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And Now, And Here-第49章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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〃what will happen now?〃 he worriedly asked。

〃we thought we were fortunate that we had our own well。

now we have to pay very dearly for it。

〃 sooner or later; all kings have to pay dearly for owning an exclusive well。

this is true all over the world。

one who has recently bee a king will certainly find his separate well proves costly tomorrow。

owning an exclusive well is dangerous。

but; until then; the king had not realized the consequences of having his own separate well。

so he turned to the prime minister for advice。

the prime minister said; 〃now there is nothing left for which to seek advice。

just escape by the back door; drink the water of the well outside and hurry back; otherwise this palace is in grave danger。


the king asked in horror; 〃you want me to drink water from that well? you want me to go mad?〃 

〃there is no other way you can save yourself except by being mad;〃 replied the prime minister。

the king and his queens rushed to the city well and drank its water。

that night a great celebration took place in the city。

the people expressed their joy; singing and dancing the whole night。

they thanked god for restoring the kings mental state; because now the king was also dancing in the crowd and shouting abuse。

mentally; the king had bee normal。

since our state of sleep is so mon; so universal; and because we have been asleep since birth; we remain unaware。

in this state of sleep what do we understand about life? we understand only that the body itself is life and that one is unable to penetrate the body。

this kind of understanding is similar to a man mistaking the outer wall of a palace for the palace itself; or a man walking on the parapet and thinking he is in the palace; or a man sleeping; leaning on the outer wall; thinking he is resting in the palace。

one whose understanding revolves around the body is like this fool who imagines himself to be the palaces guest while standing outside its walls。

we have no access inside the body。

we live outside the body。

we are familiar only with the outer layer of the body; we never e to know its inner layers。

we dont even know the inner sides of the palace walls; let alone the palace itself。

we consider the outside of the wall to be the palace; we remain ignorant of the inside of the wall。

we know our bodies externally; we have never gone inside and seen the body from within。

for example; we are all seated in this room; we can see this room from within。

a man; wandering around outside; sees this house from the outside; he cant see it from within as we do。

man is not even able to see his own body; his own house from within …… he knows it only from the outside。

and this gives rise to the idea of death。

that which we know from without is only the sheath; it is only the outer covering。

it is only the outer wall of a house; it is not the master of the house。

the master of the house is within; and we never get to meet him。

when we dont even know the wall from the inside; how will we e to know the master seated within? 

this experiencing of life from outside bees the experience of death。

when this experience slips away from ones hands

the day ones vital energy contracts within …… leaving the house; the body behind; and the consciousness moves inside; away from the outer wall …… people looking on from outside feel the man is dead。

the man also feels he is dying。

he is dying; because his consciousness begins to move within; away from what he had understood as life。

the consciousness begins to move within; away from the plane where he knew life to be。

on its way to the new; unknown journey; his soul starts screaming in agony; 〃i am dying! i am gone! everything is sinking!〃 …… because what he had considered as life up to now begins to sink; to drop away。

people outside think the man is dead; and in this moment of death; in this moment of change; the person also feels; 〃i am dying! dying! dying! i am gone!〃 

this body of ours does not really represent our authentic being。

deep inside we have a kind of being which is entirely different from the body。

it is totally opposite; reverse to the body。

look at a seed。

it has a very hard shell which protects the tender; delicate seedling of life hidden inside it。

inside lies the very delicate sprout; and a tough wall; an enclosure; a sheath covers the seed in order to protect it。

but the sheath; the enclosure itself; is not the seed。

if a man takes the sheath for the seed; he wont be able to know the sprout hidden within it。

he will just cling to the sheath and the sprout will never e out。

no; the sheath; the cover is not the seed。

on the contrary; the truth is that when the seed is born the sheath has to efface itself; has to burst; has to diffuse itself; has to dissolve in the earth。

when the sheath is dissolved; the seed inside manifests itself。

our physical body is the sheath containing the seed; and inside there is a sprout consisting of life; of consciousness; of being。

but; taking this sheath for the seed; we ruin ourselves and the sprout is never born; the seed never sprouts。

one experiences life when the seed sprouts。

when it sprouts; man ceases to be a seed and grows into a tree。

as long as man is a seed; he is only a potentiality; and when the tree of life is born in him; he bees authentic。

some call this authenticity the soul; some call it god。

man is the seed of god。

he is only a seed。

its the tree that will have the experience of the wholeness of life。

how can the seed have such an experience? how can a seed ever know the blissful state of the tree? how can a seed ever know that green leaves will appear someday; and that the suns rays will dance on them? how can a seed ever know the winds will pass through the leaves and the branches; and a resounding music will emerge from their beings? how can a seed ever know that flowers will bloom; eclipsing the beauty of the stars? how can the seed ever know that; sitting on top; birds will sing and that travelers will rest in the shade? how can a seed ever know the experience a tree has? the seed has no idea。

the seed cant even dream of the possibilities awaiting when it grows into a tree。

it can only realize them by being a tree。

man doesnt know what life is because he has believed his fulfillment is in being a seed alone。

he will know it only when his inner tree of life has manifested itself totally。

but this is a far cry when; in the first place; we dont even realize there is something existing within that is different and separate from the body。

we are never able to remember; to realize there is something different and separate from the body as well。

hence; the real issue in life is experiencing that which is within; but we believe life to be that which pervades outside。

once i asked a tree; 〃where is your life source?〃 

the tree replied; 〃in the roots; which are not visible。

〃 the life of the tree springs from those invisible roots; the tree which is visible draws life from the roots that are invisible。

mao zedong has written an anecdote from his childhood。

he tells that there was a little garden close to the hut he and his mother lived in。

all her life his mother had tended the garden with great love and care。

people used to e from faraway just to see the large; beautiful and lovely flowers of that garden。

there was never so hard…hearted a person who; passing by the garden; would not stop for a moment or two and admire such appealing flowers。

in her old age his mother fell ill。

mao was very young then。

there wasnt any grown…up around; but mao told his mother not to worry about the plants and flowers。

he said he would take good care of them。

day and night; from dawn till dark; mao would toil in the garden。

assured; the mother rested。

in fifteen days the mother recovered from her illness and came out in the garden。

what she saw was awful。

the entire garden had withered away。

not only were the flowers long gone but the leaves were dead too。

even the trees had bee sad。

the old woman must have felt the same way anyone with eyes would feel looking at the garden of humanity today。

all the flowers had fallen off; all the leaves had dropped; all the trees were sad。

the old woman cried out; 〃what have you done? what were you doing from dawn till dusk?〃 she wailed。

mao also burst into tears。

he said; 〃i did the best i could。

i used to dust each and every flower; i used to dust each and every leaf。

i used to kiss each flower and spray water on each flower。

i dont know what happened! i put in so much effort; and the whole garden has withered away!〃 

even though she was crying; his mother couldnt hold back her laughter。

〃you foolish child!〃 she said。

〃dont you know trees never have their life…energy in their flowers and leaves? it lies in their roots; which are not visible。

your watering the flowers and leaves; your kissing them; your pouring love on them was all meaningless。

never worry about the flowers and the leaves。

if the invisible roots begin to gain strength; the flowers and leaves e on the

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