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Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy)-第13章

小说: Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy) 字数: 每页3500字

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whatever it might be; it was too far away to hear even mosrael’s raucous voice。 sabriel stood up; and rang the bell。

it made a sound like tens of parrots screeching; a noise that burst into the air and wove itself into the wind; echoing from the cliffs; multiplying into the scream of a thousand birds。

sabriel stilled the bell at once and put it away; but the echoes raced across the valley; and she knew the thing behind her had heard。 she felt it fix its attention on where she was and she felt  it quicken its pace; like watching the muscles on a racehorse going from the walk to a gallop。 it was ing up the steps at least four or five at a time。 she felt the rush of it in her head and the fear rising in her at equal pace; but she still went to the path and looked down; drawing her sword as she did so。

there; between gusts of snow; she saw a figure leaping from step to step; impossible leaps; that ate up the distance between them with horrible appetite。 it was manlike; more than man…high; and flames ran like burning oil on water where it trod。 sabriel cried out as she saw it; and felt the dead spirit within。 the book of the dead opened to fearful pages in her memory; and descriptions of evil poured into her head。 it was a mordicant that hunted her—a thing that could pass at will through life and death; its body of bog…clay and human blood molded and infused with free magic by a necromancer; and a dead spirit placed inside as its guiding force。

sabriel had banished a mordicant once; but that had been forty miles from the wall; in ancelstierre; and it had been weak; already fading。

this one was strong; fiery; new…born。 it would kill her; she suddenly knew; and subjugate   her spirit。 all her plans and dreams; her hopes and courage; fell out of her to be replaced by pure; unthinking panic。 she turned to one side; then the other; like a rabbit running from a dog; but the only way down was the path and the mordicant was only a hundred yards below; closing with every blink; with every falling snowflake。 flames were spewing from its mouth; and it thrust its pointed head back and howled as it ran; a howl like the last shout of someone falling to their death; underlaid with the squeal of fingernails on glass。

sabriel; a scream somehow stuck and choking in her throat; turned to the cliff; hammering on it with the pommel of her sword。

“open! open!” she screamed; as charter marks raced through her brain—but not the right ones for forcing a door; a spell she’d learned in the second form。 she knew it like she knew her times tables; but the charter marks just wouldn’t e; and why was twelve times twelve sticking in her head when she wanted charter marks 。 。 。

the echoes from mosrael faded; and in that silence; the pommel struck on something that thudded hollowly; rather than throwing sparks and jarring her hand。 something wooden; something that hadn’t been there before。 a door; tall and strangely narrow; its dark oak lined with silver charter marks dancing through the grain。 an iron ring; exactly at hand height; touched sabriel’s hip。

sabriel dropped her sword with a gasp; grabbed the ring; and pulled。 nothing happened。

sabriel tugged again; half…turning to look over her shoulder; almost cringing at what she would see。

the mordicant turned the last corner and its eyes met hers。 sabriel shut them; unable to bear the hatred and bloodlust glowing in its gaze like a poker left too long in the forge。 it howled again and almost flowed up the remaining steps; flames dripping from its mouth; claws and feet。

sabriel; eyes still closed; pushed on the ring。

the door flew open and she fell in; crashing to the ground in a flurry of snow; eyes snapping open。 desperately; she twisted herself around on the ground; ignoring the pain in her knees and hands。 reaching back outside; she snagged the hilt of her sword and snatched it in。

as the blade cleared the doorway; the mordicant reached it; and twisting itself side…  ways to pass the narrow portal; thrust an arm inside。 flames boiled from its grey…green flesh; like beads of sweat; and small plumes of black smoke spiraled from the flames; bringing with them a stench like burning hair。

sabriel; sprawled defenseless on the floor; could only stare in terror as the thing’s four…taloned hand slowly opened and reached out for her。


chapter vii

but the hand didn’t close; the talons failed to rend defenseless flesh。

instead; sabriel felt a sudden surge of charter magic and charter marks flared around the door; blazing so brightly that they left red after…images at the back of her eyes; black dots dancing across her vision。

blinking; she saw a man step out from the stones of the wall; a tall and obviously strong man; with a longsword the twin of sabriel’s own。

this sword came whistling down on the mordicant’s arm; biting out a chunk of burning marsh…rotten flesh。 rebounding; the sword flicked back again; and hewed another slice; like an axeman sending chips flying from a tree。

the mordicant howled; more in anger than in pain—but it withdrew the arm and the stranger threw himself against the door; slamming it shut with the full weight of his mail…clad body。

curiously for mail; it made no sound; no jangling from the flow of hundreds of steel links。 a strange body under it too; sabriel saw; as the black dots and the red wash faded; revealing that her rescuer wasn’t human at all。 he had seemed solid enough; but every square inch of him was defined by tiny; constantly moving charter marks; and sabriel could see nothing between them but empty air。

he 。 。 。 it was a charter…ghost; a sending。

outside; the mordicant howled again; like a steam train venting pressure; then the whole corridor shook and hinges screeched in protest as the thing threw itself against the door。 wood splintered and clouds of thick grey dust fell from the ceiling; mocking the falling snow outside。

the sending turned to face sabriel and offered its hand to help her up。 sabriel took it; looking up at it as her tired; frozen legs struggled to make a tenth…round eback。 close to; the illusion of flesh was imperfect; fluid and unsettling。 its face wouldn’t stay fixed; migrating between scores of possibilities。 some were women; some were men—but all bore tough; petent visages。 its  body and clothing changed slightly; too; with every face; but two details always remained the same; a black surcoat with the blazon of a silver key; and a longsword redolent with charter magic。

“thank you;” sabriel said nervously; flinching as the mordicant pounded the door again。

“can 。 。 。 do you think that 。 。 。 will it get through?”

the sending nodded grimly; and let go her hand to point up the long corridor; but it did not speak。

sabriel turned her head to follow its pointing hand and saw a dark passage that rose up into darkness。 charter marks illuminated where they stood; but faded only a little way on。 despite this; the darkness seemed friendly; and she could almost taste the charter…spells that rode on the corridor’s dusty air。

“i must go on?” asked sabriel; as it pointed again; more urgently。 the sending nodded; and flapped its hand backwards and forwards; indicating haste。 behind him; another crashing blow caused another great billow of dust; and the door sounded as if it was weakening。 once again; the vile; burnt smell of the mordicant wafted through the air。

the doorkeeper wrinkled its nose and gave sabriel a bit of a push in the right direction; like a parent urging a reluctant child to press on。 but sabriel needed no urging。 her fear was still burning in her。 momentarily extinguished by the rescue; the smell of the mordicant was all it needed to blaze again。 she set her face upwards and started to walk quickly; into the passage。

she looked back after a few yards; to see the doorkeeper waiting near the door; its sword at the guard position。 beyond it; the door was bulging in; iron…bound planks bursting; breaking around a hole as big as a dinner plate。

the mordicant reached in and broke off more planks; as easily as it might snap toothpicks。 it was obviously furious that its prey was getting away; for it burned all over now。 yellow…red flames vomited from its mouth in a vile torrent; and black smoke rose like a second shadow around it; eddying in crazy circles as it howled。

sabriel looked away; setting off at a fast walk; but the walk grew faster and faster; became a jog and then a run。 her feet pounded on the stone; but it wasn’t until she was almost sprinting; that she realized why she could—her pack and skis were still back at the lower door。 for a moment;  she was struck with a nervous inclination to go back; but it passed before it even became conscious thought。 even so; her hands checked scabbard and bandolier; and gained reassurance from the cool metal of sword hilt and the handsmoothed wood of the bell handles。

it was light too; she realized as she ran。 charter marks ran in the stone; keeping pace with her。

charter marks for light and for fleetness; and for many other things she didn’t know。 strange marks and many of them—so many that sabriel wondered how she could have ever thought that a first in magic from an ancelsti

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