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Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy)-第30章

小说: Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy) 字数: 每页3500字

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finally; they came to a large chamber; with a set of double doors to one side。 light leaked in from a large number of small; circular holes in the roof; or as sabriel soon saw; through an overgrown lattice that had once been open to air and sky。

“that’s the outside door;” touchstone said; unnecessarily。 he snuffed out his candle; took sabriel’s; now little more than a stub of wax; and put both in a pocket stitched to the front of his kilt。 sabriel thought of joking about the hot wax and the potential for damage; but thought better  of it。 touchstone was not the lighthearted type。

“how does it open?” asked sabriel; indicating the door。 she couldn’t see any handle; lock or key。 or any hinges; for that matter。

touchstone was silent; eyes unfocused and staring; then he laughed; a bitter little chuckle。

“i don’t remember! all the way up the stair; all the words and signals 。 。 。 and now useless! useless!”

“at least you got us up the steps;” sabriel pointed out; alarmed by the violence of his selfloathing。

“i’d still be sitting by the spring; watching it bubble; if you hadn’t e along。”

“you would have found the way out;”

touchstone muttered。 “or mogget would。

wood! yes; that’s what i deserve to be—”

“touchstone;” mogget interrupted; hissing。

“shut up。 you’re to be useful; remember?”

“yes;” replied touchstone; visibly calming his breathing; posing his face。 “i’m sorry; mogget。 milady。”

“please; please; just sabriel;” she said tiredly。

“i’ve only just left school—i’m only eighteen! calling me milady seems ridiculous。”

“sabriel;” touchstone said tentatively。 “i will try to remember。 ‘milady’ is a habit 。 。 。 it   reminds me of my place in the world。 it’s easier for me—”

“i don’t care what’s easier for you!” sabriel snapped。 “don’t call me milady and stop acting like a halfwit! just be yourself。 behave normally。 i don’t need a valet; i need a useful 。 。 。 friend!”

“very well; sabriel;” touchstone said; with careful emphasis。 he was angry now; but at least that was an improvement over servile; sabriel thought。

“now;” she said to the smirking mogget。

“have you got any ideas about this door?”

“just one;” replied mogget; sliding between her legs and over to the thin line that marked the division between the two leaves of the door。

“push。 one on each side。”


“why not?” said touchstone; shrugging。 he took up a position; braced against the left side of the door; palms flat on the metal…studded wood。

sabriel hesitated; then did the same against the right。

“one; two; three; push!” announced mogget。

sabriel pushed on “three” and touchstone on “push;” so their bined effort took several seconds to synchronize。 then the doors creaked slowly open; sunshine spilling through in a bright bar; climbing from floor to ceiling; dust motes dancing in its progress。

“it feels strange;” said touchstone; the wood humming beneath his hands like plucked lute strings。

“i can hear voices;” exclaimed sabriel at the same time; her ears full of half…caught words; laughter; distant singing。

“i can see time;” whispered mogget; so softly that his words were lost。

then the doors were open。 they walked through; shielding their eyes against the sun; feeling the cool breeze sharp on their skin; the fresh scent of pine trees clearing their nostrils of underground dust。 mogget sneezed quickly three times; and ran about in a tight circle。 the doors slid shut behind them; as silently and inexplicably as they’d opened。

they stood in a small clearing in the middle of a pine forest; or plantation; for the trees were regularly spaced。 the doors behind them stood in the side of a low hillock of turf and stunted bushes。 pine needles lay thick on the ground; pinecones peeking through every few paces; like skulls ploughed up on some ancient battleground。

“the watchwood;” said touchstone。 he took several deep breaths; looked at the sky; and sighed。 “it is winter; i think—or early spring?”

“winter;” replied sabriel。 “it was snowing quite heavily; back near the wall。 it seems much milder here。”

“most of the wall; the long cliffs; and abhorsen’s house; are on; or part of; the southern plateau;” mogget explained。 “the plateau is between one and two thousand feet above the coastal plain。 in fact; the area around nestowe; where we are headed; is mostly below sea level and has been reclaimed。”

“yes;” said touchstone。 “i remember。 long dyke; the raised canals; the wind pumps to raise the water—”

“you’re both very informative for a change;”

remarked sabriel。 “would one of you care to tell me something i really want to know; like what are the great charters?”

“i can’t;” mogget and touchstone said together。

then touchstone continued; haltingly; “there is a spell 。 。 。 a binding on us。 but someone who is not a charter mage; or otherwise closely bound to the charter; might be able to speak。 a child; perhaps; baptized with the  charter mark; but not grown into power。”

“you’re cleverer than i thought;” mented mogget。 “not that that’s saying much。”

“a child;” said sabriel。 “why would a child know?”

“if you’d had a proper education; you’d know too;” said mogget。 “a waste of good silver; that school of yours。”

“perhaps;” agreed sabriel。 “but now that i know more of the old kingdom; i suspect being at school in ancelstierre saved my life。 but enough of that。 which way do we go now?”

touchstone looked at the sky; blue above the clearing; dark where the pines circled。 the sun was just visible above the trees; perhaps an hour short of its noon…time zenith。 touchstone looked from it to the shadows of the trees; then pointed: “east。 there should be a series of charter stones; leading from here to the eastern edge of the watchwood。 this place is heavily warded with magic。 there are 。 。 。 there were; many stones。”

the stones were still there; and after the first; some sort of animal track that meandered from one stone to the next。 it was cool under the pines; but pleasant; the constant presence of the charter  stones a reassuring sensation to sabriel and touchstone; who could sense them like lighthouses in a sea of trees。

there were seven stones in all; and none of them broken; though sabriel felt a stab of nervous tension every time they left the ambience of one and moved to another; a stark picture always flashing into her head—the bloodstained; riven stone of cloven crest。

the last stone stood on the very edge of the pine forest; atop a granite bluff thirty or forty yards high; marking the forest’s eastern edge and the end of high ground。

they stood next to the stone and looked out; out towards the huge expanse of blue…grey sea; white…crested; restless; always rolling in to shore。

below them were the flat; sunken fields of nestowe; maintained by a network of raised canals; pumps and dykes。 the village itself lay three…quarters of a mile away; high on another granite bluff; the harbor out of sight on the other side。

“the fields are flooded;” said touchstone; in a puzzled tone; as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing。

sabriel followed his gaze; and saw that what  she had taken for some crop was actually silt and water; sitting tepidly where food once grew。

windmills; power for the pumps; stood silent; trefoil…shaped vanes still atop scaffolding towers; even though a salt…laden breeze blew in from the sea。

“but the pumps were charter…spelled;”

touchstone exclaimed。 “to follow the wind; to work without care 。 。 。”

“there are no people in the fields—no one on this side of the village;” mogget added; his eyes keener than the telescope in sabriel’s pack。

“nestowe’s charter stone must be broken;”

sabriel said; mouth tight; words cold。 “and i can smell a certain stench on the breeze。 there are dead in the village。”

“a boat would be the quickest way to belisaere; and i am reasonably confident of my sailing;” touchstone remarked。 “but if the dead are there; shouldn’t we 。 。 。”

“we’ll go down and get a boat;” sabriel announced firmly。 “while the sun is high。”


chapter xvi

there was a built…up path through the flooded fields; but it was submerged to ankle…depth; with occasional thigh…high slippages。

only the raised canal drains stood well above the brackish water; and they all ran towards the east; not towards the village; so sabriel and touchstone were forced to wade along the path。 mogget; of course; rode; his lean form draped around sabriel’s neck like a white fox fur。

water and mud; coupled with an uncertain path; made it slow going。 it took an hour to cover less than a mile; so it was later in the afternoon than sabriel would have wished when they finally climbed out of the water; up onto the beginnings of the village’s rocky mount。 at least the sky is clear; sabriel thought; glancing up。 the winter sun wasn’t particularly hot and couldn’t be described as glaring; but it would certainly deter most kindred of the lesser dead from venturing out。

nevertheless; they walked carefully up to the village; swords loose; sabriel with a hand to her bells。 the

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