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And Now, And Here-第19章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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kes it easy to enter within themselves; that the temple is only meant to be a place where one experiences beauty; peace and solitude。

then the temple will simply be an appropriate place for meditation。

and meditation is the path leading to god。

everyone cannot find it easy to make his house so peaceful that it can be used for meditation; but together a whole village can certainly build such a peaceful house。

everyone cannot afford to hire a tutor for his children and provide them with a separate school building; garden and playground。

if each and every person started doing this; it would create a problem …… only a limited number of children would get educated …… so we build a school in the village and provide all that is necessary for the children of the entire village。

similarly; each village should have a place for sadhana; for meditation。

that is all a temple and a mosque mean; nothing more。

at present; they are no longer places for sadhana; they have bee centers for spreading trouble and mischief。

so we dont need to do away with the temples。

we must; however; take care that a temple does not continue to be a center for causing trouble。

we must also take care that the temple returns to the hands of religion; and does not remain in the hands of hindus or mohammedans。

if the children of a town can go as freely to the mosque as they can to the temple; as freely to the church as they can to the temple of shiva; then such a town is truly a religious town。

then the people of this town are good people。

then the parents of this town are not the enemies of their children。

one can see that the parents of this town love their children; and are laying a foundation so that their children do not fight amongst themselves。

the parents of this town would tell their children; 〃a mosque is your house as much as a temple is。

go wherever you find peace。

sit there; seek god there。

all houses are gods; but to have a glimpse of him is what matters。

and for this; go within yourself。

or go wherever you feel。

〃 the day this will bee a reality; the right kind of temple will be created in the world。

we have not been able to build it as yet。

i am not among those who wish to get rid of temples。

on the contrary; i am saying that our temples have already been destroyed by the very people who claim to be their guardians。

but when we will be able to see this is hard to say。

and then people misunderstand; they get the idea that i am among the destroyers of temples。

what would i gain by destroying a temple? whatsoever is unlike a temple; which has gathered around the temple; must; of course; be eliminated。

it is quite all right to involve oneself in an effort to do so。

one last question; and we will begin our meditation。

one friend has asked after the morning discussion: 

question 3 

do souls sometimes wander after leaving the body? 

some souls do find it difficult to take on a new body right after death。

there is a reason for this; and perhaps you may not have thought that this could be the reason。

all souls; if divided; would fall into three categories。

one is the lowest …… people with the most inferior type of consciousness; another is of the very highest kind; very superior; the purest kind of consciousness; and the third consists of people in between …… a bination of something of both。

lets take the example of a damroo; a small drum。

it is broad at the ends and thin in the center。

were we to reverse it so that it was broad in the center and narrow at the ends; we would understand the situation of disembodied souls。

at the narrow ends there are very few souls。

the most lowly souls find it as difficult to take a new body as the superior ones do。

those in between do not face the slightest delay …… they attain a new body as soon as they leave the previous one。

the reason is that for the mediocre souls; the middle ones; a suitable womb is always available。

as soon as a person dies; the soul sees hundreds of people; hundreds of couples; copulating …… and whichever couple it bees attracted to; it enters the womb。

many superior souls; however; cannot enter ordinary wombs; they require extraordinary wombs。

the superior soul requires the union of a couple with an exceptionally high level of consciousness so that the highest degree of possibilities bees available for their birth。

and so; a superior soul has to wait for the right womb。

similarly; inferior souls have to wait also; because they cannot easily find a couple either; they cannot easily find a womb of an inferior type。

thus; both the highest and the lowest types are not easily born; while the mediocre types have no difficulty。

there are wombs continuously available to receive them …… the mediocre soul is immediately attracted to any one of them。

i talked about bardo in the morning。

in this method the dying man is told; 〃you will see hundreds of couples copulating。

dont be in a hurry。

think a little; take a little time; remain there for a while before you enter a womb。

dont immediately enter whichever womb attracts you。

it is as if a person goes downtown and buys whatsoever catches his fancy in a showroom。

whichever shop es into view first; he is pulled to it; he enters the shop immediately。

but an intelligent customer goes to several shops; checks and rechecks the items; makes enquiries; confirms the prices; and then decides。

so in the bardo method the dying man is warned; 〃beware! dont rush; dont hurry; keep searching; give it thought; take everything into consideration。

〃 this is told to him because; continuously; hundreds of people are copulating。

the person clearly sees hundreds of couples making love; and among them he is only attracted to that couple capable of giving him a suitable womb。

both superior and inferior souls have to wait until they find a suitable womb。

the inferior souls do not easily find a womb of such an inferior character that through it they can attain their possibilities。

also; superior souls do not readily find a womb of a superior character。

the inferior souls; stranded without bodies; are what we call evil spirits; and the superior souls waiting to take birth; we call them devatas; gods。

superior souls waiting for the right womb are gods。

ghosts and evil spirits are the lowest kind of souls …… stranded because of their inferior quality。

for the ordinary soul a womb is always available。

no sooner does death occur than the soul instantly enters a womb。

question 4 

the same friend has also asked: can these souls who are waiting to be born enter into someones body and harass that person? 

this; too; is possible …… because the inferior souls; those who have not yet found a body; remain very tormented; while; without bodies; the superior souls are happy。

you should keep this distinction in mind。

higher souls always look upon the body as a kind of bondage of one sort or another。

they wish to remain so light they even prefer not to carry the weight of a body。

and; ultimately; they want to be free from the body; because they find even the body is nothing but a prison。

eventually; they feel the body makes them do certain things which are not worth doing。

and so these souls are not very attracted to the body。

the inferior souls cannot live for a moment without a body; their interest; their happiness is tethered to the body。

certain pleasures can be attained without being in a body。

for example; there is the soul of a thinker。

now; one can have the pleasure of thinking without being in a body; because thought has nothing to do with the body。

so if the soul of a thinker begins to wander and does not attain a body; it never shows any hurry to be in the body again because it can enjoy the pleasure of thinking even in the state it is in。

but; lets say someone enjoys food with a passion。

that pleasure is not possible without being in a body; so in such a case; the soul bees tremendously restless to find a way to enter a body。

and if it fails to find a suitable womb; then it can enter a body which has a weak soul。

a weak soul means one which is not the master of its body。

and this happens when the weak soul is in a state of fear。

remember; fear has a very deep meaning。

fear means that which causes you to shrink。

when you are in fear you shrink; when you are happy you expand。

when a person is in a state of fear his soul shrinks; and consequently a large space is left vacant in his body for another soul to enter and occupy。

not only one; many souls can enter and occupy that space at once。

so when a man is in a state of fear; a soul can enter his body。

and the only reason a soul would do that is because all its cravings are tethered to the body; it attempts to satisfy its cravings by entering someones body。

this is totally possible。

plete facts are available to support it; it is totally based on reality。

what this means is that a fearful person is always in danger; he is always in a shrunken state。

he lives; as it were; in one room of his house; while the rest of the rooms remain vacant and can be occupied by other g

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