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Paradise Lost Ⅻ-第3章

小说: Paradise Lost Ⅻ 字数: 每页3500字

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neglect not; and the benefit imbrace

by faith not void of workes: this god…like act

annuls thy doom; the death thou shouldst have dyd;

in sin for ever lost from life; this act

shall bruise the head of satan; crush his strength ' 430 '

defeating sin and death; his two maine armes;

and fix farr deeper in his head thir stings

then temporal death shall bruise the victors heel;

or theirs whom he redeems; a death like sleep;

a gentle wafting to immortal life。 ' 435 '

nor after resurrection shall he stay

longer on earth then certaine times to appeer

to his disciples; men who in his life

still followd him; to them shall leave in charge

to teach all nations what of him they learnd ' 440 '

and his salvation; them who shall beleeve

baptizing in the profluent streame; the signe

of washing them from guilt of sin to life

pure; and in mind prepard; if so befall;

for death; like that which the redeemer dyd。 ' 445 '

all nations they shall teach; for from that day

not onely to the sons of abrahams loines

salvation shall be preacht; but to the sons

of abrahams faith wherever through the world;

so in his seed all nations shall be blest。 ' 450 '


Paradise Lost Ⅻ11

then to the heavn of heavns he shall ascend

with victory; triumphing through the aire

over his foes and thine; there shall surprise

the serpent; prince of aire; and drag in chaines

through all his realme; and there confounded leave; ' 455 '

then enter into glory; and resume

his seat at gods right hand; exalted high

above all names in heavn; and thence shall e;

when this worlds dissolution shall be ripe;

with glory and power to judge both quick and dead ' 460 '

to judge th unfaithful dead; but to reward

his faithful; and receave them into bliss;

whether in heavn or earth; for then the earth

shall all be paradise; far happier place

then this of eden; and far happier daies。 ' 465 '

so spake th archangel michael; then pausd;

as at the worlds great period; and our sire

replete with joy and wonder thus replid。

o goodness infinite; goodness immense!

that all this good of evil shall produce; ' 470 '

and evil turn to good; more wonderful

then that which by creation first brought forth

light out of darkness! full of doubt i stand;

whether i should repent me now of sin

by mee done and occasiond; or rejoyce ' 475 '

much more; that much more good thereof shall spring;

to god more glory; more good will to men

from god; and over wrauth grace shall abound。

but say; if our deliverer up to heavn

must reascend; what will betide the few ' 480 '

his faithful; left among th unfaithful herd;

the enemies of truth; who then shall guide

his people; who defend? will they not deale

wors with his followers then with him they dealt?

。d xs 

Paradise Lost Ⅻ12

be sure they will; said th angel; but from heavn ' 485 '

hee to his own a forter will send;

the promise of the father; who shall dwell

his spirit within them; and the law of faith

working through love; upon thir hearts shall write;

to guide them in all truth; and also arme ' 490 '

with spiritual armour; able to resist

satans assaults; and quench his fierie darts;

what man can do against them; not affraid;

though to the death; against such cruelties

with inward consolations repenct; ' 495 '

and oft supported so as shall amaze

thir proudest persecuters: for the spirit

powrd first on his apostles; whom he sends

to evangelize the nations; then on all

baptizd; shall them with wondrous gifts endue ' 500 '

to speak all tongues; and do all miracles;

as did thir lord before them。 thus they win

great numbers of each nation to receave

with joy the tidings brought from heavn: at length

thir ministry performd; and race well run; ' 505 '

thir doctrine and thir story written left;

they die; but in thir room; as they forewarne;

wolves shall succeed for teachers; grievous wolves;

who all the sacred mysteries of heavn

to thir own vile advantages shall turne ' 510 '

of lucre and ambition; and the truth

with superstitions and traditions taint;

left onely in those written records pure;

though not but by the spirit understood。

then shall they seek to avail themselves of names; ' 515 '

places and titles; and with these to joine

secular power; though feigning still to act

by spiritual; to themselves appropriating

the spirit of god; promisd alike and givn

to all beleevers; and from that pretense; ' 520 '

spiritual lawes by carnal power shall force

on every conscience; laws which none shall finde

left them inrould; or what the spirit within

shall on the heart engrave。 what will they then

but force the spirit of grace it self; and binde ' 525 '

his consort libertie; what; but unbuild

his living temples; built by faith to stand;

thir own faith not anothers: for on earth

who against faith and conscience can be heard

infallible? yet many will presume: ' 530 '

whence heavie persecution shall arise

on all who in the worship persevere

of spirit and truth; the rest; farr greater part;

well deem in outward rites and specious formes

religion satisfid; truth shall retire ' 535 '

bestuck with slandrous darts; and works of faith

rarely be found: so shall the world goe on;

to good malignant; to bad men benigne;

under her own waight groaning till the day

appeer of respiration to the just; ' 540 '

and vengeance to the wicked; at return

of him so lately promissd to thy aid

the womans seed; obscurely then foretold;

now amplier known thy saviour and thy lord;

last in the clouds from heavn to be reveald ' 545 '

in glory of the father; to dissolve

satan with his perverted world; then raise

from the conflagrant mass; purgd and refind;

new heavns; new earth; ages of endless date

founded in righteousness and peace and love ' 550 '

to bring forth fruits joy and eternal bliss。


Paradise Lost Ⅻ13

he ended; and thus adam last replyd。

how soon hath thy prediction; seer blest;

measurd this transient world; the race of time;

till time stand fixt: beyond is all abyss; ' 555 '

eternitie; whose end no eye can reach。

greatly instructed i shall hence depart。

greatly in peace of thought; and have my fill

of knowledge; what this vessel can containe;

beyond which was my folly to aspire。 ' 560 '

henceforth i learne; that to obey is best;

and love with feare the onely god; to walk

as in his presence; ever to observe

his providence; and on him sole depend;

merciful over all his works; with good ' 565 '

still overing evil; and by small

acplishing great things; by things deemd weak

subverting worldly strong; and worldly wise

by simply meek; that suffering for truths sake

is fortitude to highest victorie; ' 570 '

and to the faithful death the gate of life;

taught this by his example whom i now

acknowledge my redeemer ever blest。

to whom thus also th angel last replid:

this having learnt; thou hast attained the summe ' 575 '

of wisdom; hope no higher; though all the starrs

thou knewst by name; and all th ethereal powers;

all secrets of the deep; all natures works;

or works of god in heavn; aire; earth; or sea;

and all the riches of this world enjoydst; ' 580 '

and all the rule; one empire; onely add

deeds to thy knowledge answerable; add faith;

add vertue; patience; temperance; add love;

by name to e calld charitie; the soul

of all the rest: then wilt thou not be loath ' 585 '

to leave this paradise; but shalt possess

a paradise within thee; happier farr。


Paradise Lost Ⅻ14

let us descend now therefore from this top

of speculation; for the hour precise

exacts our parting hence; and see the guards; ' 590 '

by mee encampt on yonder hill; expect

thir motion; at whose front a flaming sword;

in signal of remove; waves fiercely round;

we may no longer stay: go; waken eve;

her also i with gentle dreams have calmd ' 595 '

portending good; and all her spirits posd

to meek submission: thou at season fit

let her with thee partake what thou hast heard;

chiefly what may concern her faith to know;

the great deliverance by her seed to e ' 600 '

(for by the womans seed) on all mankind。

that ye may live; which will be many dayes;

both in one faith unanimous though sad;

with cause for evils past; yet much more cheerd

with meditation on the happie end。 ' 605 '

he ended; and they both descend the hill;

descended; adam to the bowre where eve

lay sleeping ran before; but found her wakt;

and thus with words not sad she him receavd。

whence thou returnst; and whither wentst; i know; ' 610 '

for god is also in sleep; and dreams advise;

which he hath sent propitious; some great good

presaging; since with sorrow and hearts distress

wearied i fell asleep: but now lead on;

in mee is no delay; with thee to goe; ' 615 '

is to stay here; without thee here to stay;

is to go hence unwilling; thou to mee

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