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And Now, And Here-第4章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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dont be afraid of killing or of being killed; because i tell you that neither does anyone die nor does anyone kill。

〃 neither has anyone ever died; nor can anyone ever die and that which dies; that which can die; is already dead。

and that which does not die and cannot be killed …… there is no way of its dying。

and that is life itself。

tonight; we have unexpectedly gathered on this seashore where that very krishna once walked。

these sands have seen krishna walk。

people must have believed that krishna really died …… since we know death as the only truth; for us everyone dies。

this sea; these sands; have never felt that krishna died; this sky; these stars and the moon have never believed in krishnas death。

in fact; nowhere is there any room for death in life; but we have all believed that krishna died。

we believe so because we are always haunted by the thought of our own death。

why are we so preoccupied with the thought of our death? we are alive right now; then why are we so afraid of death? why are we so very afraid of dying? actually; behind this fear; there is a secret which we must understand。

there is a certain mathematics behind it; and this mathematics is very interesting。

we have never seen ourselves dying。

we have seen others dying; and that reinforces the idea that we will have to die too。

for example; a raindrop lives in the ocean with thousands of other drops; and one day the suns rays fall on it and it turns into vapor; it disappears。

the other drops think it is dead; and they are right …… because they had seen the drop just a little while ago; and now it is gone。

but the drop still exists in the clouds。

yet how are the other drops to know this until they themselves bee the cloud? by now that drop must have fallen into the sea and bee a drop again。

but how can the other drops know this until they themselves set out on that journey? 

when we see somebody dying around us; we think the person is no more; that yet another man has died。

we dont realize that the man has simply evaporated; that he has entered the subtle; and then set out on a new journey …… that he is a drop which has evaporated; only to bee a drop once again。

how are we to see this? all we feel is that one more person is lost; that one more person is dead。

thus; somebody dies every day; every day some drop is lost。

and it slowly bees a certainty for us that we too will have to die; that; 〃i too will die。

〃 then a fear takes hold: 〃i will die。

〃 this fear grips us because we are looking at others。

we live watching others; and that is our problem。

last night i was telling some friends a story。

once a jewish fakir became very upset by his troubles …… who doesnt get upset? we are all bothered by our woes; and our greatest bother is seeing others happy。

seeing that others are happy; we continue being unhappy。

there is more mathematics behind this; the same kind of mathematics i spoke about in reference to death。

we see our misery and we see the faces of others。

we dont see the misery in others; we see their smiling eyes; the smiles on their lips。

if we look at ourselves; we will see; in spite of being troubled inside; we go on smiling outwardly。

in fact; a smile is a way to hide the misery。

no one wants to show he is unhappy。

if he cannot really be happy then at least he wants to show that he has bee happy; because to show oneself as unhappy is a matter of great humiliation; loss and defeat。

thats why we keep a smiling face outwardly; and inside; we remain as we are。

on the inside; tears keep collecting; on the outside; we practice our smiles。

then; when someone looks at us from the outside; he finds us smiling; however; when that person looks within himself he finds misery there。

and that bees a problem for him。

he thinks the whole world is happy; that he alone is unhappy。

the same thing happened with this fakir。

one night; in his prayers to god; he said; 〃i am not asking you not to give me unhappiness because if i deserve unhappiness then i should certainly get it …… but at least i can pray to you not to give me so much suffering。

i see people laughing in the world; and i am the only one crying。

everyone seems to be happy; i am the only one who is unhappy。

everyone appears cheerful; i am the only one who is sad; lost in darkness。

after all; what wrong have i done to you? please do me a favor …… give me some other persons unhappiness in exchange for mine。

change my unhappiness for that of anyone else you like; and i will accept it。


that night; while he slept; he had a strange dream。

he saw a huge mansion which had millions of hanging pegs。

millions of people were ing in and every one was carrying a bundle of unhappiness on his back。

seeing so many bundles of unhappiness; he got very scared; he grew puzzled。

the bundles brought by other people were very similar to his own。

the size and shape of everyones bundle was exactly the same。

he became very confused。

he had always seen his neighbor smiling …… and every morning when the fakir asked him how things were; he would say; 〃everything is just fine〃 …… and this same man was now carrying the same amount of unhappiness。

he saw politicians and their followers; gurus and their disciples …… everyone ing with the same size load。

the wise and the ignorant; the rich and the poor; the healthy and the sick …… the load in everyones bundle was the same。

the fakir as dumbfounded。

he was seeing the bundles for the first time; up to now he had only seen peoples faces。

suddenly a loud voice filled the room: 〃hang up your bundles!〃 everyone; including the fakir; did as manded。

everyone hurried to get rid of his troubles; no one wanted to carry his miseries even a second longer and if we were to find such opportunity; we would also hang them up right away。

and then another voice sounded; saying: 〃now; each of you should pick up whichever bundle he pleases。

〃 we might suspect that the fakir quickly picked up someone elses bundle。

no; he did not make such a mistake。

in panic; he ran to pick up his own bundle before anyone else could reach it …… otherwise; it could have bee a problem for him; because all the bundles looked the same。

he thought it was better to have his own bundle …… at least the miseries in it were familiar。

who knows what kinds of miseries were contained in the other peoples bundles? familiar misery is still a lesser kind of misery …… it is a known misery; a recognizable misery。

so; in a state of panic; he ran and retrieved his own bundle before anyone else could lay his hands on it。

when he looked around; however; he found that everyone else had also run and picked up their own bundles; no one had selected a bundle that was not his own。

he asked; 〃why are you in such a hurry to collect your own bundles?〃 

〃we became frightened。

up to now wed believed that everyone else was happy; that only we were miserable;〃 they replied。

in that mansion; whomsoever the fakir asked; the reply was that theyd always believed everyone else was happy。

〃we even believed that you were happy too。

you also walked down the street with a smile on your face。

we never imagined that you carried a bundle of miseries inside you too;〃 they said。

with curiosity; the fakir asked; 〃why did you collect your own bundle? why didnt you exchange it for another?〃 

they said; 〃today; each of us had prayed to god; saying we wanted to exchange our bundles of misery。

but when we saw that everyones miseries were just the same; we became scared; we had never imagined such a thing。

so we figured it was better to pick up our own bundle。

it is familiar and known。

why fall into new miseries? by and by; we get used to the old miseries too。


that night; nobody picked up a bundle that belonged to someone else。

the fakir woke up; thanked merciful god for letting him have his own miseries back。

and decided never to make such a prayer again。

in fact; the arithmetic behind it is the same。

when we look at other peoples faces and at our own reality …… that is where we mit a great error。

and with regard to our perception of life and death the same kind of wrong arithmetic is at work。

you have seen other people die; but you have never seen yourself dying。

we see other peoples deaths; but we never e to know if anything within these people survives。

since we bee unconscious at the time; death remains a stranger to us。

hence it is important we enter death voluntarily。

if a person sees death once he bees free from it; he triumphs over death。

in fact; it is meaningless to call him victorious because there is nothing to win …… then death bees false; then death simply doesnt exist。

if after adding two and two a person writes down five; and the next day he es to know that two plus two equals four; would he say hed triumphed over five and made it four? he would say; in fact; that there was no question of triumph …… there was no five。

making it five was his error; it was his illusion …… his calculation was wrong; the total was four; he understood it as five; that was his mistake。

once you see th

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