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And Now, And Here-第47章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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if a person is doing meditation; he is trying to make a confused mind peaceful。

what will he do? he will attempt to make his mind quiet。

when an individual is being in meditation; he is not trying to quiet down his mind; instead he is slipping away from it。

if it is sunny outside; you may see a man trying to open his umbrella …… and umbrellas can be opened outside in the sun; one may stand under its shade; or any other shade …… but such umbrellas; however; can never be opened within the mind。

the only kind of umbrella there can be in the mind is of thoughts …… but they make no difference。

it is as if a man were to stand in the sun with his eyes closed; thinking that an umbrella is over his head and that he is not feeling hot now。

but he is bound to feel hot。

this man is trying to cool down the sun。

he is trying to 〃do〃 meditation。

now there is another man。

when it is sunny outside; he merely gets up; walks inside the house and relaxes。

he is making no effort to cool down the sun; he is merely moving away from the sun。

doing meditation means making an effort; an effort to change the mind。

and to be in meditation means not making any effort to change the mind but instead moving within without a sound。

you must take into account the distinction between the two。

if you make an effort to meditate; meditation will never happen。

if you try to make a conscious effort; if you sit down; strain your muscles; force yourself; bee determined to calm your mind no matter what; it wont work …… because; after all; who will be doing all this? who will be showing determination? who else but you? 

as it is; you are already confused; restless。

now you try to calm yourself down …… that means you will be adding one more headache。

you are sitting uptight; ready; disregarding everything。

the more stiff you bee; the further you get into difficulty; the more you go on being tense。

this is not the way。

i ask you to meditate because meditation is relaxation。

you have not to do anything; just be relaxed。

make sure you understand。

let me explain a little further through one small principle。

keep it in mind finally。

a man is swimming in the river。

he says he wants to reach the other side。

the current of the river is swift; and he flaps his arms and legs trying to swim across。

he is getting tired; worn out; broken; but he keeps on swimming。

this man is making an effort to swim。

to swim is an effort for him。

doing meditation is an effort too。

then there is another man。

instead of swimming he just keeps floating。

he has let himself go in the river。

he does not throw his arms and legs about; he is simply lying in the river。

the river is flowing and; along with the river; so is he。

he is not swimming at all; he is just floating。

an effort is not required to float; floating is merely no…effort。

the meditation i am talking about is like floating; its not like swimming。

watch a man swimming and a leaf floating in the river。

the delight and the joy of the floating leaf is simply out of this world。

there is no trouble; no hindrance; no quarrel; no bother for the leaf。

the leaf is very smart。

and whats its smartness? the smartness of the leaf is that it has made the river its boat and is now riding on it。

the leaf is ready and willing to go wherever the river takes it。

the leaf has broken all the strength of the river。

the river can do it no harm because the leaf is not fighting against the river。

the leaf doesnt want to create any resistance; its just floating。

so the leaf is in plete accord。

why is that so? it is because now; it is not trying to fall in accord with the river; it is simply floating; thats all。

wherever the river wants to take it; so be it。

so keep the floating leaf in mind。

can you float like this in the river? there should not be even a thought of swimming; not even the feeling of it; there should be no mind at all。

have you ever observed that a living man can drown in a river whereas a dead man floats on the surface? have you ever wondered what this is about? a living man drowns; but never a dead man。

he es to the surface right away。

whats the difference? the dead body enters into a state of no…effort。

the dead body does nothing; it cannot even if it wished to。

the body es to the surface and floats。

a living man can drown because a living man makes an effort to stay alive。

attempting to do that; he gets tired …… and as he gets tired he drowns。

his fighting drowns him; not the river。

the river cant drown the dead man because he doesnt put up any fight。

since he doesnt fight; losing his strength is out of the question。

the river can do no harm to him。

so he floats in the river。

the meditation i am talking about is like floating; not like swimming。

you just have to float。

Chapter 8

ignorance of life is death

4 november 1969 pm in bhulabhai auditorium; bombay; india 

man doesnt even know what life is。

and if we cant know what life is; then there is no possibility of our knowing death either。

as long as life itself remains unfamiliar; as long as it remains an enigma; there is no way one can be familiar with death; no way one can ever know what death is。

the truth is; death seems to occur because we have no idea of what life is。

for those who know life; death is an impossible word。

it is something which has never occurred; never occurs; can never occur。

there are certain words which are absolutely false; they contain not even an iota of truth。

the word death is one of them。

it is a totally false word。

no event like death occurs anywhere。

but we see people dying every day。

every day; death seems to be happening all around us。

every village has a cremation ground。

and if we understand rightly; we will e to realize that wherever we may be standing on the earth; the dead bodies of countless people have been cremated on that very spot。

the very piece of land on which we may have built our houses has been a cemetery at some time or other。

millions upon millions of people have died; and are dying every day。

and yet; you will be surprised if i say there is no other word in the entire human language more false than death。

there was a mystic in tibet by the name of marpa。

someone once came to him and said; 〃i have e to ask you about life and death。

〃 marpa gave a big laugh and said; 〃if you want to know about life you are most wele; because i know what life is。

as far as death is concerned; i have not had any meeting with death; i am not acquainted with it。

if you want to know death; go and ask those who are as good as dead; or those who are already dead。

i am familiar with life; i can talk about life。

i can show you what life is。

i am not familiar with death。


this story is similar to the tale of darkness and light。

perhaps you may have heard it。

once darkness went to see god and implored; 〃lord; this sun of yours is out to get me。

i am exhausted。

he starts chasing me at dawn and only after much trouble leaves me alone in the evening。

what wrong have i done? what kind of enmity is this? why is this sun following me and harassing me? i barely manage to rest after a hectic day when once again i find him standing at my door at dawn。

again i have to run for my life; again i have to escape …… this has been going on since eternity。

i have run out of patience。

i cant take it any more。

i beg you; please make him understand。


it is said that god called the sun and said; 〃why are you after darkness? what wrong has he done you? why the enmity? what grievance do you have against him?〃 

〃darkness?〃 asked the sun。

〃i have been wandering the universe since time immemorial; but i have never e across darkness。

i dont know who darkness is。

where is he? please bring him before me so that i may ask his forgiveness; e to know him; and stay out of his way。


infinite time has passed since this incident took place。

the matter is still pending in gods files; he has still not been able to bring darkness before the sun。

he never can; and this matter is never going to be resolved。

how can you bring darkness before the sun? darkness has no positive existence of its own at all。

darkness is merely the absence of light。

how can the absence of the sun be brought into the presence of the sun? no; darkness can never be brought before the sun。

it is even difficult to bring darkness before a little lamp; let alone the sun; which is so vast。

it is difficult for darkness to penetrate the radius of light around a lamp; it is difficult for darkness to have an encounter with a lamp。

how can darkness be where there is light? how can death be where there is life? either there is no life at all; or else there is no death。

both cannot be true together。

we are alive; but we dont know what life is。

and this ignorance makes us believe in the certainty of death。

ignorance is death。

the ignorance of life itself bees the phenomenon of death。

if; god willing; we could e to know the life that is within; a single ray of that know

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