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And Now, And Here-第15章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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you may not have noticed; but all lifes illusions are caused by things revolving at great speed。

the wall looks very solid; the rock under your feet feels clearly solid; but according to scientists there is nothing like a solid rock。

it is now a well…known fact that the closer scientists observed matter; the more it disappeared。

as long as the scientist was distant from matter; he believed in it。

mostly it was the scientist who used to declare that matter alone is truth; but now that very scientist is saying there is nothing like matter。

scientists say that the fast movement of particles of electricity creates the illusion of density。

density; as such; exists nowhere。

for example; when an electric fan moves with speed; we cannot see the three moving blades; one cannot actually count how many there are。

if it moves even faster; it will appear as if a piece of circular metal is moving。

it can be moved so fast that even if you sat on top of it; you wouldnt feel the gap between the blades; you would feel as if you were sitting on top of solid metal。

the particles in matter are moving with similar speed …… and the particles are not matter; they are fast…moving electric energy。

matter appears dense because of fast…moving particles of electricity。

the whole of matter is a product of fast…moving energy …… even though it appears to exist; it is actually nonexistent。

similarly; the energy of consciousness is moving so fast that; because of it; the illusion of i is created。

there are two kinds of illusions in this world: one; the illusion of matter; second; the illusion of i; the ego。

both are basically false; but only by ing closer to them does one bee aware they dont exist。

as science draws closer to matter; matter disappears; as religion draws nearer i the i disappears。

religion has discovered that the i is nonexistent; and science has discovered that matter is nonexistent。

the closer we e; the more we bee disillusioned。

thats why i say: go within; look closely …… is there any i inside? i am not asking you to believe that you are not the i。

if you do; it will turn into a false belief。

if you take my word for it and think; 〃i am not; the ego is false。

i am atman; i am brahman; the ego is false;〃 you will throw yourself into confusion。

if this merely bees a repetitive thing; then you will only be repeating the false。

i am not asking you for this sort of repetition。

i am saying: go within; look; recognize who you are。

one who looks within and recognizes himself discovers that 〃i am not。

〃 then who is within? if i am not; then someone else must be there。

just because 〃i am not;〃 doesnt mean no one is there; because even to recognize the illusion; someone has to be there。

if i am not; then who is there? the experience of what remains after the disappearance of i is the experience of god。

the experience bees at once expansive …… dropping i; you also drops; he also drops; and only an ocean of consciousness remains。

in that state you will see that only god is。

then it may seem erroneous to say that god is; because it sounds redundant。

it is redundant to say 〃god is;〃 because god is the other name of 〃that which is。

〃 is…ness is god …… hence to say 〃god is〃 is a tautology; it isnt correct。

what does it mean to say 〃god is〃? we identify something as 〃is〃 which can also bee 〃is not〃。

we say 〃the table is;〃 because it is quite possible the table may not exist tomorrow; or that the table did not exist yesterday。

something which did not exist before may bee nonexistent again; then what is the sense in saying 〃it is〃? god is not something which did not exist before; nor is it possible that he will never be again; therefore; to say 〃god is〃 is meaningless。

he is。

in fact; another name for god is 〃that which is。

〃 god means existence。

in my view; if we impose our god on 〃that which is;〃 we are pushing ourselves into falsehood and deception。

and remember; the gods we have created are made differently; each has his respective trademark。

a hindu has made his own god; a mohammedan has his own。

the christian; the jaina; the buddhist …… each has his own god。

all have coined their own respective words; all have created their own respective gods。

a whole great god…manufacturing industry abounds! in their respective homes people manufacture their god; they produce their own god。

and then these god…manufacturers fight among themselves in the marketplace the same way the people who manufacture goods at home do。

everyones god is different from the others。

actually; as long as 〃i am;〃 whatsoever i create will be different from yours。

as long as 〃i am;〃 my religion; my god will be different from other peoples because they will be the creation of i; of the ego。

since we consider ourselves separate entities; whatever we create will have a separate character。

if; to create religion; the appropriate freedom could be granted; there would be as many religions in the world as there are people …… not less than that。

it is because of the lack of the right kind of freedom that there are so few religions in the world。

a hindu father takes certain care to make his son a hindu before he bees independent。

a mohammedan father makes his son a mohammedan before he bees intelligent; because once intelligence is attained; a person wont want to bee either a hindu or a mohammedan。

and so there is the need to fill a child with all these stupidities before he achieves intelligence。

all parents are anxious to teach their children religion right from childhood; because once a child grows up he will start to think and to cause trouble。

he will raise all sorts of questions …… and not finding any satisfactory answers; will do things difficult for the parents to face。

this is why parents are keen to teach their children religion right from infancy …… when the child is unaware of many things; when he is vulnerable to learning any kind of stupidity。

this is how people bee mohammedans; hindus; jains; buddhists; christians …… whatsoever you teach them to bee。

and so; those we call religious people are often found to be unintelligent。

they lack intelligence; because what we call religion is something which has poisoned us before intelligence has arisen …… and even afterwards it continues its inner hold。

no wonder hindus and mohammedans fight with each other in the name of god; in the name of their temples and their mosques。

does god e in many varieties? is the god hindus worship of one kind; and the god the mohammedans worship of another? is that why hindus feel their god is desecrated if an idol is destroyed。

or mohammedans feel their god is dishonored if a mosque is destroyed or burned? 

actually; god is 〃that which is。

〃 he exists as much in a mosque as he does in a temple。

he exists as much in a slaughterhouse as he does in a place of worship。

he exists as much in a tavern as he does in a mosque。

he is as present in a thief as he is in a holy man …… not one iota less; that can never be。

who else is dwelling in a thief if not the divine? he is as present in rama as he is in ravana …… he is not one iota less in ravana。

he exists as much within a hindu as he does within a mohammedan。

but the problem is: if we e to believe that the same divinity exists in everyone; our god…manufacturing industry will suffer heavily。

so in order to prevent this from happening; we keep on imposing our respective gods。

if a hindu looks at a flower he will project his own god on it; see his god in it; whereas a mohammedan will project; visualize his god。

they can even pick a fight over this; although perhaps such a hindu…mohammedan conflict is a little far…fetched。

their establishments are at a little distance from each other …… but there are even quarrels between the closely related 〃divinity shops。

〃 for example; there is quite a distance between benares and mecca; but there is not much distance in benares between the temples of rama and krishna。

and yet the same degree of trouble exists there。

i have heard about a great saint。

i am calling him great because people used to call him great; and i am calling him a saint only because people used to call him a saint。

he was a devotee of rama。

once he was taken to the temple of krishna。

when he saw the idol of krishna holding a flute in his hands; he refused to bow down to the image。

standing before the image; he said; 〃if you would take up the bow and arrow; only then could i bow down to you; for then you would be my lord。

〃 how strange! we place conditions on god also …… how and in which manner or position he should present himself。

we prescribe the setting; we make our requirements …… only then are we prepared to worship。

it is so strange we determine what our god should be like。

but thats how it has been all along。

what; up to now; we have been identifying as god; is a product based on our own specifications。

as long as this man…made god is standing in the way; we will not be able to know that god who is not determined by us。

we will never be able to know the one who determines us。

and so we nee

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