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And Now, And Here-第23章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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the lamp of ones life burns on whatsoever amount of oil it receives then。

this is the reason the lamp burns so slow: not enough oil is collected to make the lamp of life burn brightly so it can bee a flaming torch。

meditation brings you slowly to the source of life。

then it is not that you keep taking a handful of nourishment out of it; you are simply in the source itself。

then it is not that you refill your lamp with more oil …… then the entire ocean of oil bees available to you。

then you begin to live in that very ocean。

with that kind of living; sleep disappears …… not in the sense that one doesnt sleep any more; but in the sense that even when one is asleep; someone within remains wide awake。

then dreams exist no more。

a yogi stays awake; he sleeps; but he never dreams …… his dreams disappear totally。

and when dreams disappear; thoughts disappear。

what we know as thoughts in the wakeful state are called dreams in the sleeping state。

there is only a slight difference between thoughts and dreams: thoughts are slightly more civilized dreams; while dreams are a little primitive in nature。

of the two; one is the original thought。

in fact; children; or the aboriginal tribes; can think only in pictures; not in words。

mans first thoughts are always in pictures。

for example; when a child is hungry he does not think in words; 〃i am hungry。

〃 a child can visualize the mothers breast; he can imagine himself sucking the breast。

he can be filled with the desire to go to the breast; but he cannot form the words。

the word formation starts much later; pictures appear first。

when we dont know a particular language; we use pictures to express ourselves as well。

if you happen to go to a foreign country and you dont know the language; and you want to drink water; you can cup your palms to your mouth and the stranger will understand that you are thirsty …… because when words are not at hand; the need for pictures arises。

and the interesting thing is that languages of words are different in different places; but the language of pictures is universal …… because every mans picture language is the same。

we have invented different words; but pictures are not our invention。

pictures are the universal language of the human mind。

a painting; therefore; is understood anywhere in the world。

there is no need to change your language to understand a sculpture at khajuraho or a painting by leonardo。

a sculpture at khajuraho will be as understood by a chinese; a frenchman and a german; as it is by you。

and if you visit the museum of the louvre in france; you will have no difficulty in following the paintings either。

you may not understand the titles; because they are in french; but you will have no problem following the painting。

the language of pictures is everyones language。

the language of words is useful during the day; but it is not useful at night。

we again bee primitive at night。

we disappear in sleep as we are。

we lose our degrees; our university educations; everything。

we are transported to a point where the original man once stood。

thats why pictures emerge at night in sleep; and words appear during the day。

if we want to make love during the day; we can think in terms of words; but at night there is no way to express love except through images。

thoughts do not seem as alive as dreams。

in dreams the whole image appears before you。

thats why we enjoy watching a movie based on a novel more than reading the novel itself。

the only reason for this is that the novel is in the language of words while the movie is in the language of images。

in the same manner; you feel greater joy being here and listening to me live。

you would not feel the same joy listening to this talk on a tape; because here the image is present; on tape there are only words。

the language of images is nearer to us; more natural。

at night words turn into pictures; thats all the difference there is。

the day dreams disappear; thoughts disappear too; the day thoughts disappear; dreams disappear as well。

if the day is empty of thoughts; the night will be empty of dreams。

and remember; dreams dont allow you to sleep; and thoughts dont allow you to awaken。

make sure you understand both things: dreams do not let you sleep; and thoughts do not let you awaken。

if dreams disappear; sleep will be total; if thoughts disappear; awakening will be total。

if the awakening is total and the sleep is total; then not much difference exists between the two。

the only difference is in keeping the eyes open or closed; and in the body being at work or at rest。

one who is totally awakened sleeps totally; but in both states his consciousness remains exactly the same。

consciousness is one; unchangeable; only the body changes。

awake; the body is at work; asleep; the body is at rest。

to the friend who has asked why god is not attained in sleep; my answer is: he can be attained if you can remain awake even in your sleep。

so my method of meditation is a sleeping method …… sleeping in awareness; entering into sleep with awareness。

thats why i ask you to relax your body; to relax your breathing; to calm down your thoughts。

all this is a preparation for sleep。

therefore; it often happens that some friends go to sleep during meditation …… obviously; this is a preparation for sleep。

and; while preparing for it; they dont know when they go to sleep。

thats why i repeat the third suggestion: stay awake inside; remain conscious within; let the body be totally relaxed; let the breathing be totally relaxed; more relaxed than it normally is while sleeping。

but stay awake within。

within; let your awareness burn like a lamp so you dont fall asleep。

the initial conditions of meditation and sleep are the same; but there is a difference in the final condition。

the first condition is that the body should be relaxed。

if you suffer from insomnia; the first thing a doctor will teach you is relaxation。

he will ask you to do the same thing i am asking: relax your body; dont let any tension remain in your body; let your body be totally loose; just like a fluff of cotton。

have you ever noticed how a dog or a cat sleeps? they sleep as if they are not。

have you ever noticed a baby sleeping? there is no tension anywhere …… its arms and legs remain unbelievably loose。

watch a youth and an old man …… you will find everything tense in them。

so the doctor would ask you to relax totally。

the same condition applies to sleep: the breathing should be relaxed; deep and slow。

you must have noticed that jogging; the breathing bees faster。

similarly; when the body exerts itself at work; the breathing bees faster and the blood circulation increases。

for sleeping; the blood circulation should slow down …… the situation should be just the opposite to jogging …… and then the breathing will relax。

so the second condition is: relax your breathing。

when thoughts run faster; the blood has to circulate rapidly in the brain …… and when this happens; sleep bees impossible。

the condition of sleep requires a slower flow of blood to the brain。

thats why we use pillows …… to reduce the flow of blood to the brain。

without a pillow; the head lies at the same level as the body; and consequently; the blood flows at the same rate from head to toe。

when the head is raised; the blood has difficulty moving upwards; its flow is reduced in the brain and moves throughout the rest of the body。

so the greater the difficulty one has in falling asleep; the more pillows he will need to put under his head to raise it。

as the flow of blood is reduced; the brain relaxes and one finds it easy to fall asleep。

with fast…moving thoughts; the blood has to run faster too …… because for its movement a thought has to rely on blood as the vehicle。

the veins in the brain begin to work faster。

you must have noticed that when a person is angry his veins swell。

this is so because the veins have to make more space to let extra blood run through them。

when the head cools down; the blood pressure also decreases。

in anger; the face and the eyes turn red。

this is due to the extra blood that runs through the veins。

in that state; thoughts move so fast that the blood has to flow faster。

and breathing also bees faster。

when sex takes hold of the mind; the breathing bees very heavy and the blood flows faster …… because thoughts move so rapidly; the mind begins to function so fast; that all the veins in the brain start rushing with blood at great speed。

so the conditions for meditation are primarily the same as those applicable to sleep: relax your body; relax your breathing; let go of thoughts。

and so; for sleep as well as for meditation; the initial conditions are equally true。

the difference is in the final condition。

in the former you remain deep in sleep; in meditation you remain fully awake; thats all。

so this friend is right in asking the question。

there is a deep relationship between sleep and meditation; between samadhi and sushupti; deep sleep。

however; there is one very significant difference between the two: the differ

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