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And Now, And Here-第11章

小说: And Now, And Here 字数: 每页3500字

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i dont ever want to look at that side of things。

〃 but it is not so easy to stop the tide of memory once it has broken loose。

it is very difficult to shut the door once it crashes down …… the door does not simply open; it breaks open。

it took about fifteen days …… only then did the wave of memories stop。

what was the problem? 

this lady used to claim that she was very pious; a woman of impeccable character。

when she encountered the memory of her past life; when she was a prostitute; and the scenes of her prostitution began to emerge; her whole being was shaken。

her whole morality of this life was disturbed。

in this sort of revelation; it is not as if the visions belong to someone else …… the same woman who claimed to be chaste now saw herself as a prostitute。

it often happens that someone who was a prostitute in a past life bees deeply virtuous in the next; it is a reaction to the suffering of the past life。

it is the memory of the pain and the hurt of the previous life that turns her into a chaste woman。

it often happens that people who were sinners in past lives bee saints in this life。

hence there is quite a deep relationship between sinners and saints。

such a reaction often takes place; and the reason is; what we e to know hurts us and so we swing to the opposite extreme。

the pendulum of our minds keeps moving in the opposite direction。

no sooner does the pendulum reach the left than it moves back to the right。

it barely touches the right when it swings back to the left。

when you see the pendulum of a clock moving towards the left; be assured it is gathering energy to move back to the right …… it will go as far to the right as it has gone to the left。

hence; in life it often happens that a virtuous person bees a sinner; and a sinner bees virtuous。

this is very mon; this sort of oscillation occurs in everyones life。

do not think; therefore; that it is a general rule that one who has bee a holy man in this life must have been a holy man in his past life also。

it is not necessarily so。

what is necessarily so is the exact reverse of it …… he is laden with the pain of what he went through in his past life and has turned to the opposite。

i have heard。

a holy man and a prostitute once lived opposite each other。

both died on the same day。

the soul of the prostitute was to be taken to heaven; and that of the holy man; however; to hell。

the envoys who had e to take them away were very puzzled。

they kept asking each other; 〃what went wrong? is this a mistake? why are we to take the holy man to hell? wasnt he a holy man?〃 

the wisest among them said; 〃he was a holy man all right; but he envied the prostitute。

he always brooded over the parties at her place and the pleasures that went on there。

the notes of music which came drifting to his house would jolt him to his very core。

no admirer of the prostitute; sitting in front of her; was ever moved as much as he …… listening to the sounds ing from her residence; the sounds of the small dancing bells she wore on her ankles。

his whole attention always remained focused on her place。

even while worshipping god; his ears were tuned to the sounds which came from her house。

〃and the prostitute? while she languished in the pit of misery; she always wondered what unknown bliss the holy man was in。

whenever she saw him carrying flowers for morning worship; she wondered; when will i be worthy to take flowers of worship to the temple? i am so impure that i can hardly even gather enough courage to enter the temple。

the holy man was never as lost in the incense smoke; in the shining lamps; in the sounds of worship as the prostitute was。

the prostitute always longed for the life of the holy man; and the holy man always craved for the pleasures of the prostitute。


their interests and attitudes; so totally opposite each others; so totally different from each others; had pletely changed。

this often happens …… and there are laws at work behind these happenings。

so when the memory of her past life came back to this lady professor; she was very hurt。

she felt hurt because her ego was shattered。

what she learned about her past life shook her; and now she wanted to forget it。

i had warned her in the first place not to recall her past life without sufficient preparation。

since you have asked; i shall tell you a few basic things so that you can understand the meaning of jati…smaran。

but they wont help you to experiment with it。

those who wish to experiment will have to look into it separately。

the first thing is that if the purpose of jati…smaran is simply to know ones past life; then one needs to turn ones mind away from the future。

our mind is future…oriented; not past…oriented。

ordinarily; our mind is centered in the future; it moves toward the future。

the stream of our thoughts is future…oriented; and it is in lifes interests that the mind be future…oriented; not past…oriented。

why be concerned with the past? it is gone; it is finished …… so we are interested in that which is about to e。

thats why we keep asking astrologers what is in store for us in the future。

we are interested in finding out what is going to happen in the future。

one who wants to remember the past has to give up; absolutely; any interest in the future。

because once the flashlight of the mind is focused on the future; once the stream of thoughts has begun to move towards the future; then it cannot be turned back towards the past。

so the first thing one needs to do is to break oneself pletely away from the future for a few months; for a certain specific period of time。

one should decide that he will not think of the future for the next six months。

if a thought of the future does occur; he will simply salute it and let it go; he will not bee identified with and carried away by any feeling of future。

so the first thing is that; for six months; he will allow that there is no future and will flow towards the past。

and so; as soon as future is dropped; the current of thoughts turns towards the past。

first you will have to go back in this life; it is not possible to return to a past life all at once。

and there are techniques for going back in this life。

for example; as i said earlier; you dont remember now what you did on january 1; 1950。

there is a technique to find out。

if you go into the meditation which i have suggested; after ten minutes …… when the meditation has gone deeper; the body is relaxed; the breathing is relaxed; the mind has bee quiet …… then let only one thing remain in your mind: 〃what took place on january 1; 1950?〃 let your entire mind focus on it。

if that remains the only note echoing in your mind; in a few days you will all of a sudden find a curtain is raised: the first of january appears and you begin to relive each and every event of that day from dawn to dusk。

and you will see the first of january in far more detail than you may have seen it; in actuality; on that very day …… because on that day; you may not have been this aware。

so; first; you will need to experiment by regressing in this life。

it is very easy to regress to the age of five; it bees very difficult to go beyond that age。

and so; ordinarily; we cannot recall what happened before the age of five; that is the farthest back we can go。

a few people might remember up to the third year; but beyond that it bees extremely difficult …… as if a barrier es across the entrance and everything bees blocked。

a person who bees capable of recalling will be able to fully awaken the memory of any day up to the age of five。

the memory starts to be pletely revived。

then one should test it。

for example; note down the events of today on a piece of paper and lock it away。

two years later recall this day: open the note and pare your memory with it。

you will be amazed to find that you have been able to recall more than what was noted on the paper。

the events are certain to return to your memory。

buddha has called this alaya…vigyan。

there exists a corner in our minds which buddha has named alaya…vigyan。

alaya…vigyan means the storehouse of consciousness。

as we store all our junk in the basement of a house; similarly; there is a storehouse of consciousness that collects memories。

birth after birth; everything is stored in it。

nothing is ever removed from there; because a man never knows when he might need those things。

the physical body changes; but; in our ongoing existence; that storehouse continues; remains with us。

one never knows when it might be needed。

and whatsoever we have done in our lives; whatsoever we have experienced; known; lived …… everything is stored there。

one who can remember to the age of five can go beyond that age …… it is not very difficult。

the nature of the experiment will be the same。

beyond the age of five there is yet another door which will lead you to the point of your birth; to when you appeared on earth。

then one es across another difficulty; because the memories of ones stay in the mothers womb never disappear either。

one can penetrate these memories too; reaching to

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