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And Now, And Here-第30章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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its convenient to have superstitions。

and then there are people who are out to crack superstitions …… that too is very convenient。

the man who cracks them appears to be rational; without actually being rational。

its not easy to be rational; to see things rationally is to strain every nerve。

this man looks into things so closely it bees difficult for him to make any categorical statement。

and so his statements are always conditional。

he will say; 〃under such conditions it is valid not to bathe in tibet; while under other conditions it is utterly superstitious not to bathe in india。

〃 the man who thinks rationally will speak this kind of language。

on the other hand; a social reformer shows no concern for what he is saying: he is concerned with destroying things; he wants to destroy certain things。

i say: go ahead and destroy …… there are many things which have to be destroyed …… but the first thing that has to be destroyed; however; is thoughtlessness。

the tendency to act without first giving something rational thought is the primary thing that needs to be destroyed。

so what it means is: if you destroy something without first giving it proper thought; then such destruction has no value。

the tendency to think rationally has to be created; and the tendency to believe thoughtlessly has to be destroyed。

this will lead us to see different contexts; deeper meanings。

then we will make an intensive search; we will think and reason。

then we will consider all the possibilities。

psychoanalysis is very popular in the west; and the interesting thing is that psychoanalysis is doing exactly the same kind of work as the good old witch doctor did in the villages。

nowadays; in france; there is an active sect created by cuvier。

cuvier works on the same principles as the witch doctor did; except that cuvier is a scientist and he uses scientific terminology …… other than that everything is the same; there is no difference。

you will be amazed to know that when a sadhu; a mendicant; an ordinary man of the village; with no knowledge of medicine; gives a pinch of ash to a sick man in the name of god; we call it superstition。

and yet; it works as effectively; and people are cured in the same proportion as with allopathic treatment。

it is very interesting …… the same ratio。

many experiments are being carried out in this area。

a unique experiment was conducted in a london hospital。

a hundred patients with the same illness were divided into two groups。

fifty were given the regular injection; while the other fifty were injected with water。

and the amazing thing is that the ratio of cured patients in both cases was the same。

so the question was raised: whats going on? 

in view of this experiment; it became necessary to examine the issue more closely。

and what became clear was that the idea; the feeling that medicine is being given; works more than the medicine itself。

also; even the medicine; the dispensing of the medicine itself; does not work so much as does the idea of how expensive the medicine is and how well known the doctor is。

a lesser known doctor fails in his treatment not because he does not know his profession; but only because he is not very well known。

a well recognized doctor impresses a patient at once。

with his impressive attire; the overbearing set up; his fees; his big car; the long wait for an appointment; the crowd; the standing in line …… you are already so impressed that whether he knows what he is giving you or not has very little effect。

the truth is that to be a good doctor you dont need a first class knowledge of medicine; what you need is an excellent knowledge of advertising。

the question is how well you can publicize yourself。

publicity pays more; not the medicine。

recently; a medical survey revealed that in france there are about eighty thousand physicians and about one hundred and sixty thousand quacks。

when the patient gets tired of the practicing physicians; he is cured by those who have no knowledge of medicine。

but they know the trick of how to treat a patient。

thats why you see so many kinds of pathies prevalent。

can you imagine …… all these different kinds of pathies abounding in this age of science? even naturopathy works …… a bandaging of mud on the stomach works; an enema with water works; the witch doctors charms work。

even homeopathy; which consists of nothing but tiny sugar pills; works。

these all work; and so does allopathy。

so the question arises: how does a patient get well? if a village quack prescribes a little dust and cures his patients; then we will have to think carefully; we will have to be concerned about whether to break such superstitions or not。

the man with a stethoscope around his neck and a big car is also able to cure patients through his scientific means。

but a magic is working there too …… the magic of the car; of the stethoscope。

i know one quack。

he has no degree from any university; and yet he has cured many patients i sent to him; patients who had otherwise been pronounced incurable by other doctors。

the man is smart; he has a remarkable understanding of human nature。

actually; thats how one happens to be a professional physician! so if you go to his clinic for treatment; your diagnosis will be conducted in such a way that half your illness will go away while you are still being diagnosed。

he is an extremely clever doctor; all other doctors feel quite intimidated by him。

he has a large; impressive and serious…looking consulting room with a big table on which he makes the patient lie down。

above the patients chest hangs a thing which looks like a stethoscope。

this contraption is connected to two transparent tubes containing colored water。

when he applies the stethoscope…like contraption to the patients chest; the heartbeat causes the water in the tube to jump。

the patient looks at the jumping water and is convinced he has e to a great doctor indeed; he has never seen such a doctor before。

the thing he uses is a sort of stethoscope; except that he doesnt connect it to his ears; he watches the rising and falling of the water in the tubes; and this assures the patient that he is no ordinary doctor。

do you know why an allopathic doctor writes prescriptions in such illegible handwriting? the reason is that if you could read it; you would find it is such an ordinary thing that you could even go and buy it in the market …… and so it is deliberately written with such skill that you are unable to read it。

the truth is; if you were to take this same prescription back to the doctor; he himself wouldnt be able to figure out what hed written。

another interesting thing is that the names of all medicines have to be written in latin and greek。

the reason is simple: if he were to write in english; hindi or gujarati; you would never pay him ten or fifteen rupees for an injection; you would know it is nothing but a concoction of caraway seeds。

these are all magical tricks。

it is the same as the villager who gives his patients a pinch of ash。

but this will not be effective either if he looks like an ordinary man。

if he is dressed; however; in an ochre robe; it will have more effect。

and if the man is known to be honest; virtuous; kind and truthful; the pinch of ash will be far more effective。

if it is known that he does not charge money; that he does not even touch money; the ash will have an electrifying effect。

so it is not the ash that works; it is the other factors which are at work。

it needs careful consideration whether or not such cures be allowed to continue; because; if you ban this type of cure; others equally as false will have to be found to replace them。

it never ends。

man must be made to think so that he does not fall sick out of ignorance; so that he does not bring pseudo illnesses upon himself。

as long as fake illnesses keep happening; fake doctors will keep on appearing as well。

if you remove the old; pseudo methods; new ones will crop up …… and if you then remove these; new ones will be born。

there are so many types of treatment in the world; but there is no way to decide which one is right; they all claim to be successful in curing illnesses。

and their claims are valid …… they do cure illnesses。

the more we probe into the human psyche; the more it bees clear that the disease exists somewhere in the human mind。

as long as the disease exists in the human mind; the pseudo treatments will also continue to exist。

hence; i am not so much concerned with doing away with pseudo methods; i am more concerned with putting an end to the disease in the human mind。

if the disease in the human mind disappears; if mans consciousness awakens; if he bees discriminating; he will not be surrounded by annoying troubles。

it is not that you go and collect ash because a man distributes it in a village …… no; it is because you are eager to collect the ash; thats why someone has to distribute it。

no one bees your leader on his own …… but you cannot live for a second without one; thats why somebody has to bee the leader。

if you remove one leader; you will find another …… and if he is remove

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