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Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy)-第50章

小说: Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy) 字数: 每页3500字

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ellow aviators; knights of the sky; or anything like that。”

jorbert nodded; unmilitarily; saluted; and turned on his heel。

“and don’t forget your sword next time you’re on duty; officer;” horyse called after him。

“hasn’t anyone told you your revolver might not work?”

jorbert nodded again; flushed; almost saluted; then scuttled off down the munication trench。 one of the soldiers in the forward observation post; a corporal with a full sleeve of chevrons denoting twenty years’ service; and a charter mark on his forehead to show his perimeter pedigree; shook his head at the departing back of the young officer。

“why are you shaking your head; corporal anshy?” snapped horyse; irked by his many interrupted shaves and this new and potentially dangerous appearance of an aircraft。

“water on the brain;” replied the corporal cheerfully—and rather ambiguously。 horyse opened his mouth to issue a sharp reprimand;  then closed it as the corners of his mouth involuntarily inched up into a smile。 before he could actually laugh; he left the post; heading back to the trench junction where his section and the rsm would meet him to go beyond the wall。

within five paces; he’d lost his smile。

the paperwing slid to a perfect landing in a flurry of snow。 sabriel and touchstone sat in it; shivering under oilskin and boat cloak; respectively; then slowly levered themselves out to stand knee…deep in the tightly packed snow。

touchstone smiled at sabriel; his nose bright red and eyebrows frosted。

“we made it。”

“so far;” replied sabriel; warily looking around。 she could see the long grey bulk of the wall; with the deep honey…colored sun of autumn on the ancelstierran side。 here; the snow lay banked against the grey stone; and it was overcast; with the sun almost gone。 dark enough for the dead to be wandering around。

touchstone’s smile faded as he caught her mood; and he took his swords from the  paperwing; giving the left sword to sabriel。 she sheathed it; but it was a bad fit—another reminder of loss。

“i’d better get the books; too;” she said; bending in to retrieve them from the cockpit。 the two charter magic books were fine; untouched by snow; but the book of the dead seemed wet。

when sabriel pulled it out; she found it wasn’t snow…wet。 beads of dark; thick blood were welling up out of its cover。 silently; sabriel wiped it on the hard crust of the snow; leaving a livid mark。 then she tucked the books away in the pockets of her coat。

“why 。 。 。 why was the book like that?” asked touchstone; trying; and almost succeeding; to sound curious rather than afraid。

“i think it’s reacting to the presence of many deaths;” sabriel replied。 “there is great potential here for the dead to rise。 this is a very weak point—”

“shhh!” touchstone interrupted her; pointing towards the wall。 shapes; dark against the snow; were moving in an extended line towards them; at a deliberate; steady pace。 they carried bows and spears; and sabriel; at least; recognized the rifles slung across their backs。

“it’s all right;” sabriel said; though a faint stab of nervousness touched her stomach。 “they’re soldiers from the ancelstierran side—still; i might send the paperwing on its way 。 。 。”

quickly; she checked that they’d taken everything from the cockpit; then laid her hand on the nose of the paperwing; just above its twinkling eye。 it seemed to look up at her as she spoke。

“go now; friend。 i don’t want to risk you being dragged into ancelstierre and taken apart。

fly where you will—to the clayr’s glacier; or; if you care to; to abhorsen’s house; where the water falls。”

she stepped back; and formed the charter marks that would imbue the paperwing with choice; and the winds to lift it there。 the marks went into her whistle; and the paperwing moved with the rising pitch; accelerating along till it leapt into the sky at the peak of the highest note。

“i say!” exclaimed a voice。 “how did you do that?”

sabriel turned to see a young; out…of…breath ancelstierran officer; the single gold pip of a second lieutenant looking lonely on his shoulderstraps。

he was easily fifty yards in front of the rest of the line; but he didn’t seem frightened。 he was clutching a sword and a revolver; though; and he raised both of them as sabriel stepped forward。

“halt! you are my prisoners!”

“actually; we’re travelers;” replied sabriel; though she did stand still。 “is that colonel horyse i can see behind you?”

jorbert turned half around to have a look; realized his mistake; and turned back just in time to see sabriel and touchstone smiling; then chuckling; then out…and…out laughing; clutching at each other’s arms。

“what’s so funny?” demanded lieutenant jorbert; as the two of them laughed and laughed; till the tears ran down their cheeks。

“nothing;” said horyse; gesturing to his men to encircle sabriel and touchstone; while he went up and carefully placed two fingers on their foreheads—testing the charter they bore within。 satisfied; he lightly shook them; till they stopped their shuddering; gasping laughter。

then; to the surprise of some of his men; he put an arm around each of them and led them back to the crossing point; towards ancelstierre and sunshine。

jorbert; left to cover the withdrawal; indignantly asked the air; “what was so funny?”

“you heard the colonel;” replied regimental sergeant…major tawklish。 “nothing。 that was an hysterical reaction; that was。 they’ve been through a lot; those two; mark my words。”

then; in the way that only rsms have with junior officers; he paused; crushing jorbert pletely with a judicious; and long delayed “sir。”

the warmth wrapped sabriel like a soft blanket as they stepped out of the shadow of the wall; into the relative heat of an ancelstierran autumn。 she felt touchstone falter at her side; and stumble; his face staring blindly upwards to the sun。

“you both look done in;” said horyse; speaking in the kindly; slow tone he used on shellshocked soldiers。 “how about something to eat; or would you rather get some sleep first?”

“something to eat; certainly;” sabriel replied; trying to give him a grateful smile。 “but not sleep。 there’s no time for that。 tell me—when was the full moon? two days ago?”

horyse looked at her; thinking that she no longer reminded him of his own daughter。

she had bee abhorsen; a person beyond  his ken; in such a short time 。 。 。

“it’s tonight;” he said。

“but i’ve been in the old kingdom at least sixteen days 。 。 。”

“time is strange between the kingdoms;”

horyse said。 “we’ve had patrols swear they were out for two weeks; ing back in after eight days。 a headache for the paymaster 。 。 。”

“that voice; ing from the box on the pole;”

touchstone interrupted; as they left the zigzag path through the wire defenses and climbed down into a narrow munication trench。 “there is no charter magic in the box; or the voice 。 。 。”

“ah;” replied horyse; looking ahead to where a loudspeaker was announcing stand…down。 “i’m surprised it’s working。 electricity runs that; mr。

touchstone。 science; not magic。”

“it won’t be working tonight;” sabriel said quietly。 “no technology will be。”

“yes; it is rather loud;” horyse said; in a strong voice。 more softly; he added; “please don’t say anything more till we get to my dugout。 the men have already picked something up about tonight and the full moon 。 。 。”

“of course;” replied sabriel; wearily。 “i’m sorry。”

they walked the rest of the way in silence; slogging along the zigzagging munication trench; passing soldiers in the fighting trenches; ready at their stand…to positions。 the soldier’s conversations stopped as they passed; but resumed as soon as they turned the next zig or zag and were out of sight。

at last; they descended a series of steps into colonel horyse’s dugout。 two sergeants stood guard outside—this time; charter mages from the crossing point scouts; not the regular garrison infantry。 another soldier doubled off to the cookhouse; to fetch some food。 horyse busied himself with a small spirit…burner; and made tea。

sabriel drank it without feeling much relief。

ancelstierre; and the universal forter of its society—tea—no longer seemed as solid and dependable as she had once thought。

“now;” said horyse。 “tell me why you don’t have time to sleep。”

“my father died yesterday;” sabriel said; stony…faced。 “the wind flutes will fail tonight。

at moonrise。 the dead here will rise with the moon。”

“i’m sorry to hear about your father。 very sorry;” horyse said。 he hesitated; then added;  “but as you are here now; can’t you bind the dead anew?”

“if that were all; yes; i could;” sabriel continued。

“but there is worse to e。 have you ever heard the name kerrigor; colonel?”

horyse put his tea down。

“your father spoke of him once。 one of the greater dead; i think; imprisoned beyond the seventh gate?”

“more than greater; possibly the great;”

sabriel said bleakly。 “as far as i know; he is the only dead spirit to also be a free magic adept。”

“and a renegade member of the royal family;”

added touchstone; his voice sti

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