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And Now, And Here-第22章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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americans are showing interest in meditation because they have lost sleep。

they think that perhaps meditation may bring their sleep back; that it may bring some peace into their lives。

thats why they look upon meditation as nothing more than a tranquilizer。

when vivekananda first introduced meditation in america; a physician came to him and said; 〃i enjoyed your meditation immensely。

it is absolutely a non…medicinal tranquilizer。

its not a medicine and yet it puts one to sleep …… its great。

〃 yogis are not the reason their influence is growing so much in america …… the lack of sleep is the real cause。

their sleep is in a mess; and consequently life in america is filled with heaviness; depression; tension。

so in america we see the growing need for tranquilizers …… somehow; to bring sleep to people。

every year; millions of dollars are being spent on tranquilizers in america。

ten big laboratories are conducting research on thousands of people who are being paid to undergo nights of rather unfortable; painful sleep。

all kinds of electrodes and thousands of wires are attached to peoples bodies; and they are examined from all angles to find out what is happening inside them。

one incredible discovery these experiments have revealed is that man dreams almost the whole night。

waking up; some people said they didnt dream; while some said they did。

but in fact; all of them dreamt。

the only difference was that those with better memories remembered dreaming; while those with weaker memories could not recall dreaming。

it was found; however; that a pletely healthy person was able to slip into a deep; dreamless sleep for ten minutes。

dreams can be scanned through machines。

nerves in the brain remain active during our dreaming state; but as the dream stops; the nerves cease to be active as well; and the machine indicates a gap has occurred。

the gap shows that at that time the man was neither dreaming nor thinking …… he was lost somewhere。

it is interesting that the machines keep recording movement inside the man while he is in the dreaming state; but as soon as he falls into dreamless sleep; the machine shows a gap。

they dont know where the man disappeared in that gap。

so dreamless sleep means the man has reached a place beyond the machines range。

it is in this gap that man enters the divine。

the machine is unable to detect this space in between; this gap。

the machine records the internal activity as long as the man is dreaming …… then es the gap and the man disappears somewhere。

and then; after ten minutes; the machine starts recording again。

it is difficult to say where the man was during that ten…minute interval。

american psychologists are very intrigued by this gap; hence they consider sleep the biggest mystery。

the fact is that next to god; sleep is the only mystery。

there is no other mystery。

you sleep every day; yet you have no idea what sleep is。

a man sleeps all through his life; and yet nothing changes …… he knows nothing about sleep。

the reason you dont know anything about sleep is that when sleep is there; you are not。

remember; you are only as long as sleep is not。

and so; you e to know only as much as the machine knows。

just as in the face of the gap the machine stops and is unable to reach where the man has been transported; you cannot reach there either …… because you are no more than a machine as well。

since you do not e across that gap either; sleep remains a mystery; it remains beyond your reach。

this is so because a man falls into wakeless sleep only when he ceases to exist in his 〃i…am…ness。

〃 and therefore; as the ego keeps growing; sleep bees less and less。

an egoistic person loses his capacity to sleep because his ego; the i; keeps asserting itself twenty…four hours a day。

it is the i that wakes up; the same i that walks on the street。

the i remains so present the entire twenty…four hours that at the moment of falling asleep; when the time approaches to drop the i; one is unable to get rid of it。

obviously; it bees difficult to fall asleep。

as long as the i exists; sleep is impossible。

and; as i told you yesterday; as long as the i exists; entering into god is impossible。

entering into sleep and entering into god are exactly one and the same thing; the only difference is that through sleep one enters into god in an unconscious state; while through meditation one enters into god in a conscious state。

but this is a very big difference。

you may enter god through sleep for thousands of lives; yet you will never e to know god。

but if; even for a moment; you enter meditation you will have reached the same place you have reached in deep sleep for thousands and millions of lives …… although always in an unconscious state …… and it will transform your life totally。

the interesting thing is that once a person enters meditation; enters that emptiness where deep sleep takes him; he never remains unconscious …… even when he is asleep。

when krishna says in the gita that the yogi stays awake when everyone else is asleep; he does not mean the yogi never sleeps at all。

in fact; no one sleeps as beautifully as a yogi does。

but even in his deepest sleep; that element in him which has entered into meditation remains awake。

and every night the yogi enters sleep in this awakened state。

then for him meditation and sleep bee one and the same thing …… no difference between the two remains。

then he always enters sleep in full consciousness。

once a person moves within himself through meditation; he can never be in an unconscious state in his sleep。

ananda lived with buddha for many years。

for years he slept near buddha。

one morning he asked buddha; 〃for years i have been watching you sleep。

not once do you ever change sides; you sleep the whole night in the same position。

your limbs stay where they were when you lay down at night; there is not the slightest movement。

many times i have got up at night to check whether you have moved。

i have stayed up nights watching you …… your hands; your feet; rest in the same position; you never ever change sides。

do you keep some kind of a record of your sleep the whole night?〃 

〃i dont need to keep any record;〃 buddha replied。

〃i sleep in a conscious state; so i find no need to change sides。

i can if i want to。

turning from one side to another is not a requirement of sleep; its a requirement of your restless mind。

〃 a restless mind cannot even rest in one place for a single night; let alone during the day。

even sleeping at night; the whole time the body shows its restlessness。

if you watch a person asleep at night; you will see he is continuously restless the whole time。

you will find him moving his hands in much the same way he does when he is awake during the day。

in his dream at night; you will find him running and panting in much the same way it happens with someone during the day …… he feels out of breath; tired。

at night; in dreams; he fights in much the same way he fights during the day。

he is as angry at night as he is during the day。

he is filled with passion during the day; at night as well。

there is no fundamental difference between the day and the night of such a person; except that at night he lies down exhausted; unconscious; everything else continues to function as usual。

so buddha said; 〃i can change sides if i want to; but there is no need。


but we dont realize

a man sitting in a chair keeps jiggling his legs。

ask him: 〃why are your legs jiggling like that? its understandable if they move when you walk; but why are they moving when you are sitting in a chair?〃 no sooner do you say this than the man will stop immediately。

then he wont even move for a second; but he will have no explanation as to why he was doing it。

it shows how the restlessness within causes agitation in the entire body。

inside is the restless mind; it cannot be still; in one position; even for a moment。

it will keep the whole body fidgeting …… the legs will move; the head will shake; even sitting; the body will change sides。

thats why; even for ten minutes; you find it so difficult to sit still in meditation。

and from a thousand different spots the body urges you to twitch and turn。

we do not notice this until we sit with awareness in meditation。

we realize then what sort of a body this is; it doesnt want to remain still in one position even for a second。

the confusion; the tension; and the excitement of the mind stir up the entire body。

for about ten minutes everything disappears in wakeless sleep …… although these ten minutes are available only to one who is pletely healthy and peaceful; not to everyone。

others get this kind of sleep anywhere from one to five minutes; most people get only two; or one minute of deep sleep。

the little juice we receive in that one minute of reaching to the source of life; we apply to making our next twenty…four hours work。

whatever little amount of oil the lamp receives in that short period; we utilize it to carry on our lives for a full twenty…four hours。

the lamp of ones life burns on whatsoever amount of oil it 

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