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Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy)-第56章

小说: Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy) 字数: 每页3500字

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ge of human intelligence; retreated; only to be caught in great gouts of flame from white phosphorus grenades thrown out from the second floor。

“sabriel—get inside!” horyse ordered; as the last of the hands flopped and crawled in crazy circles; till more bullets thudded into them and made them still。

“yes;” replied sabriel; looking out at the carpet of bodies; the flickering fires from the lanterns and lumps of phosphorus burning like candles in some ghastly charnel house。 the stench of cordite was in her nose; through her hair; on her clothes; the machine…gun’s barrels glowing an evil red to either side of her。 the hands were already dead; but even so; this mass destruction made her sicker than any free magic 。 。 。

she went inside; sheathing her sword。 only then did she remember the bells。 possibly; she could have quelled that vast mob of hands; sent them peaceably back into death; without— but it was too late。 and what if she had been overmastered? shadow hands would be next; she knew; and they could not be stopped by physical force; or her bells; unless they came in small numbers 。 。 。

and that was as likely as an early dawn 。 。 。

there were more soldiers in the corridor; but these were mailed and helmed; with large shields and broad…headed spears streaked with silver and the simplest charter marks; drawn in chalk and spit。 they were smoking; and drinking tea from the school’s second…best china。 sabriel realized they were there to fight when the guns failed。 there was an air of controlled nervousness about them—not bravado exactly; just a strange mixture of petence and cynicism。 whatever it was; it made sabriel walk casually among them; as if she were in no hurry at all。

“evening; miss。”

“good to hear the guns; hey? practically never work up north!”

“won’t need us at this rate。”

“not like the perimeter; is it; ma’am?”

“good luck with the bloke in the metal cigar case; miss。”

“good luck to all of you;” replied sabriel; trying to smile in answer to their grins。 then the firing started again; and she winced; losing the smile—but their attention was off her; focused back outside。 they weren’t nearly as casual as they pretended; sabriel thought as she edged through the side doors leading from the corridor into the great hall。

here; the mood was much more frightened。

the sarcophagus was up the far end of the hall; resting across the speaker’s dais。 everyone else was as far away as possible up at the other end。

the scouts were on one side; also drinking tea。 magistrix greenwood was talking to touchstone in the middle; and the thirty or so girls—young women; really—were lined up on the opposite wall to the soldiers。 it was all rather like a bizarre parody of a school dance。

behind the thick stone walls and shuttered windows of the great hall; the gunfire could almost be mistaken for extremely heavy hail; with grenades for thunderclaps; but not if you  knew what it was。 sabriel walked into the center of the hall; and shouted。

“charter mages! please e here。”

they came; the young women quicker than the soldiers; who were showing the weariness of the day’s work; and proximity to the sarcophagus。

sabriel looked at the students; their faces bright and open; a thin layer of fear laid over excitement at the spice of the unknown。 two of her best schoolfriends; sulyn and ellimere; were among the crowd; but she felt far distant from them now。 she probably looked it too; she thought; seeing respect and something like wonder in their eyes。 even the charter marks on their foreheads looked like fragile cosmetic replicas; though she knew they were real。 it was so unfair that they had to be caught up in this 。 。 。

sabriel opened her mouth to speak; and the noise of gunfire suddenly ceased; almost on cue。

in the silence; one of the girls giggled nervously。

sabriel; however; suddenly felt many deaths e at once; and a familiar dread touched her spine with cold fingers。 kerrigor was closing in。

it was his power that had stilled the guns; not a lessening of the assault。 faintly; she could hear shouts and even 。 。 。 screams 。 。 。 from outside。

they would be fighting with older weapons now。

“quickly;” she said; walking towards the sarcophagus as she spoke。 “we must make a handfast ring around the sarcophagus。 magistrix; if you would place everyone—lieutenant; please put your men in among the girls 。 。 。”

anywhere else; at any other time; there would have been ribald jokes and giggles about that。

here; with the dead about the building; and the sarcophagus brooding in their midst; it was simply an instruction。 men moved quickly to their places; the young women took their hands purposefully。

in a few seconds; the sarcophagus was ringed by charter mages。

linked by touch now; sabriel didn’t need to speak。 she could feel everyone in the ring。

touchstone; to her right; a familiar and powerful warmth。 miss greenwood; to her left; less powerful; but not without skill—and so on; right around the ring。

slowly; sabriel brought the charter marks of opening to the forefront of her mind。 the marks grew; power flowing round and round the ring; growing in force till it started to project inwards; like the narrowing vortex of a whirlpool。 golden light began to stream about the sarcophagus;  visible streaks rotating clockwise around it; with greater and greater speed。

still sabriel kept the power of the charter magic flowing into the center; drawing on everything the charter mages could produce。 soldiers and schoolgirls wavered; and some fell to their knees; but the hands stayed linked; the circle plete。

slowly; the sarcophagus itself began turning on the platform; with a hideous shrieking noise; like an enormous unoiled hinge。 steam jetted forth from under its lid; but the golden light whisked it away。 still shrieking; the sarcophagus began to spin faster and faster; till it was a blur of bronze; white steam and yolk…yellow light。

then; with a scream more piercing than any before; it suddenly stopped; the lid flying off to hurtle over the charter mages’ heads; smashing into the floor a good thirty paces away。

the charter magic went too; as if earthed by its success; and the ring collapsed with fewer than half the participants still on their feet。

wavering; her hands still tightly gripped by touchstone and the magistrix; sabriel tottered over to the sarcophagus and looked in。

“why;” said miss greenwood; with a startled  glance back up at touchstone; “he looks just like you!”

before touchstone could answer; steel clashed outside in the corridor; and the shouting grew louder。 those scouts still standing drew their swords and rushed to the doors—but before they could reach them; other soldiers were pouring in; bloodied; terrified soldiers; who ran to the corners; or threw themselves down; and sobbed; or laughed; or shook in silence。

behind this rush came some of the heavily armored soldiery of the corridor。 these men still had some semblance of control。 instead of running on; they hurled themselves back against the doors; and dropped the bar in place。

“he’s inside the main doors!” one of them shouted back towards sabriel; his face white with terror。 there was no doubt about who “he”


“quick; the final rites!” sabriel snapped。 she drew her hands from the others’ grasp; and held them out over the body; forming the marks for fire; cleansing and peace in her mind。 she didn’t look too closely at the body。 rogir did look very much like a sleeping; defenseless touchstone。

she was tired; and there were still free magic  protections around the body; but the first mark soon lingered in the air。 touchstone had transferred his hand to her shoulder; pouring power into her。 others of the circle had crept up and linked hands again—and suddenly sabriel felt a stirring of relief。 they were going to make it— kerrigor’s human body would be destroyed; and the greater part of his power with it 。 。 。

then the whole of the northern wall exploded; bricks cascading out; red dust blowing in like a solid wave; knocking everyone down in blinding; choking ruin。

sabriel lay on the floor; coughing; hands pushing feebly on the floor; knees scrabbling as she tried to get up。 there was dust and grit in her eyes; and the lanterns had all gone out。 blind; she felt around her; but there was only the stillscalding bronze of the sarcophagus。

“the blood price must be paid;” said a crackling; inhuman voice。 a familiar voice; though not the liquid; ruined tones of kerrigor 。 。 。 but the terrible speech of the night in holehallow; when the paperwing burned。

blinking furiously; sabriel crawled away from the sound; around the sarcophagus。 it didn’t speak again immediately; but she could hear it  closing in; the air crackling and buzzing at its passage。

“i must deliver my last burden;” the creature said。 “then the bargain is done; and i may turn to retribution。”

sabriel blinked again; tears streaming down her face。 vision slowly came back; a picture woven with tears and the first rays of moonlight streaming through the shattered wall; a picture blurred with the red dust of pulverized bricks。

all sabriel’s senses were screa

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