? what must people think …… dropping the talk on brahman so suddenly and starting to talk about food!〃 ramakrishna would laugh and remain silent。

even his close disciples remonstrated with him。

they would say; 〃its giving you a bad name。

people say; how can such a person have attained knowledge when his desire for food is so overwhelming?〃 

one day his wife sharada got very upset and reproached him。

ramakrishna told her; 〃you have no idea; but the day i show aversion to food; know that i shall not live more than three days afterwards。


sharada asked; 〃what do you mean?〃 

ramakrishna said; 〃all my desires and passions have disappeared; all my thoughts are gone …… but for the good of mankind i am deliberately holding on to this one desire for food。

its like a boat tied down with one last rope。

once that rope is cut loose the boat will move on to its endless journey。

i am staying on with effort。


perhaps those around him did not give much thought to this at the time。

but three days before ramakrishnas death; when sharada entered with a dish of food; ramakrishna looked at it; shut his eyes; and lay with his back turned towards her。

in a flash she remembered ramakrishnas words about his death。

the dish fell from her hands and she began to weep bitterly。

ramakrishna said; 〃dont cry。

you wished i should not crave for food …… your wish has e true。

〃 exactly three days after this incident ramakrishna died。

he was holding on with effort to just a little bit of desire。

that little desire had bee the support for the continuation of his life…journey。

with the disappearance of that desire; the entire suppo

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