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Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy)-第26章

小说: Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy) 字数: 每页3500字

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e water。

sabriel hesitated; then walked towards it; carefully feeling her way; making sure of every footfall; guarding against the gripping current。 there was definitely something odd out there。 she could feel it quite strongly—it had to be the trapped spirit。 she ignored the little voice at the back of her mind that suggested it was a fiercely devious dead creature; strong enough to hold its own against the race of the river 。 。 。

nevertheless; when she was a few paces back from whatever it was; sabriel let ranna sound— a muffled; sleepy peal that carried the sensation of a yawn; a sigh; a head falling forward; eyes heavy—a call to sleep。

if there was a dead thing there; sabriel reasoned; it would now be quiescent。 she put her sword and bell away; edged forward to a good position; and reached down into the water。

her hands touched something as cold and hard as ice; something totally unidentifiable。

she flinched back; then reached down again; till her hands found something that was clearly a shoulder。 she followed this up to a head; and traced the features。 sometimes a spirit bore little relation to the physical body; and sometimes living spirits became warped if they spent too  long in death; but this one was clearly the counterpart of the figurehead。 it lived too; somehow encased and protected from death; as the living body was preserved in wood。

sabriel gripped the spirit…form under the arms and pulled。 it rose up out of the water like a killer whale; pallid white and rigid as a statue。

sabriel staggered backwards; and the river; evereager; wrapped her legs with tricksome eddies— but she steadied herself before it could drag her down。

changing her hold a little; sabriel began to drag the spirit…form back towards life。 it was hard going; much harder than she’d expected。

the current seemed far too strong for this side of the first gate; and the crystallized spirit—or whatever it was—was much; much heavier than any spirit should be。

with nearly all her concentration bent on staying upright and heading in the right direction; sabriel almost didn’t notice the sudden cessation of noise that marked the passage of something through the first gate。 but she’d learned to be wary over the last few days; and her conscious fears had bee enshrined in subconscious caution。

she heard; and listening carefully; caught the soft slosh…slosh of something half…wading; halfcreeping; moving as quietly as it could against the current。 moving towards her。 something dead was hoping to catch her unawares。

obviously; some alarm or summons had gone out beyond the first gate; and whatever was stalking towards her had e in answer to it。

inwardly cursing herself for stupidity; sabriel looked down at her spirit burden。 sure enough; she could just make out a very thin black line; fine as cotton thread; running from his arm into the water—and thence to the deeper; darker regions of death。 not a controlling thread; but one that would let some distant adept know the spirit had been moved。 fortunately; sounding ranna would have slowed the message; but was she close enough to life 。 。 。

she increased her speed a little; but not too much; pretending she hadn’t noticed the hunter。

whatever it was; it seemed quite reluctant to close in on her。

sabriel quickened her pace a little more; adrenaline and suspense feeding her strength。 if it rushed her; she would have to drop the spirit— and he would be carried away; lost forever。

whatever magic had preserved his living spirit here on the boundary couldn’t possibly prevail if he went past the first gate。 if that happened; sabriel thought; she would have precipitated a murder rather than a rescue。

four steps to life—then three。 the thing was closing now—sabriel could see it; low in the water; still creeping; but faster now。 it was obviously a denizen of the third; or even some later gate; for she couldn’t identify what it once had been。 now it looked like a cross between a hog and a segmented worm; and it moved in a series of scuttles and sinuous wriggles。

two steps。 sabriel shifted her grip again; wrapping her left arm pletely around the spirit’s chest and balancing the weight on her hip; freeing her right arm; but she still couldn’t draw her sword; or clear the bells。

the hog…thing began to grunt and hiss; breaking into a diving; rushing gallop; its long; yellowcrusted tusks surfing through the water; its long body undulating along behind。

sabriel stepped back; turned; and threw herself and her precious cargo headfirst into life; using all her will to force them through the wards on the sinkhole。 for an instant; it seemed that they would be repulsed; then; like a pin pushing through a rubber band; they were through。

shrill squealing followed her; but nothing else。

sabriel found herself facedown on the ground; hands empty; ice crystals crunching as they fell from her frosted body。 turning her head; she met the gaze of mogget。 he stared at her; then closed his eyes and went back to sleep。

sabriel rolled over; and got to her feet; very; very slowly。 she felt all her pains e back and wondered why she’d been so hasty to perform deeds of derring…do and rescue。 still; she had managed it。 the man’s spirit was back where it belonged; back in life。

or so she thought; till she saw the figurehead。

it hadn’t changed at all to outward sight; though sabriel could now feel the living spirit in it。

puzzled; she touched his immobile face; fingers tracing the grain of the wood。

“a kiss;” said mogget sleepily。 “actually; just a breath would do。 but you have to start kissing someone sometime; i suppose。”

sabriel looked at the cat; wondering if this was the latest symptom of catbalm…induced lunacy。

but he seemed sober enough; and serious。

“a breath?” she asked。 she didn’t want to kiss  just any wooden man。 he looked nice enough; but he might not be like his looks。 a kiss seemed very forward。 he might remember it; and make assumptions。

“like this?” she took a deep breath; leaned forward; exhaled a few inches from his nose and mouth; then stepped back to see what would happen—if anything。

nothing did。

“catbalm!” exclaimed sabriel; looking at mogget。 “you shouldn’t—”

a small sound interrupted her。 a small; wheezing sound; that didn’t e from her or mogget。

the figurehead was breathing; air whistling between carved wooden lips like the issue from an aged; underworked bellows。

the breathing grew stronger; and with it; color began to flow through the carving; dull wood giving way to the luster of flesh。 he coughed; and the carven chest became flexible; suddenly rising and falling as he began to pant like a recovering sprinter。

his eyes opened and met sabriel’s。 fine grey eyes; but muzzy and unfocused。 he didn’t seem to see her。 his fingers clenched and unclenched; and his feet shuffled; as if he were running in  place。 finally; his back peeled away from the ship’s hull。 he took one step forward; and fell into sabriel’s arms。

she lowered him hastily to the ground; all too aware that she was embracing a naked young man—in circumstances considerably different than the various scenarios she’d imagined with her friends at school; or heard about from the earthier and more privileged day…girls。

“thank you;” he said; almost drunkenly; the words terribly slurred。 he seemed to focus on her—or her surcoat—for the first time; and added; “abhorsen。”

then he went to sleep; mouth curling up at the corners; frown dissolving。 he looked younger than he did as a fixed…expression figurehead。

sabriel looked down at him; trying to ignore curiously fond feelings that had appeared from somewhere。 feelings similar to those that had made her bring back jacinth’s rabbit。

“i suppose i’d better get him a blanket;” she said reluctantly; as she wondered what on earth had possessed her to add this plication to her already confusing and difficult circumstances。

she supposed she would have to get him  to safety and civilization; at the very least—if there was any to be found。

“i can get a blanket if you want to keep staring at him;” mogget said slyly; twining himself around her ankles in a sensuous pavane。

sabriel realized she really was staring; and looked away。

“no。 i’ll get it。 and my spare shirt; i suppose。

the breeches might fit him with a bit of work; i guess—we’d be much the same height。 keep watch; mogget。 i’ll be back in a minute。”

mogget watched her hobble off; then turned back to the sleeping man。 silently; the cat padded over and touched his pink tongue to the charter mark on the man’s forehead。 the mark flared; but mogget didn’t flinch; till it grew dull again。

“so;” muttered mogget; tasting his own tongue by curling it back on itself。 he seemed somewhat surprised; and more than a little angry。 he tasted the mark again; and then shook his head in distaste; the miniature saraneth on his collar ringing a little peal that was not of celebration。


chapter xiv

   生小 说+网
grey mist coiling upwards; twining around him like a clinging vine; gripping arms and legs; immobilizing; strangling; merciless。 so firmly grown about his body there was no possibility of

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