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And Now, And Here-第26章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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we will have to find the means to return。

but once you have returned; you will find that all methods were false; all sadhana was false。

the sadhana was necessary to bring us back from the dream。

once we have understood this; perhaps nothing will have to be done then; and you will suddenly find that you have returned。

but this is difficult to understand because you are already in calcutta。

you may say; 〃what you are saying is right but i am already in calcutta。

show me the way back!〃 

question 3 

another friend has asked: have you found god? 

this is just the kind of question the traveler to calcutta would ask。

i would like to ask this friend; 〃did you ever lose god?〃 …… because; if i say i have found god; it means i had assumed him lost。

he is already found。

even when we feel we have lost him; he is still with us。

it is simply that we are under hypnosis and therefore feel we have lost him。

so; if a man says; 〃yes; i have found god〃; he is mistaken。

he still doesnt understand that he had never lost him in the first place。

therefore; those who e to know god will never say they have found god。

they will say; 〃he was never lost。


the day buddha became enlightened; people gathered around him and asked; 〃what have you attained?〃 

buddha replied; 〃i have attained nothing。

i have simply e to see that which i had never lost。

i have found what i already had。


so; in sympathy; the people of the village said; 〃too bad。

you labored in vain。


〃yes;〃 said buddha; 〃in that sense it is true i labored in vain。

but now there is no need for me to labor any more …… this much advantage i have gained。

now i wont go out seeking; now i wont wander to attain anything; now i wont set out on any journey …… that is my gain。

now i know that i am where i already was。


we only go away in our dreams。

we never actually reach the places we feel we have。

hence; in a sense; all religions are false; all sadhanas; all yogas are false。

they are false in the sense that they are all methods of returning。

and yet; they are very useful。

a village shaman who shakes off snake poison with the help of mantras is very useful for those who are bitten by a snake …… even if they are bitten by a false snake。

otherwise; without him people would die of the bite from a snake which was not there。

such a man once lived in my neighborhood。

he is now dead。

people came to him from far and wide to draw snake venom out。

he was a very clever man; he had tamed a few snakes。

when a person bitten by a snake came to him he would use his shaman skills and ask what kind of snake it was; where it had bitten; whether the snake was dead or alive。

after obtaining all the information; he would apply his trick and call the snake。

he had everything worked out …… which snake was to be set loose; on which signal; etcetera。

within an hour or so; a snake that matched the description would e through the door; hissing。

the whole thing would create a sensation; the bitten man would feel dumbfounded。

someone bitten by a snake can rarely see or figure anything out right: what bit him? what did it look like? where was it? …… he is so overwhelmed by being bitten that the snake disappears in the meantime。

if the snake had been killed; the shaman would call its soul to acpany his snake。

then he would scold and rebuke the snake for biting this man。

the snake would then hit its head on the ground and beg forgiveness。

in the meantime the poison in the man would start wearing off。

then the snake would be told to draw out the poison。

the snake would promptly go up to the man who had been bitten and put its mouth to the wound; and the man would recover。

unfortunately; it once happened a snake bit this mans son。

he got into trouble because none of his treatments worked。

he came running to me and said; 〃please help。

i am in trouble。

please tell me what i should do。

a snake has bitten my son and he knows about my pet snakes。

i am so unfortunate; please tell me what shall i do? i am helpless。

my son wont survive!〃 

i was surprised。

i asked; 〃but what about your treatment? people e to you from afar for this cure!〃 

〃thats all fine;〃 he said; 〃but even i would be in trouble if a snake were to bite me; i wouldnt even be able to save myself。

i know the tricks of the trade; i wouldnt trust anybody to treat me the way i do。

〃 the boy died。

he could not save his son。

false means are needed to remove the falsehood。

and they have their own meaningfulness。

they are meaningful because we have gone into falsehoods。

so never bother to ask; in the beginning it is indeed hypnosis。

the initial stages are of hypnosis; of sleep; only the final stage is of meditation …… and that is the precious one。

before you can attain to that stage; this background is quite necessary …… necessary so you can e out of the falsehood you have strayed into。

never ask; 〃have you or have you not found god?〃 this is all wrong。

who is going to find? what is going to be found? that which is; is。

the day you e to know this; you will see that you have never lost anything; nor have you ever gone anywhere; nothing has ever been destroyed; nothing has ever died。

what is; is。

that day; all journeys; all going anywhere; will stop。

question 4 

and now this question: what is the meaning of liberation from the cycle of birth and death? 

liberation from the cycle of birth and death does not mean that you will not be born here again。

it means that now there is neither ing nor going …… nowhere; not on any plane。

then you remain rooted where you are。

the day this happens; the springs of joy burst forth on all sides。

we cannot experience joy being in an imaginary place; we can only find joy being where we really are。

we can only be happy being what we are; we can never be happy being what we are not。

so moving through the cycle of birth and death means we are wandering through illusory places …… we are lost somewhere we have never ever been。

we are wandering through some place where we are never ever supposed to be; while the place where we actually are; we have lost sight of it。

so freedom from birth and death means ing back to where we are; ing back home。

moving into god means being exactly what we actually are。

it is not as if someday you will e across god standing somewhere and you will salute him and say; 〃thank heaven i met you!〃 there is no such god as this; and if you happen to e across one; know well it is all hypnosis。

such a god will be your own creation; and meeting him will be as false as losing him was。

this is not the way you will ever find god。

our language often proves misleading; because the expression 〃to find god〃 or 〃to attain god〃 gives the impression one will be able to see god face…to…face。

such words are very misleading。

listening to them one gets the idea that somebody will reveal himself; that one will have an eye…to…eye contact with him; that one will be able to embrace him。

this is all wrong。

if you ever do e across such a god; beware! such a god will be totally a creation of your mind …… it will be hypnosis。

we have to get out of all hypnosis and retrace our steps back to the point where there is no sleep; no hypnosis; where we are fully aware; rooted in our own beings。

the experience one will have then will be the experience of the unity of life; it will be the experience of existence being one; indivisible。

the name of that experience is god。

now let us prepare for the morning meditation。

i will discuss some more during our night meditation。

move to a little distance from each other。

and do not talk; quietly move to a distance。

make some empty space around you。

those who want to lie down; do so; they should create space enough for lying down。

and even in the middle; if someone es to the point of falling down; one should fall down; one should not stop oneself from it。

yes; go to the verandah upstairs; but make room for yourself。

because later if you fall over somebody you will feel bad; and the other will get distracted too。

therefore; move apart。

yes; e down here。

close the eyes

no children will talk; they will sit quietly for ten minutes。

close the eyes

leave the body relaxed

leave the body relaxed。

leave the body pletely relaxed; as if there is no life in the body。

let the whole energy move inside。

the whole energy of the body is moving inwards

flowing inwards

we are getting shrunken inside; and the body will remain like a shell hanging outside。

whether it falls down; or remains tethered; it will remain external like clothing。

slip within

and leave the body relaxed。

now; i will give suggestions。

experience them along with me。

experience that the body is relaxing

the body is relaxing

the body is relaxing。

feel it and leave the body totally relaxed。

the body is very obedient。

when you feel it wholeheartedly it will bee almost a corpse。

feel that the body is relaxing

the body is relaxing

the body is r

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