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And Now, And Here-第39章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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so the friend asks: 〃why should we think about death? why not forget it? why not just live?〃 i would like to say to him that; forgetting death; no one has ever lived; nor can anyone ever live。

and one who ignores death also ignores life。

it is just as if i have a coin in my hand and i say; 〃why bother about the reverse side of the coin? why not just forget it?〃 if i give up the reverse side; then i will lose the front side of the coin too; because both make two sides of the same coin。

it isnt possible to save one side of the coin and throw the other side on the street。

how can this be possible? with the one i keep; the other side will automatically be saved。

if i throw away one; both will be thrown away; if i save one; both will be saved。

actually; both are aspects of the same thing。

birth and death are two aspects of the same life。

the day one realizes this; not only does the sting of death depart; the thought of not dying disappears as well。

then one es to know that birth is there and so is death。

both prise bliss。

we get up every morning and go to work。

somebody goes and digs ditches

different people do different jobs …… people sweat the whole day。

there is a joy in getting up in the morning; but isnt it equally joyful to sleep at night? if a few madmen were to start convincing people not to sleep at night; then getting up in the morning would also stop; because the man who wouldnt sleep wouldnt be able to wake up in the morning either。

the whole of life would e to a halt。

one might feel afraid to go to bed; arguing; 〃it is such a joy to wake up in the morning; it is better not to fall asleep or else it will spoil the whole charm of waking up。

〃 but we know this is ridiculous: sleeping is the other side of waking up。

one who sleeps right will wake up right。

one who wakes up right will sleep right。

one who lives properly will die properly。

one who dies properly will take the right steps in his future life。

one who does not die in a right manner will not live rightly。

one who does not live rightly will not die rightly。

it will be a mess; everything will bee ugly and distorted。

the fear of death is responsible for creating the ugliness and the distortion。

if a fear of falling asleep were to overtake somebody; it would make life difficult。

an old lady was brought to me by her son。

he said his mother was too afraid to fall asleep。

i asked him; 〃how did this happen?〃 

he said; 〃she has been ill lately; and she feels she may die in her sleep; so she is afraid of falling asleep。

she fears she wont wake up once she goes to sleep; so she keeps trying to stay up the whole night。

we are in big trouble。

she isnt recovering from her illness because she stays up all night; afraid she may not wake up alive。

please do something and save her from this fear; otherwise i am in great trouble。


in a way; sleeping is like dying every day。

the whole day we are alive; the whole night we are dead。

this is like dying in parts; dying a bit every day。

we dive within ourselves at night and e out refreshed in the morning。

by the time we are seventy or eighty; the body is worn out。

then death takes over。

and with that; this body goes through a plete change。

but we are very scared of death; although it is nothing more than a deep sleep。

do you know that the body undergoes change overnight and es out different every morning? the change is so minimal you dont notice it。

the change is not total; it is a partial transformation。

when you go to bed at night; tired and weary; your body is in one state; and when you wake up in the morning it is in a different state。

in the morning the body feels fresh and rejuvenated; it is filled with energy; ready to face another day of activity。

now; once again; you can sing new songs; something you couldnt do the previous evening。

then you were tired; broken; worn out。

you have never wondered however; why there is so much fear of death。

when you wake up in the morning you feel happy; because only a part of your body changes in sleep …… but death; on the other hand; brings about a plete change。

the whole body bees useless and the need arises to acquire a new body。

but we are scared of death and so our whole life has bee totally crippled。

every moment is filled with fear of death。

because of this fear we have created a life; a society; a family which lives the least but fears death the most。

and one who fears death can never live …… both things cannot exist together。

the man who is ready to meet death with absolute spontaneity; he alone is ready to live as well。

life and death are both aspects of the same phenomenon。

thats why i say: look at death。

i am not asking you to think about death; because such thinking will mislead you。

thinking about death; what will you do? 

a sick and miserable man may find it gratifying to think that everything ends in death。

the thought is gratifying to this man not because it is right。

remember; never believe that what seems pleasing to you is necessarily true; because what feels pleasing does not depend on what is true; it depends on what you think of as convenient。

a person who is miserable; troubled; sick and in pain feels he should meet a total death; that nothing should be left behind …… because if any part of him does survive; then it would obviously mean he would survive

he; the miserable; sick individual。

question 2 

a friend has asked: some people mit suicide。

what do you have to say about them? are these people not afraid of death? 

they are afraid of death too。

but they are more afraid of life than of death。

life seems more painful to them than death; hence they want to finish it。

putting an end to their lives does not mean they find any joy in death; but since life appears worse than death to them; they prefer death。

one who is miserable; living in pain; will readily believe that death takes everything away …… including the soul …… that death leaves nothing behind。

he obviously does not want to save any part of himself; because if he does he will be saving nothing but his misery and pain。

one who is afraid of death and wants to save himself; readily accepts the belief in the immortality of the soul。

these are all conveniences。

it does not show understanding; it merely shows our concern for convenience。

this sort of acceptance feels fortable; thats all。

thats why we change our beliefs many times。

a man who was an atheist in his youth bees a theist in his old age。

in fact; the truth is that beliefs change with headaches。

when the head has no pain we follow one set of beliefs; with a headache these beliefs are replaced by another set。

it is hard to say how much the scriptures affect your belief system and how much your liver does! one cant be sure whether gurus or the liver affect it more! what goes on inside the body has a greater effect。

when the stomach is upset one feels like being an atheist; and when the stomach is okay one feels like believing in god! how can a man possibly believe that there is a god when he has a headache? if god exists and so does the headache; how can you connect the two? 

we can run an experiment。

take fifty men and infect them with chronic diseases; and keep the other fifty in good health。

let the first fifty live in misery and let the other fifty live happy lives。

you will find that atheism will increase in the former group and theism will increase in the latter group。

it is not that happiness is caused by believing in god; a miserable mind inevitably bees atheistic。

so remember; if you see atheism increasing around the world; know well that misery must be on the increase too。

if you see an increasing number of people believing in god; you should know that more and more people are being happy。

i say to you; therefore; that in the next fifty years there is a great possibility that russia will bee theistic and india will bee even more atheistic。

beliefs dont mean anything。

in russia people read marx; while in india you read mahavira …… this makes no difference。

the works of mahavira and marx cannot make the least difference。

if people were to go on being happier in russia; then in the next fifty years theism would revive there and the bells would begin to ring in russian temples。

lamps would be lit and prayers would be chanted。

only a happy mind rings bells in the temple; kindles lamps and chants prayers。

people would begin to thank god。

only a happy mind wishes to thank somebody; and who else should one thank? …… because a man can find no reasons for the presence of inner happiness; so he thanks the unknown; it must be because of it。

an unhappy mind wants to express its anger。

and when the person finds no cause for being unhappy; then who should he be angry at? he obviously bees filled with bitterness towards the unknown。

he says; 〃the whole mess is because of that unknown one; because of god。

either he does not exist; or he has gone mad。

〃 what i am saying is that our theism and our atheism; our beliefs …… all of them are the products of convenience

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