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And Now, And Here-第25章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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remember; if an imaginary thorn has pricked your foot; dont try to remove it with the help of a real thorn; it would be dangerous。

first of all; the imaginary one will never be removed; and furthermore; the real one will hurt your foot。

a false thorn has to be pulled out with the help of a false thorn。

so; what is the relation between meditation and hypnosis? only this: hypnosis is required to pull out the false thorns stuck in your body。

an example of hypnosis is when i tell you to feel that the body is relaxing。

this is hypnosis。

actually you yourself have assumed that the body cannot relax。

in order to nullify this assumption; hypnosis is necessary …… otherwise not。

were it not for your false assumption; feeling just once that the body is relaxed; it will relax。

the suggestions i give you are not really to relax your bodies; but to take away your belief that the body can never relax。

this cannot be done without creating a counter…belief in you that the body is relaxing。

your false concept will be neutralized by this false concept; and when your body relaxes; you will know it is relaxed。

relaxation is a very natural quality of the body; but you have filled yourselves with so much tension that now you have to do something to get rid of it。

this is as far as hypnosis goes。

when you begin to feel the body is relaxing; the breathing is relaxing; the mind is calming down …… this is hypnosis。

but only up to this point。

what follows afterwards is meditation …… up to this point there is no meditation。

meditation begins after this; when you are in the state of awareness。

when you bee aware within; when you begin to witness that the body is relaxed; that the breathing is relaxed; that thoughts have either ceased or are still moving …… when you begin to watch; just watch …… this watching; this state of witnessing is meditation。

whatever is before that is only hypnosis。

so hypnosis means a cultivated sleep。

when we are not sleepy; we induce sleep; we make an effort; we invite sleep。

sleep can also be invited if we prepare for it and move into a state of let…go。

but meditation and hypnosis are not one and the same thing。

please understand this。

as long as you are feeling according to my suggestions; that is hypnosis。

once you feel my suggestions stopping and awareness beginning; that is the start of meditation。

meditation begins with the advent of the state of witnessing。

hypnosis is needed because you have got yourselves into a reverse kind of hypnosis。

in scientific terms; this is not hypnosis; it is dehypnosis。

we are already hypnotized; although we are not aware how we became hypnotized and what kind of tricks we have used to create this hypnosis。

we have lived the major part of our lives under the influence of hypnosis。

and when we want to be hypnotized; we dont realize what we are doing。

we live throughout our lives like this。

if this bees clear; the hypnotic spell will break …… and once this hypnosis breaks; entering within will bee possible; because hypnosis; basically; is a world of non…reality。

for example; a man is learning to ride a bicycle。

to practice; he starts out on a wide road。

the road is sixty feet wide; and there is a milestone on the edge。

even if the man decided to ride blindfolded on that wide road; there is very little chance of his hitting the milestone。

but the man doesnt yet know how to ride a bicycle。

he never looks at the road; his eyes spot the milestone first and the fear that he might hit the milestone grips him。

thats it。

as soon as this fear of hitting the stone grips him; he is hypnotized。

to say he bees hypnotized means he no longer sees the road; he begins to see the stone alone。

he bees afraid; and the handle of his bicycle starts turning toward the stone。

the more the handle turns; the more afraid he gets。

the handle; of course; will turn where his attention is; and his attention is on the stone because he is afraid to hit it。

so the road disappears from his vision and only the stone remains。

hypnotized by the stone; he is pulled towards it。

the more pulled he is; the more he is scared; the more he is scared; the more he is pulled。

finally he hits the milestone。

watching this; any intelligent person might wonder how; on such a wide road; the man hit the milestone。

how e he couldnt keep himself away from it? obviously; he was hypnotized。

he concentrated on the stone in order to save himself from landing on top of it; and this made him see nothing but the stone。

when his mind became fixed on the stone; his hands automatically turned the bicycle in that direction; because the body follows your attention。

the more scared he grew; the more he had to concentrate on the stone。

he became hypnotized by the stone; his fear drew him toward the stone; and he finally crashed into it。

in life; we often make those very mistakes we would rather avoid。

we bee hypnotized by them。

for example; a man is afraid he may lose his peace of mind and get angry。

in this situation; he will find himself getting angry twenty…four times in twenty…four hours。

the more afraid he is of getting angry; the more he will be hypnotized by anger。

then he will look for excuses to be angry the whole twenty…four hours。

another man who is afraid to look at beautiful women because they might excite him sexually; will see beautiful women the whole twenty…four hours。

by and by; even ugly women will appear beautiful to him; even men will begin to look like women to him。

if from behind he sees a sadhu with long hair; he will make sure which it is; a man or a woman。

eventually women in pictures and on posters will begin to attract him; to hypnotize him。

he will hide pictures of nude women in the gita and the koran; and will look at them without even wondering how he can be so hypnotized by mere lines and colors。

he has always wanted to save himself from women and now he is afraid of them; now he sees women everywhere。

whether he goes to a temple or to a mosque; or anywhere else; he sees nothing but women。

this is hypnosis too。

a society which is against sex eventually bees sexual。

a society which is anti…sex; which denounces sex …… its whole mind will bee sexual; because it will be hypnotized by the very thing it criticizes; all its attention will be concentrated on it。

the more a society talks of celibacy; the more dirty…minded and lecherous the people will be who are born into it。

the reason is that too much talk of celibacy focuses the mind on sexuality。

all this is hypnosis …… created by us …… and we are living in it。

the whole world is entangled in this hypnosis。

and it is difficult to break; because the hypnosis grows right along with whatsoever attempts we make to break it。

in this fashion; god knows how many kinds of hypnoses we have already created; and are still continuing to create for ourselves。

and then we live with them。

they need to be broken so we can wake up。

but to cut through this false web; we need to discover false means。

in a way; all sadhana; all spiritual practice; is meant to remove the falsehood from around us。

and so; all sadhana is false。

methods devised all over the world to help us reach god are false; because we have never been away from him。

only in thought have we been away from him。

it is just as if a man were to sleep in dwarka and dream that he is in calcutta。

now; in his dream he begins to worry: his wife is ill and here he is in calcutta; he must get back to dwarka。

he goes around asking people; checking the railway timetable; inquiring about plane flights; to get back to dwarka as soon as he can。

but any suggestion he might take on how to reach dwarka will be wrong; will get him into trouble; because he is not in calcutta in the first place。

he never went to calcutta …… it was only a dream; a hypnosis。

whatever way someone might show him for returning to dwarka will only put him into trouble。

no path has any meaning; all paths are false。

even if the man returns to dwarka; the route he would take would be false。

he cannot find the right way back because there can never be one: he never went to calcutta in the first place。

what does it mean for him to find a way back? the train he will ride to dwarka will be as false as calcutta was。

if he goes to howrah station; buys a ticket and catches a train to dwarka …… all of this will be false。

all the stations he will pass on his way back will be false。

then he would arrive in dwarka and wake up happy。

but he would be surprised to find that he had never gone anywhere; that he had been in his bed all along。

then how did he e back? his going was false and so was his return。

no one has ever gone outside god。

one cannot; because; all over; only he is …… there is no way one can step out of him。

and so; all going is false; all returning is false。

however; since we have already left on an imaginary journey; we will have to return; there is no other way。

we will have to find the means to return。

but once you have returned; you will find that all methods were false; all sadhan

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