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Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy)-第18章

小说: Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy) 字数: 每页3500字

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the sending; who had followed sabriel; went to the south wall and pointed out towards the southern riverbank; its pallid; charter…drawn hand indicating the very spot where sabriel had emerged after her underground flight from the mordicant。

sabriel looked there; shielding her right eye from the west…falling sun。 her gaze crossed the white tops of the river and was drawn to the ledge; despite an inner quailing about what she would see。

as she feared; the mordicant was still there。

but with what she had e to think of as her death sight; sabriel sensed it was quiescent; temporarily just an unpleasant statue; a foreground to other; more active shapes that bustled about in some activity behind。

sabriel stared a little longer; then went to the telescope; narrowly avoiding mogget; who had somehow appeared underfoot。 sabriel wondered  how he had got up the ladder; then dismissed the thought as she concentrated on what was happening outside。

unaided; she hadn’t been certain what the shapes around the mordicant were; but they sprang sharply at her through the telescope; drawn so close she felt she could somehow lean forward and snatch them away。

they were men and women—living; breathing people。 each was shackled to a partner’s leg by an iron chain and they shuffled about in these pairs under the dominating presence of the mordicant。 there were scores of them; ing out of the corridor; carrying heavily laden leather buckets or lengths of timber; taking them across the ledge and down the steps to the river。

then they filed back again; buckets empty; timber left behind。

sabriel depressed the telescope a little; and almost growled in exasperation and anger as she saw the scene by the river。 more living slaves were hammering long boxes together from the timber; and these boxes were being filled with earth from the buckets。 as each box was filled; it was pushed out to bridge the gap from shore to stepping…stone and locked in place by slaves   hammering iron spikes into the stone。

this particular part of the operation was being directed by something that lurked well back from the river; halfway up the steps。 a manshaped blot of blackest night; a moving silhouette。

a necromancer’s shadow hand; or some free…willed dead spirit that scorned the use of a body。

as sabriel watched; the last of four boxes was thrust out to the first stepping…stone; spiked in place; and then chained to its three adjacent fellows。 one slave; fastening the chain; overbalanced and went headfirst into the water; his shackle…mate following a second later。 their screams; if any; were drowned by the roar of the waterfall as its waters took their bodies。 a few seconds later; sabriel felt their lives snuffed out。

the other slaves at the river’s edge stopped working for a moment; either shocked at the sudden loss; or momentarily made more afraid of the river than their masters。 but the shadow hand on the steps moved towards them; its legs like treacle; pouring down the slope; lapping over each step in turn。 it gestured for some of the nearer slaves to walk across the earth…filled boxes to the stepping…stone。 they did so; to cluster unhappily amid the spray。

the shadow hand hesitated then; but the mordicant on the ledge above seemed to stir and rock forward a little; so the shadowy abomination gingerly trod on the boxes—and walked across to the stepping…stone; taking no scathe from the running water。

“grave dirt;” mented mogget; who obviously didn’t need the telescope。 “carted up by the villagers from qyrre and roble’s town。 i wonder if they’ve got enough to cross all the stones。”

“grave dirt;” mented sabriel bleakly; watching a fresh round of slaves arriving with buckets and more timber。 “i had forgotten it could negate the running water。 i thought 。 。 。 i thought i would be safe here; for a time。”

“well; you are;” said mogget。 “it’ll take at least until tomorrow evening before their bridge is plete; particularly allowing for a couple of hours off around noon; when the dead will have to hide if it isn’t overcast。 but this shows planning; and that means a leader。 still; every abhorsen has enemies。 it may just be a petty necromancer with a better brain for strategy than most。”

“i slew a dead thing at cloven crest;” sabriel  said slowly; thinking aloud。 “it said it would have its revenge and spoke of telling the servants of kerrigor。 do you know that name?”

“i know it;” spat mogget; tail quivering straight out behind him。 “but i cannot speak of it; except to say it is one of the greater dead; and your father’s most terrible enemy。 do not say it lives again!”

“i don’t know;” replied sabriel; looking down at the cat; whose body seemed twisted; as if in turmoil between mand and resistance。

“why can’t you tell me more? the binding?”

“a 。 。 。 a perversion of 。 。 。 the g 。 。 。 g 。 。 。 yes;”

mogget croaked out with effort。 though his green eyes seemed to grow luminous and fiery with anger at his own feeble explanation; he could say no more。

“coils within coils;” remarked sabriel thoughtfully。 there seemed little doubt that some evil power was working against her; from the moment she’d crossed the wall—or even before that; if her father’s disappearance was anything to go by。

she looked back through the telescope again and took some heart in the slowing of the work as the last light faded; though at the same time  she felt a pang of sympathy for the poor people the dead had enslaved。 many would probably freeze to death; or die of exhaustion; only to be brought back as dull…witted hands。 only those who went over the waterfall would escape that fate。 truly; the old kingdom was a terrible place; when even death did not mean an end to slavery and despair。

“is there another way out?” she asked; swivelling the telescope around  degrees to look at the northern bank。 there were stepping…stones going there; too; and another door high on the riverbank; but there were also dark shapes clustered on the ledge by the door。 four or five shadow hands; too many for sabriel to fight through alone。

“it seems not;” she answered herself grimly。

“what of defenses; then? can the sendings fight?”

“the sendings don’t need to fight;” replied mogget。 “for there is another defense; though it is a rather constrictive one。 and there is one other way out; though you probably won’t like it。”

the sending next to her nodded and pantomimed something with its arm that looked like  a snake wiggling through grass。

“what’s that?” asked sabriel; fighting back a sudden urge to break into hysterical laughter。

“the defense or the way out?”

“the defense;” replied mogget。 “the river itself。 it can be invoked to rise almost to the height of the island walls—four times your height above the stepping…stones。 nothing can pass such a flood; in or out; till it subsides; in a matter of weeks。”

“so how would i get out?” asked sabriel。 “i can’t wait weeks!”

“one of your ancestors built a flying device。 a paperwing; she called it。 you can use that; launched out over the waterfall。”

“oh;” said sabriel; in a little voice。

“if you do wish to raise the river;” mogget continued; as if he hadn’t noticed sabriel’s sudden silence; “then we must begin the ritual immediately。 the flood es from meltwater and the mountains are many leagues upstream。 if we call the waters now; the flood will be on us by dusk tomorrow。”


chapter x

the arrival of the floodwaters was heralded by great chunks of ice that came battering against the wooden bridge of grave dirt boxes like storm…borne icebergs ramming anchored ships。 ice shattered; wood splintered; a regular drumming that beat out a warning; announcing the great wave that followed the outriding ice。

dead hands and living slaves scurried back along the coffin bridge; the dead’s shadowy bodies losing shape as they ran; so they became like long; thick worms of black crepe; squirming and sliding over rocks and boxes; throwing human slaves aside without mercy; desperate to escape the destruction that came roaring down the river。

sabriel; watching from the tower; felt the people die; convulsively swallowing as she sensed their last breaths gurgling; sucking water instead of air。 some of them; at least two pairs; had deliberately thrown themselves into the river; choosing a final death; rather than risk eternal bondage。 most had been knocked; pushed or simply scared aside by the dead。

the wavefront of the flood came swiftly after the ice; shouting as it came; a higher; fiercer roar than the deep bellow of the waterfall。 sabriel heard it for several seconds before it rounded the last bend of the river; then suddenly; it was almost upon her。 a huge; vertical wall of water; with chunks of ice on its crest like marble battlements and all the debris of four hundred miles swilling about in its muddy body。 it looked enormous; far taller than the island’s walls; taller even than the tower where sabriel stared; shocked at the power she had unleashed; a power she had hardly dreamed possible when she’d summoned it the night before。

it had been a simple enough summoning。

mogget had taken her to the cellar and the

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