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And Now, And Here-第13章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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she cannot go to school because; although she is eleven; she can easily look upon her teacher as her son。

so even though her body is eleven years old; her mind and personality are those of a seventy…eight…year…old woman。

she cannot play and frolic like a child; she is only interested in the kinds of serious things old women talk about。

she is in agony; she is filled with tension。

her body and mind are not in harmony。

she is in a very sad and painful state。

i advised her parents to bring the girl to me; and to let me help her forget the memories of her past lives。

just as there is a method to revive memories; there is also a way to forget them。

but her parents were enjoying the whole affair! crowds of people came to see the girl; they began to worship her。

the parents were not interested in having her forget the past。

i warned them the girl would go mad; but they turned a deaf ear。

today she is on the verge of insanity; because she cannot bear the weight of so many memories。

another problem is; how to get her married? she finds it difficult to conceive of marriage when; in fact; she feels like an old woman of seventy…eight。

there is no harmony of any kind within her; her body is young but the mind is old。

it is a very difficult situation。

but this was an accident。

you can also break open the passage with an experiment。

but it is not necessary to go in that direction; however; those who still wish to pursue it; can experiment。

but before moving into the experiment it is essential they go through deep meditation so their minds can bee so silent and strong that when the flood of memories breaks upon them; they can accept it as a witnessing。

when a man grows into being a witness; past lives appear to be no more than dreams to him。

then he is not tormented by the memories; now they mean nothing more than dreams。

when one succeeds in recalling past lives and they begin to appear like dreams; immediately ones present life begins to look like a dream too。

those who have called this world maya have not done so just to propound a doctrine of philosophy。

jati…smaran …… recalling past lives …… is at the base of it。

whosoever has remembered his past lives; for him the whole affair has suddenly turned into a dream; an illusion。

where are his friends of past lives? where are his relatives; his wife and children; the houses he lived in? where is that world? where is everything he took to be so real? where are those worries that gave him sleepless nights? where are those pains and sufferings that seemed so insurmountable; that he carried like a dead weight on his back? and what became of the happiness he longed for? what happened to everything he so toiled and suffered for? if you ever remember your past life; and if you lived for seventy years; then whatever you might have seen in those seventy years; would that look like a dream or a reality? indeed; it would look like a dream which had e and withered away。

i have heard。

once a kings only son lay on his deathbed。

for eight days he was in a a …… he couldnt be saved nor would death claim him。

on the one hand the king prayed for his life; while on the other hand; aware of so much pain and suffering all around; he felt the futility of life at the same time。

the king could not sleep for eight nights; but then; around four oclock one morning; sleep overtook him and he began to dream。

we generally dream of those things which we have not fulfilled in life; and so the king; sitting by his only son; his dying son; dreamed that he had twelve strong and handsome sons。

he saw himself as the emperor of a large kingdom; as the ruler of the whole earth; with large and beautiful palaces。

and he saw himself as extremely happy。

as he was dreaming all this。

time runs faster in a dream; in a dream timing is totally different from our day…to…day time。

in a moment a dream can cover a span of many years; and after waking up you will find it difficult to figure out how so many years were covered in a dream that lasted just a few moments! time actually moves very fast in a dream; many years can be spanned in one moment。

so; just as the king was dreaming about his twelve sons and their beautiful wives; about his palaces and the great kingdom; the ill; twelve…year…old prince died。

the queen screamed; and the kings sleep came to an abrupt end。

he awoke with a shock。

worriedly; the queen asked; 〃why do you look so frightened? why are there no tears in your eyes? why dont you say something?〃 

the king said; 〃no; i am not frightened; i am confused。

i am in a great quandary。

i am wondering who i should cry for? should i cry for the twelve sons i had a moment ago; or should i cry for this son i have just lost? the thing thats bothering me is; who has died? and the strange thing is that when i was with those twelve sons; i had no knowledge of this son。

he was nowhere at all; there was no trace of him; or of you。

now that i am out of the dream; this palace is here; you are here; my son is here …… but those palaces and those sons have disappeared。

which is true? is this true; or was that true? i cannot figure it out。


once you remember your past lives; you will find it difficult to figure out whether what you are seeing in this life is true or not。

you will realize you have seen the same stuff many times before and none of it has endured forever …… everything is lost。

then the question will arise: 〃is what i am seeing now just as true as what i saw before? 。

because this will run its course too and fade away like all other previous dreams。

when we watch a movie it appears to be real。

after the film has ended; it takes us a few moments to e back to our reality; to acknowledge that what we saw in the theater was merely an illusion。

in fact; many people who ordinarily are incapable of giving vent to their feelings are moved to tears in a movie。

they feel greatly relieved; because otherwise they would have had to find some other pretext for releasing their feelings。

they let themselves cry or laugh in the theater。

when we e out of the movie; the first thing that occurs to us is how deeply we let ourselves bee identified with the happenings on the screen。

if the same movie is seen every day the illusion gradually begins to clear。

but then we also forget what happened to us during the last movie; and once again; when we go to a new film; we start believing in its events。

if we could regain the memories of our past lives; our present birth would also begin to look like a dream。

how many times before have these winds blown! how many times before have these clouds moved in the sky! they all appeared and then they vanished; and so will the ones here now …… they are already in the process of disappearing! if we can e to realize this; we will experience what is known as maya。

along with this we will also experience that a}l happenings; all events are quite unreal …… they are never identical; but they are transient。

one dream es; is followed by another dream; and is followed by yet another dream。

the pilgrim starts from one moment and enters into the next one。

moment after moment; the moments keep disappearing; but the pilgrim continues moving on。

so two experiences occur simultaneously: one; the objective world is an illusion; maya …… only the observer is real; second; what appears is false …… only the seer; only the witness of it is true。

appearances change every day …… they have always changed …… only the witness; the observer is the same as before; changeless。

and remember; as long as appearances seem real; your attention will not focus on the onlooker; on the witness。

only when appearances turn out to be unreal does one bee aware of the witness。

hence; i say; remembering past lives is useful; but only after you have gone deeper into meditation。

go deep into meditation so you may attain the ability to see life as a dream。

being a mahatma; a holy man; is as much of a dream as being a thief …… you can have good dreams and you can have bad dreams。

and the interesting thing is that the dream of being a thief is likely to dissolve soon; whereas the dream of being a mahatma takes a little longer to disappear because it seems so very enjoyable。

and so the dream of being a mahatma is more dangerous than the dream of being a thief。

we want to prolong our enjoyable dreams; while the painful ones dissolve by themselves。

thats why it so often happens that a sinner succeeds in attaining to god while a holy man does not。

i have told you a few things about rememberin
。d  。


the whole universe is a temple

29 october 1969 pm in meditation camp at dwarka; gujarat; india 

question 1 

a friend has asked: you have shown us the method of negation for realizing the truth or the divine being …… the method of excluding everything else in order to know the self。

is it possible to achieve the same result by doing the opposite? can we not try to see god in everything? can we not feel him in all? 

it will be helpful to understand this。

one who cannot realize g

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